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UFOs and Time Distortion

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Christopher O'Brien

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UFOs and Time Distortion
By Tim Swartz
Article HERE:
For most people, spotting a UFO would be considered extremely unusual, but for two Ohio women, seeing a UFO was the least surprising part of their experience.

In June 2001, two sisters, Angie Whitmeyer and Deborah Simmons, were returning from a day of shopping in Dayton, Ohio, when a strange light in the sky caught their attention.

“We were heading home to Kingman, Ohio, on State Road 73,” Deborah recalled. “It was a beautiful evening around 8:30 p.m., the air was warm and the sky crystal clear. Angie was driving and I was watching the scenery go by when I noticed a bright light in the western sky.”

Deborah watched in amazement as the light grew in intensity and flew towards the car at an incredible speed.

“Deborah asked me what that weird light was,” said Angie. “But we were close to Caesar Creek Lake and the road was pretty dark so I wasn’t paying a lot of attention to it. But then it flew right in front of us so I couldn’t miss it.”

The bright light soared past the car and hovered over the nearby treetops, casting an eerie glow over the entire area. Whitmeyer pulled the car over onto the side of the road so they could get a better look at the unusual object.

Deborah was shocked by how large and close the UFO was to them: “The light was so bright and white that you couldn’t see any shape behind it. But we could tell it was pretty big, at least as big as a house. The funny thing was that I couldn’t hear any sort of engine like you would normally hear with an airplane or helicopter. It was completely silent.”

Suddenly, another, identical bright light swooped down from the sky and hovered a short distance away. The two sisters decided the situation was becoming too strange and tried to drive away.

“That’s when I discovered that the car had stopped and I couldn’t restart it,” Angie said. “Nothing worked, the lights, the radio, it was completely dead.”

The two women also noticed an odd silence had descended over the area, accompanied by a strange feeling of isolation. Angie remembered that it seemed as if they were the only people in the world.

“I don’t remember seeing another car come by during the entire time we were there, which is really weird because at that time of an evening there’s always traffic on that road. And it was just dead silent outside, no birds, nothing. It was as if we were in another world.”

Uncertain what to do next, Angie and her sister continued to watch the strange pair of lights, when, unexpectedly, both objects shot straight up and disappeared into the night sky. The area was plunged into darkness, and oddly enough, the normal sounds of the night came back almost as if switched on.

“As soon as the lights flew away,” Deborah said, “the car started running again all by itself. The lights and radio were on just as they were before everything happened.”

According to their watches, the strange encounter had lasted more than 20 minutes. However, when they arrived home, Deborah’s husband seemed unconcerned about what they thought was a late arrival. That’s when they discovered that instead of being after 9:00 p.m., as their wristwatches indicated, it was only 8:35 p.m.

“It was as if the entire time we spent looking at those lights had never happened,” Angie said. “But it did happen, our watches both showed we had been stuck out there for over 20 minutes, but somehow we gained that time back with a few minutes to spare. Normally we should have been home at around ten to nine, but somehow, despite what had happened, we got there early.” Rest of the article HERE:
Wish could like this three times.
This goes right into my favourites folder, thanks Chris

Ive always been very interested in the UFO/Time distortion factor.
I have a gut feeling there is great significance in this line of enquiry

However, the new kids on the physics block, quantum and string theories, may show that time and space are easier to influence than was previously thought. Some physicists believe that it is possible to engineer space-time itself and to surround a spaceship with a local space-time in such a way that locally, the light barrier remains intact, while from the outside the ship is moving at faster-than-light velocity. UFOs that seem to rapidly accelerate, change direction, or even disappear are actually operating conservatively from the viewpoint of their own internal time rates.

If someone or something came close enough to a ship that was creating its own space-time, normal time and space, as they know it, would cease to exist for them, and they would come under the influence of the artificial space-time.

This could explain some of the stranger aspects of UFO encounters, such as environmental sounds disappearing, isolation, the freezing of motors and electronic devices, and the feeling of time slowing down, stretching out, and losing all meaning. The UFO is literally creating an alteration in the local state of space-time, thus generating a major distortion effect that is experienced by the witness. Within this time anomaly the perceived forward motion of time could even disappear, allowing for the past, present, and future to intrude upon one another.

