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UFO Malevolence

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Martian Baby
Listening to last Sunday's show I heard David mention he's reading Bob Pratt's book about Brazil. I've read many books on UFO's dealing with all different aspects of the phenomenon since I first became interested in the subject, but none that affected me more than this book. It isn't just that the Colares flap was one of the most intense and scariest in modern history, but it it also amazed me how little was known about the incident by prominent figures in ufology.

The following is a repost from the UFOupDates archive that I made back in 1997 excerpting UFO Danger Zone:

It's a funny thing. Living in the United States and Great Britain,
most of us have no idea what's really going on. Let's take our areas
of high UFO activity for example....places like the San Luis Valley,
Gulf Breeze FL., or Pine Bush NY. These are what we would call areas
of high UFO activity or incidence. Now a resident of Colares, Brazil
would probably disagree....in fact, they would likely contend that we
don't know what high UFO activity is at all.

Let me explain:

The following is an excerpt from UFO Danger Zone - Bob Pratt's new
book about Close Encounter type 6 cases in Brazil.

"UFOs have been deadlier in Colares than perhaps any other place in
the world. Colares is one of thirty villages at the mouth of the
Amazon river where for more than a year people weren't safe from UFOs
even inside their own homes. UFOs would beam down rays of light that
would penetrate roofs as if they didn't exist. Sometimes the beams
would strike someone, and other times, they would snake around as if
searching for something. Terrified inhabitants would jump out of the
way, but some got burned anyway. This happened in a broad area only 15
to 30 miles north of the busy metropolis of Belem. Just how many
persons were injured will never be known, but in Colares alone
approximately forty were burned and two of them died. A third person
died three years later possibly as a result of the UFO burns she
suffered. In addition, a pregnant woman lost her baby after being hit
by a beam of light, and a dog died when a UFO shined a light on it
when it was barking at the UFO.

The "discos" were seen so often that the Air Force conducted an
official investigation in the area for months. A captain and a number
of sargents from the Belem air base questioned hundreds of people
who'd had sightings and harmful encounters. They also reportedly
administered drugs to help calm people down. The information that the
team gathered plus, numerous photographs of UFOs that the
investigators themselves took were sent to Air Force headquarters in
the nation's capital, Brasilia, but none of the findings or photos
have ever officially been released."
pg. 177

This has since changed. An initial release of files from FAB Operation Prato was declassified a few years ago along with another large batch that were released in April of this year. Ufologists around the world owe a big thanks to A.J. Gevaerd for diligently working to get these files released and converting them to digital format. Some truly amazing drawings of many different UFO's that were witnessed and cataloged by members of the FAB.

Available here, all in Portugese:
Index of /public/abertura_2.
Index of /public/abertura_1
Index of /public/brasil
.:: -Página não encontrada- ::.
Jacques Vallee discusses the Corales UFOs in detail in one of his books - I think it's in Confrontations. He travelled to Brazil and met with a number of people involved, and was impressed by their sincerity. Many of the victims lived in very isolated regions, were frequently uneducated and/or illiterate, and had never watched TV, so were unlikely to have been influenced by any media reports of UFOs, sci-fi shows/literature, etc. Colares is one of the most bizarre cases I've read about, yet it also seems highly credible - which makes it very disturbing..
So if all this really happened, why the hell isn't this the subject of talk shows and commentators around the effin globe!? Its just nutty!!

I think I just found a new book to this list. Thanks for piquing my interest.
If I were planning an invasion of the Earth, I might look for a less-publicized region of the world to test my targeting before opening up on the main targets. Zeroing-in, so to speak.

Or not.
Great information,

To those interested, there is also the History Channel's episode of UFO Files titled: "Brazil's Roswell" (very unimaginative) that details the entire Colares incident including interviews with AJ Gevaerd, Dr. Cecim, and local witnesses some of whom were harmed by the phenomenon. The episode also includes taped interviews with Brazilian Air Force project leader Captain Hollanda before his suicide.

The trouble with incidents of this kind in the context of a phenomenon we still know diddly about is working out what they mean, since we have no context to put them into.
Are they part of a master plan by a hostile alien power? (in which case it's pretty hard to fathom their strategic point)
Are the perpetrators recreational hunters or hooligans?
(I think one of the difficulties with the phenomenon is not knowing whether They are "public" or "private" actors, or to what extent those categories would apply. We should not be too shocked if there is no deep meaning to all of this, just another bunch of arseholes).
Are there any photos of the injuries available online?

