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Ok the one above is a fake, the guy who made it admits it
but then this one turns up
cars are moving in the background, so its not one of the fakes taken of a still picture
its a new angle, and its closer and it has the flash
I think a few people in this thread would be amazed what you can do with video editing/enhancing software these days. What extremely loudly shouts 'fake as hell' in my ears...these videos seem to be all filmed from the same spot ? No others have emerged yet ?
The 4th video looks like its from a different angle and is closer.
Im leaning towards fake myself, but its an interesting case
The video was uploaded by people in Isreal. Micheal Cohen just linked it and wrote a BS article about it.
I am not saying I am a believer, but I am not sure if its a hoax either.
I think people are linking this to Micheal Cohen when he was not really involved. He just leaches off of youtube videos and claims he broke the story. I usueally ignore his BS articles on google.
I wonder if we could get these Jerusalem Webcams to check their backlogged video
Who knows it might all be a big hoax
it might not
Pretty interesting.
But, ... there must have been at least hundreds of other witnesses right?? I mean the bright thing descended over the city (looks like it was illuminating at least a block or so as it did), ... then it rapidly takes off after a huge bright flash. So where are all the witnesses that didn't take a video?? I haven't been able to locate one source of other witnesses that were located where the event took place.
If we are to look to Michael Cohen (allnewsweb) and other sources like the Examiner for the proper rundown on the events then we might as well file it under "Bogus" right now.
Am I wrong in thinking there must have been hundreds of witnesses?? All of which we have heard nothing from?? Is that the estimation of the situation right now?? Screw the video analysis, ... .where are the people that actually saw this right over their heads??
I'd say the Utah event is not a hoax. It may have a as yet undiscovered conventional explanation but I think the odds are great that the event occurred as the two witnesses described and filmed it. The Jerusalem footage on the other hand still appears to be pretty suspect and most likely a hoax. If the Jerusalem footage were accompanied by the testimony of two witnesses in two separate locations, as the Utah footage has, it might be a different story. You'd expect a similar news story on Jerusalem television I'd think. Or do they run such stories over there? Such an event would generate some media reaction you'd think.Doing a little research and found this that happened in Utah around the same time. Not nearly as impressive, and probably ripe for debunking, but... Thought I'd put it out there.
I'd say the Utah event is not a hoax. It may have a as yet undiscovered conventional explanation but I think the odds are great that the event occurred as the two witnesses described and filmed it. The Jerusalem footage on the other hand still appears to be pretty suspect and most likely a hoax. If the Jerusalem footage were accompanied by the testimony of two witnesses in two separate locations, as the Utah footage has, it might be a different story. You'd expect a similar news story on Jerusalem television I'd think. Or do they run such stories over there? Such an event would generate some media reaction you'd think.
"Look Ethel, Jesus came back, looked around, said "The hell with it!" and went back home!"