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UFO Malevolence

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The guy has an evident case of infantilia...he calls ET 'Star visitors.' Now, if aliens were routine stuff, we might say to our kids in 'baby voices' yes, they are our widdle 'star visitors.'

The Colares incident is conceivably some experimental psy-ops scenario...I can buy that. It just seems as elaborate as the filming of Ben-Hur...way overboard and OTT. Lights, craft, dead people, women in hospitals, terrorized population, objects flying out of the bay. What did they seek to accomplish there? Wouldn't a psychotropic drug in their water source be more useful than a land, air and sea forces assault? Are many of our potential enemies simple folk living in underdeveloped rural economies? No, they aren't. So how could the 'psy-op' be relevant?

The only thing I can think of is population control. That the Colares case was simply a false flag exercise for future attack expeditions aimed specifically on population control and possibly even giving them opportunities to justify killing off those citizens who were rebelling against them by not following things like implied curfew rules which obviously existed in Colares because those who went out after nightfall had more of a chance of getting zapped by those "UFOs".
I enjoy speculating about new topics and ideas. The UFO bug gets me periodically over the years and fades again. I'm in the middle of it for a year now. A lot of the points in the thread have reflected some ideas I've been collecting for the last week or so. I've found a certain POV that I think's quite original. I've not found any mention of it anywhere else...and I've looked. It suggests why a very cautious approach should be taken if we are dealing with aliens. It's mainly logic, science and psychology-based. I'll post it up here when I get it down clearly. Getting thread-blasted is a good way to straighten an idea out sometimes!
The psy-ops explanation has never sat well with me. I just can't get past the technology barriers.

I think there was more going on with this flap than just an attempt to scare people with a display of advanced technology and weaponry. It seems clear that the beams that were striking people and burning/injuring them had a greater purpose. Examinations of the victims revealed perforations where the beam contacted the skin. Victims reported experiencing limited exsanguination, as well as paralysis when in contact with a beam. This seems to indicate a mechanism for blood and tissue collection was associated.

Something else I find intriguing is that these beams were able to penetrate ceramic roof tiles, track, and pursue victims within their own homes. I'm not aware of any examples in physics where a synthetic light beam is able to penetrate an opaque template like ceramic without leaving signs of damage. Some of the illustrations in the Operation Saucer files are quite astounding. I would encourage forum members to review them. Different shapes, performance characteristics, some illustrations indicate witnesses were able to see occupants.
The only thing I can think of is population control. That the Colares case was simply a false flag exercise for future attack expeditions aimed specifically on population control and possibly even giving them opportunities to justify killing off those citizens who were rebelling against them by not following things like implied curfew rules which obviously existed in Colares because those who went out after nightfall had more of a chance of getting zapped by those "UFOs".

But why that area? I think the worst overpopulation problems are in places like Egypt and Pakistan.
The psy-ops explanation has never sat well with me. I just can't get past the technology barriers.

I think there was more going on with this flap than just an attempt to scare people with a display of advanced technology and weaponry. It seems clear that the beams that were striking people and burning/injuring them had a greater purpose. Examinations of the victims revealed perforations where the beam contacted the skin. Victims reported experiencing limited exsanguination, as well as paralysis when in contact with a beam. This seems to indicate a mechanism for blood and tissue collection was associated.

Something else I find intriguing is that these beams were able to penetrate ceramic roof tiles, track, and pursue victims within their own homes. I'm not aware of any examples in physics where a synthetic light beam is able to penetrate an opaque template like ceramic without leaving signs of damage. Some of the illustrations in the Operation Saucer files are quite astounding. I would encourage forum members to review them. Different shapes, performance characteristics, some illustrations indicate witnesses were able to see occupants.

Add to that the apparent ability to read Hollanda's mind. I don't buy psy ops either.
But why that area? I think the worst overpopulation problems are in places like Egypt and Pakistan.

Could they have chosen Colares BECAUSE that geographic location was so sparsely populated at that time? If they had instead chosen a densely populated place like India, perhaps that would have made it more difficult to direct those beams on just one object or person.
And like I said, it could have been a false flag operation and by picking out an area that only had one phone in the entire village; a village that was basically isolated from the outside world at that time -- and one that was also a seaside community as opposed to the same kind of village that one would find located far into the interior of S.America or Africa... well, what does that tell you?
Obviously, it seems like that village was chosen intentionally based on intelligent deductions from whatever criteria that was used that would facilitate in the success of their mission for that operation. That invasion was NOT an act of randomness. That location must have been one that was ideal for them in some way. So for this reason, it would seem that every bit of information that can be gleaned from the geography of that location including its demographics needs to be carefully examined.