I've read bits and pieces about current "ray weapons" development. The sorts of injuries seem consistent.
This is an email that was sent out today from A.J. Gevaerd:

Dear Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to tell you that the Brazilian UFO Disclosure
is going better than expected.

After two small and a medium size release of documents,
respectively last year and last May 04, that I posted about
here, we at the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU) -
which promoted the campaign that resulted in this opening of
files - have been officially informed that the government has
now decided to disclose all documents produced in the 80s and
kept secret so far. The release should be at the National
Archives in 10 days.

The Brazilian government has been gradually releasing a
considerable amount of secret UFO documents, and doing so
according to decade. So far we have material from the 60s and
70s, most of these last ones released on May 04, specially 195
pages and about 180 photos of Operation Saucer. Including
previous leaks we now have over 500 pages of presumed 2,000
pages on the investigation, conducted in the Amazon, by the
Brazilian Air Force from September to December 1977. That is
certainly the biggest _known_ official military investigation of
UFOs in the world.

So far, over 1,400 pages of Brazilian previously classified UFO
documents have been released thanks to the efforts of the
Brazilian UFO Researchers Committee (CBU), through the campaign
UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, started in 2004 and
articulated by the Brazilian UFO Magazine. This last one has
been the biggest disclosure ever in Brazil, but the one expected
for August should be _really_ big.

This past weekend Brazilian UFO Disclosure finally reached the
general public as the second largest circulation magazine in
Brazil, ISTOE, published a nice cover and article of 8 pages
dedicated to the opening of the files.

No other general publication has devoted so much space to the
subject so far. The reactions are considerable and the article
is being re-published in hundreds of local papers and websites,
potentializing the response from the people.

See the article in PDF format here:


As for the documents already released, last month I assembled a
team of 30 volunteer translators to get at least the 500 pages
already known (through the disclosures and previously leaks)
into English for public release. It should be ready in a couple
of weeks to be published here and elsewhere. We expect to get
the rest of the papers, of other military missions, very soon
too. It takes a lot of work.

The PDF files of 12 envelopes or folders released last May can
be can be downloaded from:

Index of /public/abertura_2

Pay special attention to this one:

Folder 10 - 1978, with 195 pages of Operation Saucer material,
downloadable at:


As said before, Brazilian UFO researchers are very excited about
these new disclosures, that unquestionably prove that our
efforts have been profitable for the entire Brazilian UFO
Community. We also consider the Brazilian UFO Disclosure to be a
solid, though painful response to the skepticism in Ufology in

Download more official disclosed documents at the Brazilian UFO
Magazine FTP areas:

Index of /public/abertura_1
Index of /public/brasil
.:: -Página não encontrada- ::.
Index of /public/prato

Feel free to use and republish this material on your website,
but please mention its origin as credit.

A. J. Gevaerd,
Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine
Coordinator, Brazilian UFO Researchers Committee
Portal UFO :: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia
Latest from AJ. Gevaerd:

1,300 New Pages Of Formerly Secret UFO Documents Surface In

Over 1,300 pages of formerly secret UFO documents surface in
Brazil and given to the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers

Hundreds of papers from the Brazilian Air Force's official
System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon
have surfaced and demonstrate how the nation's military
authorities dealt with the UFO Phenomena in the 60s and 70s.

The papers disclose in detail the inner workings of the official
body created by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) in 1969, during
the dictatorship years, to investigate the presence and activity
of aliens in the country - the System for the Investigation of
Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (SIOANI).

This time, however, the newly disclosed documents have not come
from the government, as a result of the campaign UFOs: Freedom
of Information Now!, which has so far produced three official
disclosures, the largest and most important of which was on May
4th, largely announced worldwidely.

The new formerly secret material was handed over to CBU by
civilian researcher Edison Boaventura, from Grupo Ufologico do
Guaruja (GUG), who kept the material away from the Brazilian
UFO community for over 10 years.

Boaventura was given the documents by a retired Brazilian Air
Force military source in the 90s and kept it secret since then.
At the recent III World UFO Forum, held in June 2009 in Curitiba
(PR), Brazil, he was formally approached by the members of CBU
and decided to hand over the whole lot of documents on behalf of
the freedom of information campaign. "I decided to contribute to
this endeavor, so I'm sending these documents to be published by
the Brazilian UFO Magazine", he declared.

