Burnt State
Paranormal Adept
I think more snd more ufologists, including Greg Bishop, are saying throw hypnosis right out the door. I like Greg's suggestion that we ditch it for ten years and then see where we are at with abduction narratives to see if they have changed or not in any way is the wise move.
But what Mack and Bishop do make room for is that AP does not have to be physical or non-existent; it could also be an internal experience, a contact with an external intelligence, so it's either, or & and, with many realities happening simultaneously. Of course, that's also the problem with trying to substantiate AP as a real phenomenon - it just starts to sound weirder than it already does.
Regarding rare cases with extra data confirmation points like physical evidence and radar confirmations, where are they? Sure we have reports of people seeing lights in the sky on the nights of some abductions but that only lends partial confirmation to nothing much. The only one I can think of us the Italian case with the giant footprints and overheated car.
Great REM tune btw. It marked an important paradigm shift in their approach to songwriting - that's exactly what the abduction phnomnon needs - a major shift. Besides, any religion is easy enough to lose. I don't know why we haven't lost hypnosis yet.
And if you look at John Mack you see a third interretation of the narratives, one where the experience is defined as more internal than physical, where events may be taking place in a liminal zone. I aso am the most critical of abduction narratives, especially when there really is next to no physical evidence at all, unless you are willing to count the supposedly very rare human hair wrapped around a penis as proof of alien 'contact' of the salacious kind.My greatest exasperation is with the testimony of contactees/experiencers/abductees. Do we just grant a carte blanche acceptance of what they say? How can we evaluate what they say? Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs seemed to pick those testimonies that fit their hypothesis that this phenomena consists of physical being from another planet doing biological research in order to create a hybrid race.
But what Mack and Bishop do make room for is that AP does not have to be physical or non-existent; it could also be an internal experience, a contact with an external intelligence, so it's either, or & and, with many realities happening simultaneously. Of course, that's also the problem with trying to substantiate AP as a real phenomenon - it just starts to sound weirder than it already does.
What do you make of Fowler going loopy thinking he was also getting abduction 'symptoms'? (am i rememorying that right?) Do you think that there's a bit of a madness contagion associated with AP?Now, if (as I have) you have read ALL the books by Raymond Fowler about this case, you find extraordinary tales of wonder and absurdity.
Regarding rare cases with extra data confirmation points like physical evidence and radar confirmations, where are they? Sure we have reports of people seeing lights in the sky on the nights of some abductions but that only lends partial confirmation to nothing much. The only one I can think of us the Italian case with the giant footprints and overheated car.
Great REM tune btw. It marked an important paradigm shift in their approach to songwriting - that's exactly what the abduction phnomnon needs - a major shift. Besides, any religion is easy enough to lose. I don't know why we haven't lost hypnosis yet.