We know the rate of flow for time is a variable not fixed

Time passes faster the higher you are

Ashley Hall
Updated September 24, 2010 10:43:00

Researchers in the United States have for the first time shown that time passes faster the higher up you are.
In a curious aspect of Albert Einsten's theory of relativity, they show that someone living or working long hours in a top floor apartment or office will age more quickly than someone on the ground floor.
To understand this research, you first need to grasp an idea thrown up by Einstein more than 100 years ago.
In his theory of general relativity, Einstein predicted that a clock at a higher elevation would run faster than a clock on the planet's surface because it experiences a weaker gravitational force.
Time passes faster the higher you are - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

And we know gravity plays a part in this

We also know space time can be moved, and more importantly a bubble or frame of spacetime can be moved faster, relative to the adjacent frames

An international team of NASA and university researchers has
found the first direct evidence of a phenomenon predicted 80 years
ago using Einstein's theory of general relativity -- that the
Earth is dragging space and time around itself as it rotates
General relativity predicts that massive rotating objects
should drag space-time around themselves as they rotate," said
"Frame dragging is like what happens if a bowling ball
spins in a thick fluid such as molasses. As the ball spins, it
pulls the molasses around itself. Anything stuck in the molasses
will also move around the ball. Similarly, as the Earth rotates,
it pulls space-time in its vicinity around itself. This will
shift the orbits of satellites near the Earth.
General Relativistic Frame Dragging

This also means that light traveling in the direction of rotation of the object will move past the massive object faster than light moving against the rotation, as seen by a distant observer. It is now the best-known effect, partly thanks to the Gravity Probe B experiment.

Its not hard to predict you could use these two proven effects and come up with a propulsion system, which does what the article describes
I have always thought 'missing time' and any time-altering effects were directly related to the propulsion systems of UFOs. To be able to perform the way they are reported and not squish the occupants to plasma, there must be some serious re-arranging of local inertia and by extension, time.
Even if ET could willingly slow or speed time relative to the human observer, I think it is more likely just a by-product of local effects on space-time rather than deliberate 'messing' with humans.

Good case Chris.
I just love these weird stories where reality and time are all bent out of shape. I've had it happen to me. Of course our perception of time is a psychological construct. We have dreams that may seem to last hours or even days, but actually only occur over the course of minutes, so perhaps we are seeing a Persinger effect taking place in the presence of a high intensity magnetic field. Or maybe even simple highway hypnosis.
Or "they" manipulate time. Actually, I've read some other witness reports where there was a sense of time standing still or changing pace when the object was quite close.. It might just be the surprise or the utter "gobsmackedness" of course. But my pet theory is that at least some of "them" might be time travellers, so why not.
Or "they" manipulate time. Actually, I've read some other witness reports where there was a sense of time standing still or changing pace when the object was quite close.. It might just be the surprise or the utter "gobsmackedness" of course. But my pet theory is that at least some of "them" might be time travellers, so why not.

We're all time travelers going forward. It can be no other way and still allow us to experience the effect of seeming to go back in time. The reason is that as soon as we invoke backward time travel, the logic of the problem requires that we either break the universe we're in or that a new and identical universe split from the present at the point of the temporal intersection, in which case time travelers aren't really in the same universe anymore, but in another one that merely seems the same and at a previous point in the historical record. From within this parallel universe the time travelers could influence the course of that universe, but it would have no effect on this one.
Yeah, things would have to split into infinite universes I think. No paradox because you only affect where you travel to, not the one you just came from.
We're all time travelers going forward. It can be no other way and still allow us to experience the effect of seeming to go back in time. .

Yeah, I watched that documentary too. But don't you think that's just replacing one paradigm with another? Do you really think we know all there is to know about time and space? Maybe in a hundred or a thousand years this "law" gets relativated and expanded by new findings? Maybe there is an infinite bulk of space-time and anyone whose science has developped far enough can navigate it at will. Or there is really only one time-line and changes to it can't be percieved by people living in it.
Hmm...maybe the world blew up in the Cuba crisis and someone from the future changed it. Okay, just kidding. But then... you never know ;)
Yeah, I watched that documentary too. But don't you think that's just replacing one paradigm with another? Do you really think we know all there is to know about time and space? Maybe in a hundred or a thousand years this "law" gets relativated and expanded by new findings? Maybe there is an infinite bulk of space-time and anyone whose science has developped far enough can navigate it at will. Or there is really only one time-line and changes to it can't be percieved by people living in it.
Hmm...maybe the world blew up in the Cuba crisis and someone from the future changed it. Okay, just kidding. But then... you never know ;)

What documentary? Or was that just a figurative comment. I hven't seen any documentaries this specific. If there is a documentary, where might I find it? I think the closest I've seen so far are a couple of old Star Trek episodes, but even they don't provide the theoretical framework we're talking about here.

