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UFO Mystery Contiues over Missourri

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Good post. I find it very heartening to see that the tone of the piece was very factual with absolutely ZERO giggle factor, something almost unheard of for news items about UFOs.

There are sometimes news stories about UFOs that are serious but often are marred somewhat with the usual semi-sarcastic comment at the end. Things like 'for our next close encounter....' and then the anchor passes over to the weather or sports reporter. Whatever a UFO story actually is, usually there is at least some nod to the Sci-Fi and movie lore.

In this piece there was nothing of that sort at all. Very refreshing to see that. We can hope that if there are further events in the locality of the last ones, the TV station will pick up the story once more and do some pieces as a follow-up. If the tone of the first item was serious, any follow-up is likely to be serious also. That could be the start of some journalist getting their teeth into a real mystery, and possibly that reporter may uncover other sightings that were not reported initially (as we know the majority must be unreported) and put the parts of the puzzle together, seeing a big picture instead of a one-off 'lights in the sky' experience.

This was a great report for the single reason that it was reported seriously - as it bloody well should be too! You could see people out on the street looking to the sky and I very much doubt all those citizens were in on some hoax. Seems very likely to me that multiple people saw this and the consensus was that it was not a mundane object in the sky.
I often think that the only way the UFO mystery might be solved will be somehow started with a grass-roots movement of people, normally uninterested in UFOs who became interested after personal sightings. It may be harder to ignore demands from large numbers of average people. I think these days it is a mistake to reveal you might even belong to a UFO group and that is very wrong, but probably still necessary. As soon as such groups are mentioned, anyone in officialdom becomes prejudiced and will then not take the correct action with valid reported sightings.
From what I heard MUFON has been on the scene here and it has been very busy. There are literally hundreds of people out on the street doing skywatches.

I do not know if this is something that can be explained.

But I know Margie Kay is a well respected MUFON investigator.
From what I heard MUFON has been on the scene here and it has been very busy. There are literally hundreds of people out on the street doing skywatches.

I do not know if this is something that can be explained.

But I know Margie Kay is a well respected MUFON investigator.

The sightings here in NZ are still increasing, the local UFO watch here has more sightings than they know what to do with and it has clogged up their investigation scheduled.

New Zealand UFO Sightings 2012 - UFocus
What kind of professional aud/vid recording equipment do you carry with you?

I don't have any professional equipment. I have a cheap Sony pocket camera capable of stills or video and an old iPod with a video camera in it that I carry in my bag of junk I carry back and forth from the office. I have a couple of other better quality cameras but I don't generally carry them with me all the time. While filming something would be ideal, I'd settle for a sighting.
I don't have any professional equipment. I have a cheap Sony pocket camera capable of stills or video and an old iPod with a video camera in it that I carry in my bag of junk I carry back and forth from the office. I have a couple of other better quality cameras but I don't generally carry them with me all the time. While filming something would be ideal, I'd settle for a sighting.

I would like to know if an I-Phone or pod would work all that well as the resolution on them is not that good to start with.
Sadly I am a sound guy so all I have is an old I-pod and phone.. but i could record great sound of one :p
As a former news reporter, I'm stunned that both of the reporters treated the story as normal "hard news," and didn't snicker,,, not even once!!!

Same here it is a bit odd.. I worked in the media for some time myself and it is odd that the giggle factor did not happen.
I would like to know if an I-Phone or pod would work all that well as the resolution on them is not that good to start with.
Sadly I am a sound guy so all I have is an old I-pod and phone.. but i could record great sound of one :p
Here is a MUFON report. I can't upload the audio file. I saved this because the recording sounds identical to the hemispherical craft I observed.

After driving back home (in Broadstone, Dorset) from seeing my Girlfriend at roughly twenty minutes past eleven (GMT). I suddenly noticed a small silver, egg shaped object approx. three hundred feet in the air, just over Ridgeway park. Upon stopping the car along Dunyeats Road and inspecting it for awhile, it appeared to simply hover in mid-air. No lights were operating upon its surface and the definition of the shape was clear enough. It was a 'sideways egg' more or less and its point was west facing. It had no motion, but as I stepped out of the car to check it out, I started to feel the windows of my car vibrate as I closed my side door. There was a gorgeous low bass-line emitting from what I thought was the object, as no other cars or Industrial equipment was operating near-by. There was a slight tingling from listening to the noise, a gentle massaging effect that did not upset me physically. Being a boom operator, I quickly hooked up my Rode NTG-2 and field recorder from my boot and held the boom up as high as I could. I even thought about standing on the roof of my car. At about twenty to midnight, the humming slowly faded away and the object just simply blended into the night sky. Not an instant effect, but one that if you were to look back at, it would be gradually less and less visible to the eye. The recording is in WAV format, but I have (attempted) to clean up the pulses. There have been a few recent sightings of lights over the local Heathland, but as of yet, this thing was the most intriguing. - Tobe
I don't have any professional equipment. I have a cheap Sony pocket camera capable of stills or video and an old iPod with a video camera in it that I carry in my bag of junk I carry back and forth from the office. I have a couple of other better quality cameras but I don't generally carry them with me all the time. While filming something would be ideal, I'd settle for a sighting.

I see. Your interest is purely your own not that of the Ufology Community.
I see. Your interest is purely your own not that of the Ufology Community.


You don't know Trained that well do you? :D

That post sort of has this tone to it.

I swear Stoney - all your visual gags go over my head! I totally agree with your above sentiments and of course this person doesn't know Trained very well on here to make such a comment!

What is this 'orly' thing? I get the matador gag but the owl? Nope but that's probably me!
I swear Stoney - all your visual gags go over my head! I totally agree with your above sentiments and of course this person doesn't know Trained very well on here to make such a comment!

What is this 'orly' thing? I get the matador gag but the owl? Nope but that's probably me!

lol sorry goggs it is a hang over from BBS posting and image boards :D I sort of thought hell why not use this sort of thing here now and then.. kind of mix it up a bit.