Thank you for your comments.
With regard to Ted Roe's comments they were posted after a a series of personal attacks against me. This is why I must question the intent of someone when they are only giving out portions of a single thread when there is a much deeper history.
As far as Curt Collins blog post:
I was working on behalf of MUFON headquarters when I interviewed Mr. Maussan. I spoke with Mr. Collins on numerous occasions so I could present both sides to the Roswell Slides.
Anyone that knows me or listens to my radio show understands that I have neither the time nor desire to "enact revenge" over the Roswell Slides. I would truly hope that after a considerable length of time we could move on.
I have stated numerous times that the work that was done by certain people in the Roswell Group was thorough, end of story.
With regard to Mr. Collin's comments about me "defending" another fake alien photo, I never stated that the photo was a hoax or genuine.
My comments were simply that we should with hold judgment until we had a chance to review and address the information in Mr. Povenmire's book.
As far as the comments about the MUFON FB page,
His accusations about shutting down the FB page because of John Ventre are completely inaccurate.
Anyone who has been in this field knows very well of the bullying and abuse that take place on social media, in blogposts and on website's. All one has to do is look at the way that Mr. Collins operates to see exactly what I am referring to.
I look forward to moving on!
Thank you for your comments.
First of all let me say that anyone that knows me personally or who listens to my radio show understands that I have better things to do than "enact revenge" over the Roswell Slides. The RRG did a thorough with the investigation,end of story. The fact that this is even a topic of diusscusion is tiresome at best.
This attack on Isaac Koi is Erica Lukes' revenge enacted by Ted Roe, fallout in part from the Roswell Slides fiasco. Lukes was a guest host for
MUFON's show on KGRA where she interviewed Jaime Maussan between BeWitness and his MUFON symposium appearance, allowing him to defend the Slides against the critics he said were trying to discredit him. Her primary concern was trying to get the meanies to stop saying unfavorable things about her friends. Lukes has referred to Maussan and Paola Harris as role models that have guided and supported her. She sees anyone criticizing the fakes that these two promote as hateful debunking abusive meanies. She apparently saw the team that exposed BeWitness in that light. Isaac Koi, Chris Rutkowski and I were among the members of the "Roswell Slides Research Group," and it's tragically comic that Lukes rushed in to defend yet another fake photo of a dead alien, this starting this disgusting episode.
There have been shrill cries from Roe and Lukes about bullying and abuse, but they seem to have
engaged in plenty of this behavior themselves while pretending to be the victims. This Dec. 1 post from "
UFO Classified with Erica Lukes" shows she hasn't let the Slides fiasco go. She portrays herself as a victim of bullying attacks, just like Anthony Bragalia.