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UFO movies

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I've just watched the Directors Cut of "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" for the first time, and for me CEOT3K is still a disturbing, funny, exciting and beautiful film even after all these years.

[disturbing since the bit where Barry goes off with the aliens is still incredibly scarey ... I shall never listen to nursery rhyme records ever again :eek:]

So I thought I would throw this to the Paracastians and see what abducts:

Are there any other (reasonably) intelligent UFO-type movies out there that don't feature Christopher Walken as Whitley Streiber?? ... and that I may have missed over the years??

[yes and I know that "Battle Beyond the Stars" has a UFO type craft in it, and Robert Vaughan, and ... Sybil Danning :eek: ... but that doesn't count either :P]
For me "Fire in the Sky" was, while apparently not exactly accurate, a good film and scary as hell. Whenever I hear of abductions I can not help but imagine the scene with the aliens dragging Walton by the foot down that hall and throwing the latex sheet over him. Scares the bahjesus out of me.
I agree Close Encounters of the Third Kind was a very good movie. I saw it on the big screen with my family when it first came out. When the little boy went to chase the UFO my mom looked at me and said he reminds me of you.

If you want a good laugh I liked Mars Attacks.

I also thought Steven Spielberg's minisereies Taken wasn't bad.

The Forgotten scared the crap out of me and a movie called Dark City is creepy but a good movie... kind of along the lines of the Matrix..

I liked Walken's acting in that movie BTW.
RonCollins said:
For me "Fire in the Sky" was, while apparently not exactly accurate, a good film and scary as hell. Whenever I hear of abductions I can not help but imagine the scene with the aliens dragging Walton by the foot down that hall and throwing the latex sheet over him. Scares the bahjesus out of me.

I agree it was scary as hell... i was really young when i saw it (put it this way, i was spending the night at a friends house and we snuck into the living room behind the couch to watch it while his dad was watching it that around how young lol), don't remember how young, but i remember it gave me bad nightmares and i couldn't sleep. HAHA its kinda of what started my interest as a kid to get into the ufo field.
Not scary, and no ufos, but has a possible alien in it. K-Pax. I enjoyed that a lot.

The mini series Intruders and another mini series on abductions with Markie Post (cant recall the name) was decent, for tv movies at least.

Movies don't scare me. I'm a fuddy dud, I know they're just movies.
banning said:
RonCollins said:
For me "Fire in the Sky" was, while apparently not exactly accurate, a good film and scary as hell. Whenever I hear of abductions I can not help but imagine the scene with the aliens dragging Walton by the foot down that hall and throwing the latex sheet over him. Scares the bahjesus out of me.

I agree it was scary as hell... i was really young when i saw it (put it this way, i was spending the night at a friends house and we snuck into the living room behind the couch to watch it while his dad was watching it that around how young lol), don't remember how young, but i remember it gave me bad nightmares and i couldn't sleep. HAHA its kinda of what started my interest as a kid to get into the ufo field.

What's kind of crazy about that movie is that almost NONE of the things that happened to Travis in the alien craft happened as he told it.

Travis had a non-violent experience inside the craft, no half-eaten people, no latex covering strapping him down, no needles and juices in the eyes, none of that stuff.

It (almost) leads one to suspect that there's an agenda to portray the visitors in a certain light.
yeah LOL i remember once i started getting into the whole alien thing that that movie was completely fake, still scary though if you let your imagination roll with it :P
Ally said:
Thanks banning I haven't heard of this movie but it sounds funny. I will have to rent it.