Last week, Boaventura gave Brazilian UFO Magazine editor A. J.
Gevaerd, co-ordinator of the Brazilian Committee of UFO
Researchers (CBU), over 1,300 pages of previously unseen
documents from SIOANI, along with 28 colored sketches and 64
photos taken by the Air Force in the 1960's. Along with those,
there were 137 pages of color files with 3 sketches and 17
photos, all official. He has been asked by many other Brazilian
UFO researchers why he had kept all such material far from the
UFO Community for so long.

Previously unreleased material

This vastly important and significant material was not part of
the official Brazilian UFO disclosure. The Brazilian UFO
Magazine website - www.ufo.com.br - has already made available
in the last months over 1,200 pages of documents, 200 photos of
SIOANI's activities and Operation Saucer, carried out in the
Amazonian region in 1977. But none of the documents received by
CBU from the Brazilian Government contained anything such as the
colored drawings of UFOs made by the military personnel who used
to work for SIOANI, nor pictures of witnesses, such as that of
nurse Maria Cintra, who had a close encounter with an
extraterrestrial being on the early hours of August 25th 1968,
in Lins (SP) - one of the classic UFO incidents in Brazilian
Ufology that was secretly investigated by the militaries.

Included in the newly revealed documents are the detailed
research proceedings carried out in dozens of UFO-related
incidents, which had not been made public so far. Some of the
colored sketches of UFO incidents investigated by SIOANI are


All the material handed over to the Brazilian Committee of UFO
Researchers CBU) was additionally sent to the Nation's National
Archives in the Federal Capital, Brasilia, whose reception was
officially communicated to the President's Civil Office,
and has become an integral part of the process headed by CBU.

"This will no doubt add to the pressure exerted upon the
Government for the release of new folders containing data
pertaining to UFOs and the military activity in the ongoing
Brazilian UFO research", said geographer Fernando Ramalho, one
of CBU's members.

This material now made public through the Brazilian UFO Magazine
should have been released when it was given to a civilian
researcher, over 10 years ago.

Download the new files in PDF or JPG formats (over 360 Mb)from


Other documents can be found here:


Please note: Download, print, publicize and otherwise share
these documents around, but please do not fail to mention the
source, Brazilian UFO Magazine and emphasize that this material
is coming to public thanks to the efforts of the Brazilian
Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU).

What SIOANI was:

The System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon (SIOANI) was unprecedented in Brazil and in the
world. It was created in 1969, under the inspiration and
guidance of Air Force major-brigadier Jose Vaz da Silva, head of
the Committee for the Investigation of Flying Saucers.

In its early stages, SIOANI had high-ranked propositions and it
operated exemplarily. Its conceptualization demonstrates so:

"SIOANI is the collective resources of personnel and materiel
dedicated to the investigation and research of the so-called
Unidentified Aerial Objects (UAO) phenomenon". The closure of
the USAF's Project Blue Book in 1969 may have contributed to
the shutting down of SIOANI in 1972. Unfortunately, over 90% of
FAB personnel nowadays have absolutely no knowledge of this
amazing endeavor. However, as far as we know, the percentage of
laypeople involved in the issue tends to increase quickly. The
SIOANI was organically constituted by:

(a) Center for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects
(CIOANI) =96 A central body of the System.

(b) Investigation Zone of Unidentified Aerial (ZIOANI) =96 A
geographical area which comprised the Offices for the
Investigations of Unidentified Aerial Objects (NIOANI). There
were six of those offices.

(c) Office for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial Objects
(NIOANI) =96 A bureau that was in charge of observing,
investigating and collecting materials for research into the
Unidentified Aerial Objects (UAO). Its function could be
executed by a military agency, a public institution or
individuals. The NIOANI was attached to its corresponding

(d) Research and Analysis Laboratories (LIOANI) =96 Supporting
agencies for the accomplishment of research tasks and material
analysis related to UAO.

(e) Personnel and materiel transport (TIOANI) =96 Means of
transportation that was first provided by official agencies,
military or civilian, upon request by CIOANI, ZIOANI or NIOANI.
When official transport was not available, the commercial
transportation could be used. The transport had to be
appropriate, efficient and fast. A quick arrival to the spot
where a UFO incident had occurred was basic, so that there would
be no alteration of traces or distortion of facts. For that
purpose there were five small-sized aircraft, two twin-engine
craft and three single-engine craft, based on the Park for
Aeronautical Materiel in S=E3o Paulo, and were run by the 4th Air
Zone. Those aircraft were used for the Organization's normal
services, as well by those demanded by SIOANI.

