How are people who know Jeff & his family supposed to respond to this? Do we keep quiet? Do we give testimony to the truthfulness of him and his account? Or do we say "Well he doesn't need to prove anything to you. That wasn't why he came forward. He was just relaying his story."
I dunno. Maybe just pretend I wrote a long testimonial about Jeff's character and give your response to such testimonial because it doesn't matter if I write three words or three hundred. You will consider it valid or not either way.
Don't take it personally against either you or Jeff mate, thats not the way its intended. I am simply trying to rationalise in my own head, and for the sake of discussion whats going on here. Of course Jeff has nothing to prove, of course he doesnt give a sh*t what I think... thats not even the issue here..
All I am saying is that these are such big events, yet there is no proof, so what am I supposed to think...
I think Jeff sounds like a good guy, i know David is, and he trusts Jeff, and from what I know about you so are you....
I don't know what the truth is in any of these situations, and I never claim to... I am just discussing the merits, and demerits of each case because that is what rational people do. All you read on here from me is just me spewing my mind onto pages, I am not judging anyone I am just hoping to find some vague answers for myself.
Jeff has been skeptical of many accounts, so i would think that both you and he would atleast understand the thought processes that are going through my head.
As I said before, from what I have seen so far, Jeff has no more evidence than Clifford Stone, but this in no way means I am comparing their intergrity, or what they are like as human beings..... just the claims, and the evidence that is there to support them.
I think if you spend a lot of time dishing out skeptical opinions, you should be able to understand others. This is a
forum, where people discuss their thoughts in a friendly and responsible manner.
I take a lot of time to write my posts, often editing to make sure they don't come across as offensive, but its hard doing it in written word sometimes.
Finally, i'll say that I have 'labelled' Jeff as anything, I have in fact stated many times that he seems like a great guy, and I am definately going to listen to more of his stuff.
However, anyone who hears such claims, and doesnt toy with all the possible answers (one of which being that its fictitious) yet goes straight for the 'definately true' answer, is in my opinion not being scientific, and possibly being dillusional.. and thats what we've all just scolded Paola Harris for...