What I’m trying to tell you is all that does is undermine your own argument.
I leave it the reader to enjoy whatever I can offer on the physics of this subject, and to separate that from the personal limitations of my patience, which, like all of us, is far from infinite.
I also think it would be helpful if you stopped defending the guy - it's much more difficult for me to ignore the problem (which is my preference) when you keep bringing it up. Apparently you two have some kind of personal relationship, which you should've disclosed when he arrived. Now would be a good time to do that, if that is in fact the case. Moving on.
Well, Daniel Fry, the guy who inspired your (Thomas' UFO research) traded quite a lot of info with visitors. It's good old give and take. If you have something that they want they'll tell you more. Farmer gave them a dirty water from a pond from the pond and got a hint. Daniel Fry gave them safe house, money, books etc. and got whole cosmology and propulsion.
Honestly I'm still on the fence regarding the veracity of Daniel Fry's account. But frequently, as a thought exercise, I choose to take it at face value to see what I can find within his books from that perspective.
And honestly, what I've found so far is stunning to me. He clearly and unambiguously described the dark energy effect roughly 40 years before it was discovered by modern astronomers - that's very difficult, although not completely impossible, to explain prosaically. He also clearly predicted the principle behind the gravitational dipole generator that Robert L. Forward published several years later in 1963 - I haven't yet found any indication of this concept that predated Forward's paper, so this is also very difficult to explain. Obviously he described the concept of gravitational field propulsion, which wasn't verified as a theoretical possibility in the academic literature until Alcubierre published his paper in 1994, about four decades later. And as my understanding of general relativity deepened, I realized that many of the seemingly innocuous concepts discussed within his books may be better understood in context as pertinent cues to manipulating the components of the stress-energy tensor. Also, his discussions about the nonlinearity of physical law led me to independently discover that special relativity can be very beautifully expressed geometrically, as the relationship between velocity and time as the x and y axes of a unit circle where C = 1. A number of other compelling examples can be found in his work, such as the anticipation of electromagnetically induced transparency, but I won't try to enumerate all of them here.
But if he received a working cosmological model in specific terms, then he didn't publish it, or elucidate upon it in his subsequent talks. Rather, his books seem to present a kind of puzzle, with a collection of key facts and principles cleverly disguised within, to assist in the resolution of the puzzle on our own. The nature of that puzzle is also clear: he discusses in broad terms a very elegant and completely original grand unified theory, whereby all of the key factors of nature (space, time, mass, gravity) are all variables in a single new equation that can be manipulated to produce changes in all of the other factors, in a manner very similar to if not identical with the Lorentz transform. He cites this unified field theory as the key to gravitational field propulsion, and as the mechanism behind the dark energy effect, but he never offers a formulation of it. In fact so many of the subtleties and startling predictions with his books seem to surpass Daniel Fry's keen yet somewhat drab intellect, that I've often wondered if he's the sole author of his books. But the implications of that line of thinking are almost too extravagant to contemplate, so I tend to back away from that point as I question my own sanity.
Long time ago engineer Google Wilbert Smith allegedly had a success with ads in newspapers where he was asking caller's trick questions. Success rate was 1 in 100, so he got about 2-3 contacts that, according to his impression, were successful.
I've never heard of this before, but it's interesting - could you share a link with us?
edit: corrected a misattribution error in the last quote, improperly designated to marduk.
PS - marduk, you keep complaining about the interpersonal rubbish, and yet you keep going on and on and on and on about it. I'm not going to be gouded into any more discussion about it. You're the only one who cares; get over it.