I think the Colares UFO Flap is the most significant incident in the entire history of Ufology. Of course I'm just a newbie at all of this but am I the only one who thinks that?
Could they have chosen Colares BECAUSE that geographic location was so sparsely populated at that time?


If they had instead chosen a densely populated place like India, perhaps that would have made it more difficult to direct those beams on just one object or person.

They could've done it in some place like the Rajastan desert.

And like I said, it could have been a false flag operation and by picking out an area that only had one phone in the entire village; a village that was basically isolated from the outside world at that time -- and one that was also a seaside community as opposed to the same kind of village that one would find located far into the interior of S.America or Africa... well, what does that tell you?

I very much doubt humans did it. It is possible that the ETs wanted to send a warning without creating too much of a ruckus. Had they struck some place with NO telephone connection, far in the interior, nobody would get the message.

Obviously, it seems like that village was chosen intentionally based on intelligent deductions from whatever criteria that was used that would facilitate in the success of their mission for that operation. That invasion was NOT an act of randomness. That location must have been one that was ideal for them in some way. So for this reason, it would seem that every bit of information that can be gleaned from the geography of that location including its demographics needs to be carefully examined.


I think the Colares UFO Flap is the most significant incident in the entire history of Ufology. Of course I'm just a newbie at all of this but am I the only one who thinks that?

I'd put it this way: Considering the magnitude of what transpired, compared to most cases, Colares hasn't received enough emphasis. But it was over 30 years ago and it's not like the world has been turned upside down on account of it. :)
People bang on a lot about disinfo and psyops...good old psychological warfare. Discredit your opponents, seed doubt and confusion all over the place. Use the 'boy who cried wolf' mentality, so that after a while people stop paying close attention.

Seems to me, what we speculate are ET are using all these things. If so, why?
People bang on a lot about disinfo and psyops...good old psychological warfare. Discredit your opponents, seed doubt and confusion all over the place. Use the 'boy who cried wolf' mentality, so that after a while people stop paying close attention.

Seems to me, what we speculate are ET are using all these things. If so, why?

Concealment of intent. Mixed in this wild turkey shoot are medical tasks (blood sampling)
The most troubling aspect of this saga is the lack of respect for human life, its has no value. We are expendable ants.
Concealment of intent. Mixed in this wild turkey shoot are medical tasks (blood sampling)
The most troubling aspect of this saga is the lack of respect for human life, its has no value. We are expendable ants.

It's a tough one to call without a broader picture. It's conceivable that rather than exploiting us, they're conserving genetics in some equivalent of the Norway seed vault. Perhaps, they are busy building a record of humanity while we're still here? Maybe they know something we don't about our future? It's even possible that Earth represents a field trip for ET science students. Both ideas are 'hippyish' but we can't rule very much out...including hostility.:)
It's even possible that Earth represents a field trip for ET science students. Both ideas are 'hippyish' but we can't rule very much out...including hostility.:)

As long as their behavior remains irrational to us, they maintain control. The moment we get a fix on their intent we'll obviously mobilize in a snap.

They're obviously on top of the food chain. The fact that they didn't melt down everybody shows clearly that they wanted the rest of the world to know about the event and who was responsible.... assuming these villagers weren't allucinating ;)
It's a tough one to call without a broader picture. It's conceivable that rather than exploiting us, they're conserving genetics in some equivalent of the Norway seed vault. Perhaps, they are busy building a record of humanity while we're still here? Maybe they know something we don't about our future? It's even possible that Earth represents a field trip for ET science students. Both ideas are 'hippyish' but we can't rule very much out...including hostility.:)

Well said, I appreciate this kind of speculation. This flap appears to be the result of a program that was conceptualized and executed in accordance with a planned agenda. I don't think it's representative of anything accidental, spontaneous, or opportunistic.

We get into a fuzzy area when we start trying to speculate about ET intent. I appreciate the ideas advanced by those who believe that some of what ET's do is selfless and is being conducted solely for the purpose of benefiting the human race. I would love to live in a world built on that kind of thinking, but I remain loyal to the belief that what ET's do is self serving above all else. If we look through the history of all life forms on this planet we would be forced to conclude that motives are rarely unselfish. I don't think ET's deserve to be excused from this kind of thinking.

I would offer the idea that whatever they were doing in Colares was truly designed to serve their own agenda. I only wish we knew more about what it was they were trying to accomplish.
Being suspicious is the default position of diplomacy...speak softly and carry a big stick :) Bad thing is...they would have the big stick.

