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UFO caught on film in Sweden!

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I dunno ... I'm no video expert. The circumstances don't seem fake, and they don't seem like UFO hoaxer types, but like nearly all these videos we have no on site investigation or other details. Like the first person in the YouTube comment section says ... let's wait for the video analysis. Of course that could also be fixed by those who want to keep the cover-up intact ... trust no one.
i like how the ufo hides behind trees... sort of a poor alien's cloaking technique i guess....
I will tell you why I think it is a fake. When the object moves from left to right, the camera panning is perfect in tracking it. To happen naturally like that would be very unusual. Small chance of the cameraman just happening to pan at the right time and correct speed to keep the object in view like it does.
Shame, because apart from that, it could have been a really good fake.
I am so annoyed with all these assholes polluting an already very difficult field with all their shite. It's hard enough concentrating on what could be real without having to contend with reasonable fakes.

@universe - although the concensus is that the video is a hoax, don't let that ever put you off from posting another video. the next one could be genuine and this is a really good place to get a feel for what like-minded people see in the same piece of footage. I have been quite encouraged about certain videos in the past, only for someone in the forum to point out what makes a video a fake. I would have it no other way. I don't want to waste my life worrying about whether a video is fake or not and I find the forum a good place to get a quick unscientific poll as to whether a video is genuine.
Welcome to the forum - good start, coming straight on with a video. keep it up!
Very intersting video. With a closer look at this by somebody with a background in video analysis I would not be surprised to hear this video is what it apears to be.
@hemi - i second that. if anyone is good at video analysis, please do this video. it is at least a good fake.
but even without analysis, i think it fake for the reasons i gave above.
i like how the ufo hides behind trees... sort of a poor alien's cloaking technique i guess....

Haha good one pixelsmith.
I give this vid low marks for poor voice acting and bad hand gestureing, notice how he has to get his hand in front of the camera so you know he's trying to get the other atv out of the way to catch this UFO on CGI, I mean video HAHA, and it just appears to be staged.
I will tell you why I think it is a fake. When the object moves from left to right, the camera panning is perfect in tracking it. To happen naturally like that would be very unusual. Small chance of the cameraman just happening to pan at the right time and correct speed to keep the object in view like it does.
Shame, because apart from that, it could have been a really good fake.
I am so annoyed with all these assholes polluting an already very difficult field with all their shite. It's hard enough concentrating on what could be real without having to contend with reasonable fakes.

@universe - although the concensus is that the video is a hoax, don't let that ever put you off from posting another video. the next one could be genuine and this is a really good place to get a feel for what like-minded people see in the same piece of footage. I have been quite encouraged about certain videos in the past, only for someone in the forum to point out what makes a video a fake. I would have it no other way. I don't want to waste my life worrying about whether a video is fake or not and I find the forum a good place to get a quick unscientific poll as to whether a video is genuine.
Welcome to the forum - good start, coming straight on with a video. keep it up!

I agree... keep them coming. A consensus doesn't mean sh!t... case in point... the manufactured consensus that CO2 is causing global warming... lmao...
I will tell you why I think it is a fake. When the object moves from left to right, the camera panning is perfect in tracking it. To happen naturally like that would be very unusual. Small chance of the cameraman just happening to pan at the right time and correct speed to keep the object in view like it does.
Shame, because apart from that, it could have been a really good fake.
I am so annoyed with all these assholes polluting an already very difficult field with all their shite. It's hard enough concentrating on what could be real without having to contend with reasonable fakes.

@universe - although the concensus is that the video is a hoax, don't let that ever put you off from posting another video. the next one could be genuine and this is a really good place to get a feel for what like-minded people see in the same piece of footage. I have been quite encouraged about certain videos in the past, only for someone in the forum to point out what makes a video a fake. I would have it no other way. I don't want to waste my life worrying about whether a video is fake or not and I find the forum a good place to get a quick unscientific poll as to whether a video is genuine.
Welcome to the forum - good start, coming straight on with a video. keep it up!

Well I dunno, the panning just seems to be in the closeup, otherwise the camera seems to be following the ATV in front of him and the object is off to the side. If it's real, maybe it's hugging the ground to stay off radar or other tracking systems. Nevertheless, it's just so damned easy to make fakes that we have to pretty much presume that they are fakes unless we're watching live by some news team or another.
I think the camera panning shots were extracted from the original video and stabilized or whatever the term is. If it is a fake it is a well executed one I think except for as pixel points out, the thing seems to attempt to hide behind the trees before making a low altitude run for it. The sun glinting off the skin of the thing was a nice touch I thought.

This seems to beg the question: What is the best UFO video footage known to exist? What is the best "faked" footage as well?
T.O have you ever watched a UFO doc or 'best evidence' type deal in which you see a reasonable vid of a hovering UFO? I have a few in mind. Anyway, often the narrator says (just as the video is edited to the next bit) '.....the object then flew off at high speed'

WHAT! the bloody object that is on film, went from a standing start to high speed, on film AND YOU IDIOTS CHOOSE TO STOP THE FILM BEFORE THE HIGH SPEED BIT HAPPENS?

I have seen this sooooo much. Just shows you the idiocy of some documentary makers.

The good news is that I have seen a few in which the object is seen, from stationary to very high speed - going out of camera view. I will have to research a bit to find this piece but for me it is one of the best bits of footage. To me at least, it looks like no CGI. And everything about the object abnormal in terms of known flying objects.
The New Zealand TV reporter case that Maccabee looked at is a beaut too, good footage, good witnesses, radar control back up, and that frame where the object moves a good distance in an erratic manner, the g-forces involved for a conventional craft would leave it a pulp.

Worst footage? HAHAHAHAHA. That is soooo easy. Billy Meiers' swinging round the bonsai tree on a wire' footage!!

Junkculture: Conspiracy Theories

Could you please post the links to the videos you're talking about, if you manage to find them?

if you send me a private message (conversation) it will remind me to look for you which I am happy to do because i believe there is some important evidence. i don't have time right now so remind me!
Could you please post the links to the videos you're talking about, if you manage to find them?

I have been looking Elendil and with no luck so far. However, whilst checking out some UFO docs I have seen previously I noted a few interesting vids involving movement of craft.
In the following video at time stamp 13:15ish an object moves so quickly that it streaks across a portion of sky.
Later in the doc at around 42:35, a small probe-like light object can be seen at night hovering over a town. Interestingly, it then moves down to rooftop height and starts what looks like a recon of the area. It is the initial movement from hovering down to the zig-zagging that interests me.
I am still looking for the other footage but in the meantime have a look at these times on the doc.