On the topic itself: Sure we're replacing one paradigm with another ... a worse one for a better one. It might still be wrong, but at least we'd be improving our chances ( or so we might presume based on our past success at predicting outcomes based on logical thinking ). In other words, if we are to get to that expanded point of understanding in the next hundred or thousand years that you mention, I suspect logical investigation is the way we'll do it. Either that or by pure chance or accident.

Another point to be made is that backwards time travel does not necessitate the creation of a multiverse. Based on the computational model ( theory of universe creation ), it could be that we are living within a single construct and that when backwards time travel happens ( or seems to happen ), what is actually happening is that the time traveler's data is being inserted into the timeline at a specific point in the past and all of the data that makes up history past that point is overwritten. The inhabitants of the realm would be none the wiser. The main issue with this idea is that whatever has the power to do that, if not the creator of the construct itself, would be almost equivalent to the creator with respect to its influence on our universe. To allow something to wreak that much havoc within the system isn't something that would seem desirable ... but who knows?

Lastly, during these Oz events, perhaps we're not dealing with UFOs at all. Perhaps the lights and strange effects are a manifestation of a direct manipulation ( or perhaps natural aberration ) of spacetime itself ... a glitch in the Matrix ( so to speak ).
What documentary?

This one was what I had mainly in mind:

But the comment was also figurative, because in every documentary where someone like Michio Kaku, Morgan Freeman etc. talks about time, we are told that we all are time travellers going into the future.

In the above piece, professor Malett is talking about his concept of a "time machine" by means of which information might be received from the future. The conclusion of the documentary, if I remember right, is that time travel would theoretically be possible (and not only for information) from the moment the machine is switched on. So, future scientists would be able to "go back in time" only to that very moment, but not further into the past.

In our context, that would mean, UFOs can't be from the future because nobody has built such a machine yet. And reports about UFO-like sightings in historical texts etc. can't be speculated about to (will) have been caused by future time travellers because obviously, back then, no such machine existed.

On the topic itself: Sure we're replacing one paradigm with another ... a worse one for a better one.

Absolutely. I was really getting tired of "it's not possible, think about the grandfather paradox". I like the new one much better.

But of course, I'm not much of a scientific thinker. I like to get carried away on speculations that there might still be further discoveries ahead that mean that this theory too is only a part of the big picture. And that some time in the distant future, people (not necessarily our direct descendants) will be able to navigate spacetime at will. But I understand that someone who is more about the science will tend to hold back on these speculations. Good thing that in this forum I get reminded of that frequently. :oops:
Buuuuuuuut..if is so happens that if any far advanced extraterrestrial civilization from the outer reaches of our galaxy should come a calling and drop-ship a time travelin' machine on us (built by them some 1,000 years ago) ... ;)

In actuality I'm sure it wouldn't be simple, I think regardless when it was built, it is more important when it's existence was first discovered would be the limiting factor as to how far back one could (theoretically) go.

Regarding any paradoxes, I once read some theory that if an event was not KNOWN to have existed, even if it happened, that event could be altered w/o any concerns. It brings a whole new dimension to the old tree falling in the forest and no one being around to hear it argument
... The comment was also figurative, because in every documentary where someone like Michio Kaku, Morgan Freeman etc. talks about time, we are told that we all are time travellers going into the future ..... But of course, I'm not much of a scientific thinker. I like to get carried away on speculations that there might still be further discoveries ahead that mean that this theory too is only a part of the big picture. And that some time in the distant future, people (not necessarily our direct descendants) will be able to navigate spacetime at will. But I understand that someone who is more about the science will tend to hold back on these speculations. Good thing that in this forum I get reminded of that frequently. [/quote]

Thanks for posting the video. I always find them interesting. Also, don't sell yourself short on comprehension just because you aren't a scientist. You don't need to be a scientist to figure most of this out ( at least in principle ). One just needs to do a little investigation and reflect on the topic. The first thing to grasp is the nature of time itself. At the outset it seems mysterious and beyond our grasp, but it's not. It's really quite simple and it boils down to one thing; the concept of change. If nothing changes, time stands still. When things change normally, we move forward in time. In order for time to move backwards, all the changes that have taken place need to be reversed. But I'm not talking about rearranging the furniture here and then putting it back. Every particle would have to follow its trajectory back to where it was before it changed position and every transformation or fluctuation of matter or energy would have to undergo a precise reverse transformation into what it was before it changed. It helps to visualize things like electrons reversing their orbits and planets and galaxies switching their direction of rotation. Everything from the smallest micro to the biggest macro would have to undo everything it has done back to whatever point in time you want to revert to.