Colares (if all the accounts are true) was a hostile incursion by any reasonable interpretation. The intention behind the incursion is open to speculation. A lot of ifs and maybes. Being distrustful is the way to go though. I've more to say about it, but my brain's working on about 64k memory right now...tired.
The following just released by A.J. Gevaerd:

Brazilian Military Document Confirms UFOs "Solid" And Under
"Intelligent Control"

As I have informed before, the Brazilian Government declassified
a few weeks ago a new set of previously secret UFO documents,
covering the 80s. I also informed you that we already had
disclosures covering the 50s, 60s and 70s. They have been doing
the releases by decade. So far over 4,000 pages and 300 photos
have been disclosed. This time declassification, the 80s, is
composed of some 800 pages and is very powerful.

Among the documents released are the reports of UFOs on May 19,
1986, considered the 'Official UFO Night in Brazil', when 21
spherical objects, estimated 100 meters in diameter - according
to military sources - literally jammed air traffic over the
major Braziian Airports, when several Mirage and F5 jets were
scrambled to pursue them for ours.

As most of you already know, at that time the Air Force Minister
Octavio Moreira Lima went public on national TV networks about
it the other morning. The pilots and their commanders also spoke
freely about the pursuits, which occurred over several hours.
This was a major thing in Brazil.

Now, when on TV to the whole Nation, the Moreira Lima promised
that a full report would be issued about the events, considering
the air-air and air-land radar detections and the pilot
pursuing, and it would be available in 30 days. And as most of
the things that happen in my country, when governmental promises
are involved, this much anticipated document was not released

Now we know why!

Among the important files just released in the 80s package,
there it is a certain 'Occurrence Report', dated June 02, 1986,
just a few days after the 'invasion' by 21 UFOs of the most
developed areas in the country. It is 8 pages and signed by Air
Brigadier Jose Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, acting
commander of the Brazilian Air Command of Air Defense (COMDA).
Now, what this report contains is very interesting, and I quote
its Final Considerations part:

1. Based on the analysis of above-reported events, it is this
Command's opinion that, according to the information from the
controllers, pilots and previously elaborated reports from I
Cindacta (Air Traffic Control and Aerial Defense Center), that
there are some points of coincidence regarding radar echoes,
accelerations, illumination, velocities and behavior, either by
technical detection or by visual contact.

2. Some of those coinciding points that we can name are those
phenomena which exhibited certain constant characteristics, as

a. Produced radar echoes, not only on the Air Defense System,
but also on the intercepting airplanes simultaneously, with
visual comparisons by the pilots.

b. Change in velocity, from subsonic to supersonic, besides
hovering capability.

c. Varied altitude, from below FL-050 to altitudes above FL-400.

d. Occasionally seen as white, green and yellow lights, and
sometimes no luminous indication.

e. Sudden acceleration and deceleration

And there is more. In the Item 3 of the Final Considerations
part, the Occurrence Report says clearly that 'the phenomenon
(UFOs) is solid and reflects intelligence'. See it in full:

3. As a conclusion of the observed constant facts in almost all
presentations, it is the opinion of this Command that the
phenomenon is solid and reflects intelligence by its capacity to
follow and sustain distance from the observers, as well as to
fly in formation, and are not necessarily manned craft.

I have asked our volunteers Edison Hashida, Simon Levy and
Marcos Malvezzi to translate the material and I have it for you
for download. You can have both the full original document, in
Portuguese, as well as the English version, both in PDF format

Occurrence Report - Original.pdf
Occurrence Report - Translated.pdf

I believe that this is one of the most powerful existing
documents revealing the reality of the UFO phenomena, now fully
admitted by our military authorities. We are now working to have
more than 600 pages translated, and next Sunday I will interview
the former Air Force minister Socrates Monteiro, another
authority and officer in Brazil that decided to come public
about what he knows and accept to receive me. He was the
commander of the Air Traffic Control and Aerial Defense Center

This is all a direct result of the campaign UFOs: Freedom Of
Information Now, promoted since 2004 by the Brazilian Committee
of UFO Researchers. All thousands of pages and hundreds of
photos since the 50s given to the Committee are available for
download in the Brazilian UFO Magazine website as well as
physically at the National Archives, in Brasilia.

In late July, hundreds of papers from the Brazilian Air Force's
official System for the Investigation of Unidentified Aerial
Phenomenon (SIOANI) have demonstrated how the nation's military
authorities dealt with the UFO Phenomena in the 60s and 70s. The
Brazilian UFO Magazine website - www.ufo.com.br - has over 1,600
pages of documents, 200 photos for download of SIOANI's
activities and Operation Saucer, carried out in the Amazonian
region in 1977. Along with documents received by the Committee
from other military sources.