(f) Communication network (RIOANI) =96 Comprised of a web that
involved the now-extinct FAB's communication networks, and
further Singular Forces (Brazilian Army and Navy), Police Forces
and the amateur-radio network, aiming at rapid transmission of
phenomenological occurrences or the information flow between the
several links in the system. SIOANI reported to the Ministry of
the Aeronautics, but the results of its work was forwarded to
the Air Force's Chiefs-of-Staff. Within the 4th Air Zone, it was
outside the frame of its Chiefs-of-Staff, but its chief was also
responsible for the 2nd Section (Information), encompassing
CIOANI, which confirmed that the UFO issue was handled by an
Information (nowadays Intelligence) officer.

Considering that SIOANI wasn't a top secret agency and that even
civilian researchers took part of its procedures, all this
structure proves that Brazil was the first country in the world
ever to officially and publicly admit the reality of the UFO
Phenomena, and the first one to investigate it openly, in a not
secret manner.

A. J. Gevaerd,
Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine
Coordinator, Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)
National Director, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)

PS. Many thanks to Marcos Malvezzi Leal for helping in the
Colares '77 is far and away the most interesting case of UFO sightings, human interaction, photos, military witnesses, medical records AND official documents. Two dead men and several dozen mainly women treated for burns and fatigue. I've written about it on another forum.

It reminds me of a piratical 'smash & grab' raid. For two months something happened that terrified a lot of people and really didn't seem to give a rat's ass about it. More than once, people shot at one of the objects and got zapped. People in bed, in their homes, fishing and walking were targeted, pursued (in some cases) and zapped. If any attempt was made to be discreet...they failed miserably.

UFOs were sighted under the bay, coming out of the sea and flying in the night sky. Powercuts! UFOs were decribed, drawn and filmed. Ranging from silver globes of an inch diameter to van size up to the giant cigar-shaped object.

I've been trying to find a contact to supply to Paracast so they can do a witness interview. I tried Scott Corrales without luck. We should have living witnesses...Dr Cecim Carvalho? Hollanda is dead. It's got more dimension than the average UFO/aliens story and it's recent history. Black Ops? Aliens? Bad aliens? Ingenious Brazilian paramilitaries? Who the hell knows?

If these events had happened in an English-speaking country...the media would've exploded. They happened in a small backwater, connected only by a handful of telephones and miles from major highways. Even that is worthy of discussion. Incredibly exciting case.
Black Ops? Aliens? Bad aliens?

The latter. According to Stringfield, a Brazilian, Prestes, was literally melted by a saucer strike, prior to Colares.

They happened in a small backwater, connected only by a handful of telephones and miles from major highways.

Maybe the idea was to hone attack procedures without alerting most of humanity.
Black Ops? Aliens? Bad aliens? Ingenious Brazilian paramilitaries? Who the hell knows?

I got into a caustic exchange with Richard Boylan when discussing this case a few years ago. He contended the Colares incident was merely the result of psy-ops teams deployed from a larger international UFO cover-up organization using a third world country to deceive the population into thinking ET's were harming them. As unlikely as this sounds it wasn't what actually bothered me.

Boylan takes the extremely naive and dogmatic viewpoint that, what the case evidence yields on it merits, could never actually be happening because ET's would never hurt humans. He seemed to believe that rejecting the entire case because it didn't suit his worldview entitled him to some moral admiration.

To put it delicately, I think he's a fucking idiot.
I got into a caustic exchange with Richard Boylan when discussing this case a few years ago. He contended the Colares incident was merely the result of psy-ops teams deployed from a larger international UFO cover-up organization using a third world country to deceive the population into thinking ET's were harming them.

Too bad Hollanda wasn't still alive and with you....

Boylan takes the extremely naive and dogmatic viewpoint that, what the case evidence yields on it merits, could never actually be happening because ET's would never hurt humans.


To put it delicately, I think he's a fucking idiot.

And his Colares views aren't the only indication of idiocy.
Colares '77 is far and away the most interesting case of UFO sightings, human interaction, photos, military witnesses, medical records AND official documents. Two dead men and several dozen mainly women treated for burns and fatigue. I've written about it on another forum.

It reminds me of a piratical 'smash & grab' raid. For two months something happened that terrified a lot of people and really didn't seem to give a rat's ass about it. More than once, people shot at one of the objects and got zapped. People in bed, in their homes, fishing and walking were targeted, pursued (in some cases) and zapped. If any attempt was made to be discreet...they failed miserably.

