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UFOs and Time Distortion

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Was it blue? lol

i had one catch in my throat once.....had a stiff neck for a week :D

But back to the topic, we dont fully understand the mechanics of the universe yet, so i'm not ruling time travel out.

Mysterious bond between atoms found in white dwarf stars could change computing forever | Mail Online

The find rewrites the rules of the universe

I suspect we will have to revise the "rules" many times.

Personally i think the ability to travel to any co-ordinate, both in terms of distance, and duration will turn out to be relatively simple in the end.
I think linear time is an artifact that we are stuck in only because of our limited terrestrial circumstance, ie stuck in a gravity well.
Everything we do , experience and even experiments are relative to that circumstance.
We know time moves at variable speeds based on proximity to mass, i think the ability to travel anywhere and anywhen will be possible one day.
I suspect it involves stepping "outside" linear time to the dimension above, and then back down into it, at a co-ordinate of your choice.
Yeah, I watched that documentary too. But don't you think that's just replacing one paradigm with another? Do you really think we know all there is to know about time and space? Maybe in a hundred or a thousand years this "law" gets relativated and expanded by new findings? Maybe there is an infinite bulk of space-time and anyone whose science has developped far enough can navigate it at will. Or there is really only one time-line and changes to it can't be percieved by people living in it.
Hmm...maybe the world blew up in the Cuba crisis and someone from the future changed it. Okay, just kidding. But then... you never know ;)

i was thinking along those same lines, in that as irrational as it sounds, if you were going to argue backwards time travel is possible, you could logically....but not very accurately....argue that some events DIDN'T happen because they were stopped by time traveling agents, at least i guess you could say that. i certainly wouldn't hang my hat on that peg, but a corralary would be that all events that happened in our past may not have necessarily been the doing of people that were truly of that time. Well now i'm going to need that brain duller again tonight. this is ufology's fault for having the audacity to revist this thread which i hadn't noticed when it was originally started
A man could literally go mad if he were to spend too much time thinking about the illusion of 'reality', the immense distances as well as the smallest of fundamental particles which, truth be told, no scientist in the world can actually understand and picture what is going on at these sizes where our 'reality' has broken down and things waver between being EM waves or 'solid' or who knows what? What do you call the stuff matter is fundamentally made of?
And does it ever stop? If we could find them somehow there may be a quanta of something that makes up matter but what makes up the quanta of energy? It could go on and on and on!
We are talking many sizes too small for even a scanning electron microscope - down to 'strings' or the analogy du jour.

I was writing the above cos USI Calgary's above post mentioned time often and along with matter and energy, it is one of those subjects that can be pondered over for hour and lifetimes, just thinking about these things. If some super-intelligence (god) designed 'all this' then it was an amazing job even for a god!
And if there is no god behind it, are we to take it that a universe could only come into existence with say, the fundamental constants the same? Can another universe exist where all the rules are different? Can their be infinite types of universe, all having a differing recipe of how it is all put together.

The mind truly boggles with this and if any of us thought about it all the time we would indeed go mad.

Well there may be some upsides and downsides. For example, if we thought about it all the time perhaps we would go mad, so maybe that's why we have been programmed to spontaneously think of other things on a regular basis ( see this thread for examples ). But there are some who would probably agree that thinking about that could drive us even more crazy! So then people say that its all about balance. Well that sounds just about perfect to me ... say about 50/50. Seriously though, if we take it one bite ( or byte ) at a time, the emerging theories based on reality as information seem to be forming a more complete picture, one that explains some of the anomalies physicists and philosophers have been struggling with for ages ... and it just also happens to fit right in with a lot of ufolore and other paranormal topics as well. I just love this stuff.
i had one catch in my throat once.....had a stiff neck for a week :D

But back to the topic, we dont fully understand the mechanics of the universe yet, so i'm not ruling time travel out.

Mysterious bond between atoms found in white dwarf stars could change computing forever | Mail Online

I suspect we will have to revise the "rules" many times.

Personally i think the ability to travel to any co-ordinate, both in terms of distance, and duration will turn out to be relatively simple in the end.
I think linear time is an artifact that we are stuck in only because of our limited terrestrial circumstance, ie stuck in a gravity well.
Everything we do , experience and even experiments are relative to that circumstance.
We know time moves at variable speeds based on proximity to mass, i think the ability to travel anywhere and anywhen will be possible one day.
I suspect it involves stepping "outside" linear time to the dimension above, and then back down into it, at a co-ordinate of your choice.

I'm about to go down the rabbit hole with this statement. It wasn't that long ago that i was rationalizing to myself that all the deja vu's and synchronicities i experience were because my timing was off a beat on my pre-determined life path. i guess what i mean is that i felt that as we go about our lives, we are just going through the motions like we were actors living out a play whose results were already determined. i no longer feel this is the case but i felt it was a nice way to explain deja vu ( the event had already happened and i was "running late") and synchronicity ( i was running early and i recalled the event before it actually happened)
I'm about to go down the rabbit hole with this statement. It wasn't that long ago that i was rationalizing to myself that all the deja vu's and synchronicities i experience were because my timing was off a beat on my pre-determined life path. i guess what i mean is that i felt that as we go about our lives, we are just going through the motions like we were actors living out a play whose results were already determined. i no longer feel this is the case but i felt it was a nice way to explain deja vu ( the event had already happened and i was "running late") and synchronicity ( i was running early and i recalled the event before it actually happened)

Now we're drifting into the concept of free will ( in the sense that we think we consciously choose our path through life ). But we don't ( consciously choose our path ). Pretty much everything we do has already been predetermined before we become consciously aware of it. And most of the rest ( the natural world ) is beyond our control. However that isn't the same as playing out a part in a play. It's more like we're surfing and our consciousness is a wave on a vast ocean of subconsciousness that each day allows us to temporarily catch a fleeting glimpse of what lies above the deep. We have some limited control, but ultimately we have no choice about the direction and in the end what really separates us all and defines who we are is how we ride it out ... our personal style. I've done a few metaphorical wipe outs in my day, but fortunately I've never gone over the falls, and the ride ain't over yet!