Included in the recently revealed documents are the detailed
research proceedings carried out in dozens of UFO-related
incidents which had not been made public previously. Some of the
colored sketches of UFO incidents investigated by SIOANI are


Please note: Download, print, publicize and otherwise share
these documents, but please do not fail to mention the source,
Brazilian UFO Magazine, and emphasize that this material is
public thanks to the efforts of the Brazilian Committee of UFO
Researchers (CBU).

In closing, let me tell you all, as previously posted here, that
the recent disclosures proves that Brazil was the first country
in the world ever to officially and publicly admit the reality
of the UFO Phenomena, and the first one to investigate it
openly, in a not secret manner

A. J. Gevaerd,

Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine
Coordinator, Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)
National Director, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
All this discussion is interesting, but all of you seems to be absolutely sure that all the incident was caused by Evil Intergalatic Something. I think you are buildings castles on the air. Maybe it's me.
All this discussion is interesting, but all of you seems to be absolutely sure that all the incident was caused by Evil Intergalatic Something. I think you are buildings castles on the air. Maybe it's me.

Maybe. :) I'm not aware of any good prosaic explanation. And while the phenomenon caused harm on this occasion, the action (of this magnitude) seems exceptional.
All this discussion is interesting, but all of you seems to be absolutely sure that all the incident was caused by Evil Intergalatic Something. I think you are buildings castles on the air. Maybe it's me.

Regardless of how you feel either way on this case, you should consider reading the book before rendering any judgments.
The following interview was referenced in AJ's previous post. He says
the interview was conducted sometime Sunday 10/25. This must
have been very close in time to his interview on the Paracast.

Latest from A.J. Gevaerd

Brazil's Former Air Force Minister Makes Astonishing Statements
About UFOs

Brazil's former Air Force minister Socrates Monteiro was
interviewed by the Brazilian UFO Magazine and made astonishing
statements about the action of extraterrestrial intelligences in
the country.

Another distinguished officer supports the campaign UFOs:
Freedom of Information Now!

Observation: Photos can be downloaded here:

Index of /public/socrates.

Last Sunday, October 25th, Brazilian UFO Magazine interviewed
the former minister of Air Force during the government of
Fernando Collor, from 1990-1992, lieutenant-brigadier Socrates
da Costa Monteiro. The interview was conducted in his residence
in Rio de Janeiro and was performed by this editor A. J.
Gevaerd, with the cooperation of the co-editor Marco Antonio
Petit and the consultants Francisco Pires de Campos and Arthur
Ferreira Neto. It was more than two hours of extremely
interesting and fruitful conversation, in which the military
felt comfortable to talk about Ufology, like some other
officials who also gave their statements to Brazilian UFO

Monteiro is retired from the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) for a
number of years, but keeps his bounds with active militaries
from various sectors of the Brazilian military. He has an
extremely lucid memory of the major facts of his activities in
the Air Force and of special interest to the Ufology about
how the country handled with the matter during the time when he
was on active duty. Like other ministers, before and after him,
Monteiro also had access to sensitive information on the
interaction of other cosmic species in our country, reporting a
few cases. He was pilot of many airplane types, including
fighters, gathering more than 5 thousand flight hours in them.

Technology far more advanced than ours

The officer was the commander of I Integrated Air Defense and
Air Traffic Control Centre (Cindacta), in Brasilia, at the time
when he was ahead of registering the
ufological occurrences all over the country, especially in the
area of the Federal District and Southeast region. He revealed
that the observations of unidentified flying objects were
regular on the radar screens of the institution, well before he
assumed its command, and that all the cases were carefully
registered, with some of them being further investigated by the
Air Force. In that occasion the expression "Traffic Hotel" was
not yet used to designate UFOs.

Monteiro described a situation when the radar station of
Cindacta in Gama (DF) was overflown at low altitude by a disk
type object of great proportions, and that its staff, without
knowing what to do, opened fire against the "intruder". When he
got to know it, Monteiro gave them express orders to stop the
gun fire immediately. They have a technology far more advanced
than ours and we don't know how they would react to our action.

