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UFO Caught On Tape Over Santiago Air Base

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On the surface that one certainly sounds more impressive than the average report. Strange though it seems to pop up on just a few frames, almost like it was placed on just a few of them. But the article claims there is more than one video. Beats me.
You gotta love the rocket scientists in the comments section posting i see clouds or its a bee.

This shot is pretty interesting


The object circled around the F5s as they passed above it. Note the similarity between this image of the object and the one in slide #4. The UFO then circled back to the hills. Astronomer Luis Barrera highlighted heat on top and in the band below during his analysis. The black area is some kind of energy, and the neutral blue represents solid mass, according to Barrera

Its a heck of a compelling case imo

It has everything, we so often hear, in this day of cell phone cams wheres the footage, in this instance we get seven

CEFAA officials collected seven videos of the El Bosque UFO taken from different vantage points. Bermúdez commissioned scientists from many disciplines, aeronautical experts, and air force and army photogrametric technicians to subject the videos to intense scrutiny. They all came to the same conclusions.

Its the classic shape thats been reported time and time again the world over, the manouvers are the classic beyond anything we have variety that again have been reported countless times.

Its as close to a smoking gun case as ive seen in many years.

It best described by Nick Popes quote

"We don't know what they are," says Nick Pope, a former head of the official UFO office in Britain's Ministry of Defense. "But they do exist."

I fail to see how anyone could look at this case and still say they dont exist.
Smoking gun? That seems like a stretch to me. It's more compelling than most I've seen. But at the end of the day it could be just about anything, could even be a hoax (Yeah, it says there are multiple videos but at this point I never rule out the possibility that virtually all the details I've read in a UFO article are wrong because I've seen it happen so many times). But it's probably the most interesting video I've seen in a while. I'll give it that.
Smoking gun? That seems like a stretch to me. It's more compelling than most I've seen. But at the end of the day it could be just about anything, could even be a hoax (Yeah, it says there are multiple videos but at this point I never rule out the possibility that virtually all the details I've read in a UFO article are wrong because I've seen it happen so many times). But it's probably the most interesting one I've seen in a while. I'll give it that.
It could be real.
Sure, I guess it's possible. But after 60+ years of disappointment and case after case that seemed good only to eventually fall apart it's gonna' take more than that for most people.
I think its compelling and a very good case, and so far the best I have seen for a while. but.........
I understand the "well we have seen hoax after hoax before" so as always I will try not to get my hopes up either but I can not help but feel a little excitement with this one.
Who knows this may just be the real thing .. but lets dig deeper as always and not draw conclusions yet.
Sure, I guess it's possible. But after 60+ years of disappointment and case after case that seemed good only to eventually fall apart it's gonna' take more than that for most people.
I can't speak for other people, but my position is this: I have observed unidentified aerial craft in Montana many times over the years. I know they exist so I don't invest much time and energy trying to prove or disprove what people capture on video. If it looks like something I have seen, I am inclined to believe it is authentic. I have only had one daytime sighting. The objects were spheres of light that were surrounded by a violet colored energy field. I did take a picture of a UFO during the daytime by accident. I didn't see the object when I took a picture of thunder clouds.


Enlargement of object:

But afterward, an engineer from the adjacent Pillán aircraft factory noticed something bizarre while viewing his footage in slow motion. He turned it over to the government's well known Committee for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena, or CEFAA, for analysis.
The stunning conclusion: The Chilean jets were being stalked by a UFO.
CEFAA was established in 1997, within the Department of Civil Aeronautics, the equivalent of our FAA. Its creation was sparked when aeronautic specialists and others reported multiple sightings of anomalous lights near Aeropuerto Chacalluta -- an airport in Northern Chile -- which were then reported in the press.
Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, formerly chief commander of the air force's 3rd Air Brigade (southern area) and an air attaché in London, was one of CEFAA's founders, and he currently directs the agency with a full-time staff of three.

This is a Govt agency, its the equivalent of the US FAA , the pedigree of the source is pretty darn impecable, we have 7 independant videos of the object, and to say it could be "just about anything" boggles my mind...... I suppose it could be santas sleigh, except it looks like a classic disk, a structured metallic looking disk shaped aircraft, performing maneuvers long reported in the genre.