UFOs were sighted under the bay, coming out of the sea and flying in the night sky. Powercuts! UFOs were decribed, drawn and filmed. Ranging from silver globes of an inch diameter to van size up to the giant cigar-shaped object.

I've been trying to find a contact to supply to Paracast so they can do a witness interview. I tried Scott Corrales without luck. We should have living witnesses...Dr Cecim Carvalho? Hollanda is dead. It's got more dimension than the average UFO/aliens story and it's recent history. Black Ops? Aliens? Bad aliens? Ingenious Brazilian paramilitaries? Who the hell knows?

If these events had happened in an English-speaking country...the media would've exploded. They happened in a small backwater, connected only by a handful of telephones and miles from major highways. Even that is worthy of discussion. Incredibly exciting case.

Pretty sadistic :(

Sounds like they were testing their weapons on humans, measuring effectiveness on a vulnerable and disconnected village. Tracking and observing responses and evasive strategies. I don't think an alien race would do this simply for fun.

Didn't Cortez or Pizarro do the same thing before conquering the Incas ?

The Aztec had never seen cannons or horses or men with white skin before. "When Moctezuma heard this report, he was seized with fright. His heart grew weak to the point of faintness…. And despair overcame him."
Boylan takes the extremely naive and dogmatic viewpoint that, what the case evidence yields on it merits, could never actually be happening because ET's would never hurt humans.

The guy has an evident case of infantilia...he calls ET 'Star visitors.' Now, if aliens were routine stuff, we might say to our kids in 'baby voices' yes, they are our widdle 'star visitors.'

The Colares incident is conceivably some experimental psy-ops scenario...I can buy that. It just seems as elaborate as the filming of Ben-Hur...way overboard and OTT. Lights, craft, dead people, women in hospitals, terrorized population, objects flying out of the bay. What did they seek to accomplish there? Wouldn't a psychotropic drug in their water source be more useful than a land, air and sea forces assault? Are many of our potential enemies simple folk living in underdeveloped rural economies? No, they aren't. So how could the 'psy-op' be relevant?

Ever since I read up on everything Colares-related, I've gotten a way more practical outlook on potential ET activity. If there was honesty here, there'd be round table communications about sovereign airspace and trade agreements. There isn't. Just apparent craft dancing around at will, ICMBs being switched off and rumors of frigging abductions.

When Europe conquered and colonialized parts of the Congo, we used a lot of the same tricks. Impress the natives, appear supernatural, appear all-powerful and then offer trinkets to distract them while we sweep the rug from beneath them. We'd fire blanks at a white man and then shoot a black man. We used magnifying glasses to create fire. This was to show we were invincible and had magic at the same time. Sounds familiar?

If there are aliens in our skies, I'm baffled as to how anyone deduces they are 'star visitors' or even friendly. Very suspicious is my default position with the little grey bastards :rolleyes: I was thinking yesterday, they'll actually view us a land of giants...but giant what?!
Sounds like they were testing their weapons on humans, measuring effectiveness on a vulnerable and disconnected village. Tracking and observing responses and evasive strategies. I don't think an alien race would do this simply for fun.
I was writing the above post when you posted this. I agree. 'If' that was ET activity...what other conclusion is possible? One alternative I've played with is a bandit-style smash and grab raid. A ram-raid by a small outfit. Criminals? The focus on blood samples shows the blood has value to someone.

I've gotta add, I only speculate and extrapolate from a point. I'm not a crazy-ass guy stocking the cellar with water, beans and a booby trap. It's fun to speculate:D
If there are aliens in our skies, I'm baffled as to how anyone deduces they are 'star visitors' or even friendly. Very suspicious is my default position with the little grey bastards :rolleyes: I was thinking yesterday, they'll actually view us a land of giants...but giant what?!

Its a bad idea to assume anything as far as intent is concerned. Look at our planet, its filled with friends and foes. I'd put my best chips on the idea that our galactic sector reflects our own planetary dynamics.

Why should 'survival of the fittest' only be an earthly concept ? With only 100,000 years of measured human experience in the context of a 14,000,000,000 year old universe, it is conceivable that we could simply be a protected subserviant/slave race, a long term experiment in controled genetic evolution, etc.

With these numbers, there remains little doubt in my mind that we are not the first sentient race in the neighbourhood and that there is also a very high probability that covert monitoring and control beyond our detection technologies is pervasive.
