This is about how messed up the health care system remains in the U.S., even though the controversial Patient Assistance and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) has sharply reduced the number of the uninsured.
So Barbara is playing with our Bichon, Teddy Bear, when she trips over one of his toys in the kitchen, which has a filed floor.
She hoped the bone wasn't broken, but when the pain in her left knee persisted, I took her to the Emergency Room, where she was diagnosed with a multiple fracture. When it was clear it wouldn't just heal by itself after she was fitted with a special bandage, she underwent over two hours of surgery at a local hospital.
The other day we got the bill:
This bill doesn't include the original Emergency Room visit, the surgeon, the anesthesiologist (the physician sends a separate bill), or the months of physical therapy she must undergo to regain full use of her leg.
It's a preliminary bill and doesn't reflect what the insurance will cover, but copays and deductibles will still be huge.
And this is just for a broken knee. Now imagine anyone confronting a serious disease with long-term hospitalization or outpatient treatments, and you can see how far out of control things have gotten.
What would such treatment cost individuals in Canada, UK, Germany? You get the picture.