And despite the impeccable source, the clear images recorded on seven different devices, the fact that

CEFAA officials collected seven videos of the El Bosque UFO taken from different vantage points. Bermúdez commissioned scientists from many disciplines, aeronautical experts, and air force and army photogrametric technicians to subject the videos to intense scrutiny. They all came to the same conclusions.

You still lean towards "it could be anything, maybe a hoax"

Despite the fact that the balance of probability supported by a body of evidence that seems irrefutable and of impeccable govt sources.......

I'm flabergasted

The overwelming balance of probability points to this being a smoking gun, as per the Pope quote, it doesnt tell us who or where etc, but if this report is legit (and ive seen nothing to suggest let alone prove otherwise) it confirms they are real.

But by all means lets debunk this, lets start with the retired general

Chili’s General Bermudez is Director of UFO Research | The Paracast Community Forums

If you can show me this guy is not who he says he is, we are well on the way........
Because I'm not looking at it in a vacuum. Several years ago I might have felt the same way you do. But since then I've seen what I considered the best UFO photo ever, Petit-Rechain, turn out to be a polystyrene model with black paint and some cheap lights on it (How many experts did that one fool?), the Trindade photos with all of their alleged scientific witnesses become just a couple of spoons glued together, the 8-8:30 mass sightings of a giant and solid triangle over Phoenix in 1997 get totally undone by the Terry Proctor video (And, in my estimation, covered up by the UFO community... and they continue to do so. Why the hell did I have to learn of its existence from a skeptics' journal years after the fact and why is Leslie Kean continuing to pretend it doesn't exist while wasting television airtime with irrelevant accounts of anonymous phone calls?), the once seemingly credible enough Rendlesham incident transform into a bizarre soap opera involving binary codes from the future and a magical notepad that grows new pages every few years, history professors hypnotizing obsessive women they've never met from thousands of miles away over the telephone and all the while readying a manuscript which lectures to others what the proper ways to conduct hypnosis supposedly are...

If I wanted to think about it for a while I could go on and on. The point is there is often some detail we don't know, one which if we did our perspective on a given topic might be turned 180 degrees. I don't know a lot about these particular videos yet. They do look interesting. But I've got 60+ years of UFO history telling me that when something looks too good to be true, it is... and that I should NEVER accept a UFO story at face value. So allegedly we have several videos from independent sources and these images have been closely scrutinized by scores of real scientists possessing real scientific degrees. Sounds great. Time will tell whether that version of events is accurate or not. I'm just not willing to jump to conclusions quite yet.
Mmmmm. At first look I think it is a strong case. I haven't read all the background/supporting evidence yet but the stills I looked at are quite compelling.
The image analysts need to do their thing but this is very interesting.
Sure there's skeptics out there for everything, fact is some are so set at not believing that it doesn't matter what you show them. You can lead a horse to water....
I agree with the original question on the Huffington Post article, "is this the case ufo skeptics have been dreading". I think this is some of the most compelling and yes "smoking gun" footage and stills I have ever seen. And trust me, like most of you , I've seen a lot. I got excited about seeing these too!
I would love to see the day there is no denying or trying to explain these events away. I'm not holding my breath on "others" changing their view or admitting what's going on though. To me they are ostriches and you can't change how an ostrich deals with stuff that is uncomfortable to them...for now I am comfortable in knowing that they do exist and are coming here no matter what other people think.
I would like for us to all agree on them being here 'eventually' so we can open up the real dialogue on figuring out the real agenda for their visits though. I really can't understand why this isn't the main topic of this conversation already instead of still going back and forth with the "are they really here or not" issue. Seems to me this would be the most pressing of the whole issue.
Very good info, thanks for sharing!

This one is pretty easy IMO, at the 23 second mark you can make out the string dangling from the object, i suspect balloon passed at high speed.

That aside it doesnt compare with the santiago case imo.
Its a single bit of footage, which if it wasnt a balloon could just as easily be done with CGI.
In the santiago case we have Air force officials getting their hands on seven different videos from different observers, and then having scientists from many disciplines, aeronautical experts, and air force and army photogrametric technicians subject the videos to intense scrutiny. They all came to the same conclusions.