Assuming that were possible, by every measure we have at our disposal, time for us would have been reversed. The problem is that assuming such a thing were possible, what could cause it to happen? The answer ( logically ) is that only whatever is responsible for imparting the fundamental forces of nature onto this reality would be capable of making those kinds of changes, and every indication is that it exists outside our spacetime. Therefore even if reality can be rewound, when viewed from the point of view of the larger picture, everything is still progressing forward. For example you can rewind a tape to -20 mins but it still takes +20 seconds to do that. This concept applies no matter how many iterations there are, ( universes within universes ). Therefore we can conclude that in the grandest scheme, time is always moving in only one direction ... forward. Only from isolated perspectives might it be considered to have been reversed.

What might we conclude from this? Well the most obvious is that if the reports of time manipulation are true, our universe is in reality some form of generated construct where all the data is buffered or perhaps even archived in some fashion and can be recalled and manipulated. This opens up a whole lot of fun possibilities ... and some rather disturbing ones too.
... The comment was also figurative, because in every documentary where someone like Michio Kaku, Morgan Freeman etc. talks about time, we are told that we all are time travellers going into the future ..... But of course, I'm not much of a scientific thinker. I like to get carried away on speculations that there might still be further discoveries ahead that mean that this theory too is only a part of the big picture. And that some time in the distant future, people (not necessarily our direct descendants) will be able to navigate spacetime at will. But I understand that someone who is more about the science will tend to hold back on these speculations. Good thing that in this forum I get reminded of that frequently.

Thanks for posting the video. I always find them interesting. Also, don't sell yourself short on comprehension just because you aren't a scientist. You don't need to be a scientist to figure most of this out ( at least in principle ). One just needs to do a little investigation and reflect on the topic. The first thing to grasp is the nature of time itself. At the outset it seems mysterious and beyond our grasp, but it's not. It's really quite simple and it boils down to one thing; the concept of change. If nothing changes, time stands still. When things change normally, we move forward in time. In order for time to move backwards, all the changes that have taken place need to be reversed. But I'm not talking about simply rearranging the furniture and then putting it back. Every particle would have to follow its trajectory back to where it was before it changed position and every transformation or fluctuation of matter or energy would have to undergo a precise reverse transformation into what it was before it changed. It helps to visualize things like electrons reversing their orbits and planets and galaxies switching their direction of rotation. Everything from the smallest micro to the biggest macro would have to undo everything it has done back to whatever point in time you want to revert to.

Assuming that were possible, by every measure we have at our disposal, time for us would have been reversed. The problem is that assuming such a thing were possible, what could cause it to happen? The answer ( logically ) is that only whatever is responsible for imparting the fundamental forces of nature onto this reality would be capable of making those kinds of changes, and every indication is that it exists outside our spacetime. Therefore even if reality can be rewound, when viewed from the point of view of the larger picture, everything is still progressing forward. For example you can rewind a tape to -20 mins but it still takes +20 seconds to do that. This concept applies no matter how many iterations there are, ( universes within universes ). Therefore we can conclude that in the grandest scheme, time is always moving in only one direction ... forward. Only from isolated perspectives might it be considered to have been reversed.

What might we conclude from this? Well the most obvious is that if the reports of time manipulation are true, our universe is in reality some form of generated construct where all the data is buffered or perhaps even archived in some fashion and can be recalled and manipulated. This opens up a whole lot of fun possibilities ... and some rather disturbing ones too.
A man could literally go mad if he were to spend too much time thinking about the illusion of 'reality', the immense distances as well as the smallest of fundamental particles which, truth be told, no scientist in the world can actually understand and picture what is going on at these sizes where our 'reality' has broken down and things waver between being EM waves or 'solid' or who knows what? What do you call the stuff matter is fundamentally made of?
And does it ever stop? If we could find them somehow there may be a quanta of something that makes up matter but what makes up the quanta of energy? It could go on and on and on!
We are talking many sizes too small for even a scanning electron microscope - down to 'strings' or the analogy du jour.

I was writing the above cos USI Calgary's above post mentioned time often and along with matter and energy, it is one of those subjects that can be pondered over for hour and lifetimes, just thinking about these things. If some super-intelligence (god) designed 'all this' then it was an amazing job even for a god!
And if there is no god behind it, are we to take it that a universe could only come into existence with say, the fundamental constants the same? Can another universe exist where all the rules are different? Can their be infinite types of universe, all having a differing recipe of how it is all put together.

The mind truly boggles with this and if any of us thought about it all the time we would indeed go mad.
It is this very subject I had in mind when I posted about my sleeping problems on another thread in that I dwell on these things in bed. so I had to take a "brain calming" product.