The interviewee also was the commander of IV Regional Air
Command (COMAR), in Sao Paulo, institution that controls the air
space of the Southeast region, during the famous UFO Official
Night in Brazil, on May 19th 1986, when the area was flooded by
the appearance of more than 20 flying spheres of more than 100 m
diameter each, which were chased by 7 FAB's fighters F-5E and
Mirage, sent from the air bases of Santa Cruz (RJ) and Anapolis
(GO). This is one of the most important ufological cases in the
country, which counted on the participation of the Embraer's
president at that time colonel Ozires Silva, on board of a Xingu
airplane heading from Brasilia to Sao Jose dos Campos. Ozires
spotted an object and even chased it over Sao Paulo state. As it
is known, the Air Force Minister at that time Octavio Moreira
Lima went to TV in national broadcast, the next day, to admit
the "invasion" of Brazilian air space by UFOs. Both, Ozires and
Moreira Lima, are friends of Monteiro and the first told him
details of his sighting. Ozires is at this moment being
contacted by Brazilian UFO Magazine for new statements.

UFO Official Night in Brazil

As it's known, the government just released a very important
document about the mentioned UFO Official Night in Brazil, in
which it is admitted that the observed objects were solid and
reflected somehow intelligence, additional to the fact that
made amazing maneuvers. The document can be downloaded at:
Index of /documentos/night. With this disclosure,
the main matter of the interview, naturally, was the occurrence
on May 19th 1986, which was confirmed in different ways by
Monteiro, including details unknown until the moment. It is
attributed to him some strong statements about the facts, given
at that time. For example, the officer said that for many years
these cases have been registered by the Air Force and that the
UFOs went from 250 to 1.500 km/h in seconds. Monteiro also
said that FAB recorded the entire event on tape. These facts
are now complemented by him.

Always referring to the term electronic abnormalities, with
the lack of a better explanation to what those object were,
according to Monteiro, the interviewee said the speed of the
UFOs was really astonishing and that the fighters could get
closer to them only for a few moments, because the artifacts
would escape away at extremely high speed. There was no way for
us to get closer, so we abandoned the search, which last for
many hours in that night.

There is a reference stating the UFOs achieved the speed of Mach
15, and about i, Monteiro said it is possible, although the
instruments measured only near to 3.500 km/h, because beyond
that, there could be natural reading distortions. About FAB
recording the facts on videotape, he said that, actually, the
institution especially Cindacta always registered what
happened on the radar screens, and everything was registered in
appropriate recordings done from those instruments. But pointed
out that every 30 days the tapes are deleted and reused.

Visited by other cosmic species

The interviewee was cautious during the whole time. But,
initially closed, was giving up to the pressure of the
interviewers and making clear that, as other graduated officers
of the country, also he had the clear notion that we are being
visited by other cosmic species. Although at the beginning
referred to the UFOs as electronic abnormalities, gradually
started talking about "they", to refer to its crew members, and
"ships" in order to effectively describe what their vehicles
were, mentioning also its "technology". Also referred openly to
the intelligence behind the phenomenon, giving clear notion that
we are before superior civilizations.

This was the most striking statement given during the interview,
at the end of the session, when he again mentioned the case in
which his men were shooting at the flying saucer in Gama, and he
had to immediately intervene because the reaction could be
tragic to us. For that, he used as analogy the Mantell Case,
occurred in USA in 1948, in which a pilot was found death and
his plane was destroyed after a pursuit to an UFO. For that,
the fighters, when chasing those "electronic abnormalities", did
it with caution. By the end of the conversation, when feeling
more comfortable with the interviewers, he was referring to the
abnormalities almost laughing of his own interpretation of the
phenomenon and admitting the use of the expression only because
of the lack of an UFO on hands to say what they exactly are.

Support to the freedom of information campaign

Finally, the lieutenant-brigadier Socrates da Costa Monteiro is
one additional person from the Brazilian military circle who,
recognizing the serious mission of the ufologists of Brazilian
UFO Magazine on the pursue of these questions, supports the
campaign UFOs: Freedom of Information Now, conducted by the
Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU). He, like his
colleagues previously interviewed, among them the brigadier Jose
Carlos Pereira and the colonels Uyranga Hollanda and Antonio
Celente Videira, admitted the seriousness of the ufological
manifestation and the need of treating it in a straight way. And
declared: The files must be opened and you must keep your
action with the government, in order to ensure it happens.

The full content of this interview will soon be published by
Brazilian UFO Magazine, PORTAL UFO__Revista Brasileira de Ufologia.

Photos can be downloaded here: Index of /public/socrates.

Translation thanks to Wander Alcaraz, volunteer.

A. J. Gevaerd,Editor, Brazilian UFO Magazine
Coordinator, Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU)
National Director, Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
PORTAL UFO__Revista Brasileira de Ufologia