It was a glorious, sunny morning on Nov. 5, 2010, when crowds gathered to celebrate the changing of the Air Force Command at El Bosque Air Base in Santiago. From different locations, spectators aimed video cameras and cell phones at groups of acrobatic and fighter jets performing an air show overhead

CEFAA officials collected seven videos of the El Bosque UFO taken from different vantage points

I think we can rule out CGI given these circumstances, so what we are left with is multiple video of a mettalic looking disk shape aircraft moving at speeds beyond anything known to human tech.

Its been checked and verified by a legitimate Govt agency, who commisioned scientists from many disciplines, aeronautical experts, and air force and army photogrametric technicians .

If this was before a court, the skeptic defense lawyer would need to provide some pretty convincing evidence to the contrary to disprove this one.
On the balance of probability, taking into consideration the evidence of multiple witness videos and adding to that the testimony of expert witness's. a magistrate would almost certainly make a finding in favour of "smoking gun"

Until i see compelling evidence to the contrary, im happy to conclude its real.

And im excited, for years decades people have been reporting disk shaped mettalic looking craft performing high speed maneouvers. Imo this video is solid proof they are real
UFO Disclosure Chilean Style - General Bermudez at the International UFO Congress

The report also established that “the object shows light and shadow effects of metallic like reflections and shows ellipsoidal shape” and that “the land observers do not detect the object in spite that it passes over their heads, thereby it is not accompanied by a sound wave.”
Finally, the report’s final significant point indicates “the object moves east with 25 degrees inclination. This is the same angle spacecraft enter the atmosphere.”
To recap the salient details about the El Bosque multiple footage case, Gen. Bermúdez stated in his IUFOC lecture that, “we have studied this case in different ways. First we gave it to the astronomers, who used their own software;
second, we gave the film to the air force specialists (FACH’s Aerial Photogrammetric Service).
Third, we did our own internal study; we also asked the opinion of Dr. [Richard] Haines and Bruce Maccabee. Maccabee agreed with our astronomers and Richard [Haines] said that there is an unknown aerial phenomenon.”Final Conclusions & Proposition
After a lecture full of official evidences, both audio and visual, Gen. Bermúdez proceeded to list the conclusions about the UFO phenomenon reached by CEFAA. These are:
The Anomalous Aerial Phenomenon characterized as UFO is real and it is present inside and outside the Controlled Air Space. We do not know what it is and where it came from
According to this article (and i can only assume its got its fact straight) the following are from 3 seperate videos


Frame from the first video at the FACH Ceremony in El Bosque, Nov. 4, 2010, showing a clear image of the metallic looking object. (Credit: CEFAA).


Frame from the second El Bosque video with the F5s showing the heat signature of both the FACH jets and the UFO. (Credit: CEFAA)


Frame from the third El Bosque video showing the F16s and UFO. The official analysis indicated the speed of the UFO was eighteen times faster than the F16s. (Credit: CEFAA)

Again i cant vouch for the accuracy of the report, but according to the article, these are from 3 seperate videos
I truly believe that the reason that the UFO topic is not the absolute top of everyone's list for subjects worth considering is the reason that it should be the top subject worth considering.
The implications on life elsewhere, us not being the be all and end all, other life being superior to us in multiple ways, the idea of other sentient beings not sharing our values, visiting alien life pretty much proving religions are man made - I could go on and on.
Most people just don't want to deal with something that might forcibly alter their thinking on so many important topics. Easier to have 'faith' and leave it at that eh?

My own mother comes from an very religious upbringing but she does not attend church herself and is unsure about the whole religion thing. She is quite open to my reasons for why she should believe some UFOs are manufactured craft from elsewhere. She gets it. She does not dismiss it. But the really weird thing for me is that I know that after I have spoken to her about it, she won't think about the matter until next time I bring it up! She is very intelligent and also wise - so why does she put it out of her mind like that?
It suffers a two fold blow, on the one hand you have the religious skeptics for whom the reality would indeed negate the local superstitious paradigm, And thus dismiss the idea.
And then you have the other side who post comments like this

Jodi Carnes they're demons, not physical craft. government wants you to keep thinking they are craft. they're not. they are inter-dimensional entities. they can take on any shape or form they want. witches, fairies, orbs of light, fake alien craft, etc.

Don't trust them. They are the nephilim.

Copied from the comments section of Leslie Keans article