Oh man you're missing out DEFINITELY rent it lol its a classic :) haha, infact i need to buy it on DVD i only have it on VHS :P

another sci-fi (not really ufo) movie i kinda dug when i was little was "The Guyver" and "The Guyver II"... i remember there was another alien movie that scared the crap out of me when i was little but i can't ever remember the name of it. All i remember is these special forces guys are sent in to re-capture it and it kills them 1 by 1... and well the part that stands out in my memory the most is the alien catches one of the guys and sticks this thing in his ear and rips out his eardrum LOL freaked my sh*t out.
I really liked "Contact". There is some interesting overlap of the idea that nothing is actually happening when indeed something is(latter part of the movie). I think in this way the story seems to coincide with "we have no proof, but something is there" stance we see from many encounters. I think it is a must see, among the others mentioned.

Obviously nothing beats "ET" and although I've heard about the supposed Speilberg connection, I find it an interesting point made by Dolan even if it is just an urban legend.

And as far as Mars Attacks: The best part is when we release the nuke on them and this gadget swallows it up, packs it in a pipe, and is smoked by one of the aliens. I laugh everytime I even think about it and it makes me wonder how close that is to the truth of our feeble weaponry. Even if we can blow ourselves to smithereens. Maybe not, but it is an incredibly funny part, at least for me.
How about the original War of the Worlds. It is classic. As a kid my Father had it on BetaMax (does that date me?) and I used to watch it all the time.

Quasi related is Enemy Mine. Damn good movie anyway.

Hangar 18, was good I think but havn't seen it in years.

As for goofy as hell, I offer:
I would agree there is an agenda. It occurred to me after seeing the last few minutes of Missing In Action on one of the Encore Channels.

It seems that movies come out come out around topical times, and direct us to feel a certain way about certain things. During the 1980's, the Boomers who fought Vietnam were feeling cheated, so there were a crapload of Vietnam related movies. Some that were based on true stories, some that were revenge fantasy in order to make people think that someday there will be a reckoning for the people who mistreated POW's.

In the 1990s, we had a lot of mindless entertainment, all of which was geared up mind clutter. Topical nonsense to distract us from the fact that certain things were in the works. Even today a lot of our entertainment is programming, nothing more.

There's no surprise that people when they see some of these movies, believe there is an agenda to make people think a certain way about alien contact.
banning said:
i always liked the V movies and tv series... i don't really know why maybe its just the story line.

I saw those as a child. Can't recall much about them. Other than, they first appeared humanlike, then later reptilian. At least I think that was V.

I liked Contact pretty much. The movie is quite different from the book however.
Paranormal Packrat said:
banning said:
i always liked the V movies and tv series... i don't really know why maybe its just the story line.

I saw those as a child. Can't recall much about them. Other than, they first appeared humanlike, then later reptilian. At least I think that was V.

I liked Contact pretty much. The movie is quite different from the book however.

yea that was V i just liked the whole nazi kinda under ton of the movie, how they moved in started making little changes and then BAM they were all over and human kind had to defend themselves. i get all excited and gitty when the kids are putting graffiti on the walls against the alien regime and this old man walks up and they all look like "oh shit we're busted". but the old man takes one of the cans and says "not like that, like this" and does a V. Then he says "do you understand now? V for victory". Idk haha maybe im just a softy for justice... LOL i should point out i don't like the whole nazi side its the humankind defending themselves.
banning said:
Paranormal Packrat said:
banning said:
i always liked the V movies and tv series... i don't really know why maybe its just the story line.

I saw those as a child. Can't recall much about them. Other than, they first appeared humanlike, then later reptilian. At least I think that was V.

I liked Contact pretty much. The movie is quite different from the book however.

yea that was V i just liked the whole nazi kinda under ton of the movie, how they moved in started making little changes and then BAM they were all over and human kind had to defend themselves. i get all excited and gitty when the kids are putting graffiti on the walls against the alien regime and this old man walks up and they all look like "oh shit we're busted". but the old man takes one of the cans and says "not like that, like this" and does a V. Then he says "do you understand now? V for victory". Idk haha maybe im just a softy for justice... LOL i should point out i don't like the whole nazi side its the humankind defending themselves.

I liked V for Vendetta. Cool movie, plus Natalie Portman.