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Trouble Sleeping Listening to Abduction Stories?

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Skilled Investigator
OK, so I have a few strange experiences growing up, none recently. I remember some strange lights in the night but that's about it. However when I start listening to something like abduction stories on the paracast or similar I start to have problems sleeping. I seem to wake up around 3am and start having a lot of fear of going back to sleep. If I ignore paranormal media my sleep patterns get much better.

Does this happen to anyone else listening to these stories? I find them terrifying (but fascinating) and cannot understand how some people can immerse themselves in this material without causing some harm to their psychological well being. I don't know if my mind is just playing tricks on me or I might have some experiences hidden from my consciousness, if you know what I mean?
OK, so I have a few strange experiences growing up, none recently. I remember some strange lights in the night but that's about it. However when I start listening to something like abduction stories on the paracast or similar I start to have problems sleeping. I seem to wake up around 3am and start having a lot of fear of going back to sleep. If I ignore paranormal media my sleep patterns get much better.

Does this happen to anyone else listening to these stories? I find them terrifying (but fascinating) and cannot understand how some people can immerse themselves in this material without causing some harm to their psychological well being. I don't know if my mind is just playing tricks on me or I might have some experiences hidden from my consciousness, if you know what I mean?

Many people are having the 3am or so wake up issue, just do a search on the internet. They are referring to this 3am phenomena as the ‘Witching Hour’ or ‘Devil’s Hour’ ... I wouldn't put any stock into those thoughts...

Immersing oneself in this 'material' for whatever the persons personal reasons is not without some kind of contemplation of what they consider reality is. Sometimes what a person experiences personally, reads or listens to is going to leave a bruise on their reality ... and it may never go away.

Maybe give yourself a little break from this stuff till your sleep habits improve.. to get your thoughts in order.

On a side note, I wake up around that time as well for the last couple of years, why? .. don't know, I'm not worried about it, if I can't go to sleep relatively soon .. I'll just have a beer :)
OK, so I have a few strange experiences growing up, none recently. I remember some strange lights in the night but that's about it. However when I start listening to something like abduction stories on the paracast or similar I start to have problems sleeping. I seem to wake up around 3am and start having a lot of fear of going back to sleep. If I ignore paranormal media my sleep patterns get much better.

Does this happen to anyone else listening to these stories? I find them terrifying (but fascinating) and cannot understand how some people can immerse themselves in this material without causing some harm to their psychological well being. I don't know if my mind is just playing tricks on me or I might have some experiences hidden from my consciousness, if you know what I mean?

Perhaps your fears are grounded in a perceived conclusion to these topics. Have you've drawn conclusions to the abduction phenomena? Perhaps this is where your fear lies. You fear the conclusions. Which there are none.

Bud Hopkins and others are doing wonderful work in this area. But have yet to reach any conclusions on exactly what is happening and/or why or how for that matter.

If Bud Hopkins ever comes on and says..."Run for the Hills" then its time to lose sleep. :D

Listening to the Paracast is your best bet in keeping this topic grounded and less scary. Relax we're all on this ride together.:)
Hmm. I can't say I've ever lost sleep over the subject due to the reasons you've mentioned. If there has been any sleep I've lost, it would be due to perpetual contemplation that doesn't allow me to rest. The Abduction scenario hasn't ever aroused any fear in me before, but predominantly curiosity (Probably a bad thing? :p). I've fallen asleep before listening to detailed accounts, and watched documentaries with their spooky dramatizations, but it hasn't ever kept me from sleep or perturbed me per se. The girlfriend likes to poke fun at me in saying that if a craft landed, I'd be signalling for them to take me onboard and have their way with me. The scary thing there is, I don't know if she's right or wrong. :confused:

Oh I kid. I hope. I'm certainly not the fanboy type, but the phenemona does make me distractingly curious at times.

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