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(UN)Realistic Ways To Force U.F.O. Disclosure

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Good idea :)
I am actually a big Louis Theroux fan, I've seen every single documentary he ever has ever made. Have you seen some of the ones he did in Johannesburg? That's where I live :p
Thanks for showing your enthusiasm about Louis Theroux. I've just started watching them and they are quite well done. I'm watching the one called America's Medicated Kids.
Good idea :)

I am actually a big Louis Theroux fan, I've seen every single documentary he ever has ever made. Have you seen some of the ones he did in Johannesburg? That's where I live :p

Yes I saw them, and quite a few of his other shows, whilst I enjoyed them I think that he (louis theroux) has a mean/trickster side to him, and that some times he exploits people. But in comparrison to some other more recent shows and formats (e.g jeremy kyle, x-factor or big brother) he is quite kind!

The British media appears to be pretty inventive when it comes to riddicule, however I have read that in the olden days, tickets were sold to visit "lunatic assylums" I think the only difference today is that the "inmates" are volunteers ;)
Thanks for showing your enthusiasm about Louis Theroux. I've just started watching them and they are quite well done. I'm watching the one called America's Medicated Kids.

I recommend you check out the following Louis Theroux docs:

There are many reasons that I am proud to be British, but "our" media is not one of them, even our dear old aunty* has been and still is guilty of biased and harmful "reporting"and a lack of good "journalistic ethics" in general.
Having said that I am not sure that any other country has a "better" system especially in terms of "state" media, my guess is they are all as bad as each other.
And I suppose that by saying "The British media appears to be pretty inventive when it comes to riddicule" it could be taken as a back handed compliment, but it does not take a genius to work out that sadly there are a lot of "stupid**" people desperate for fame, that can be and are manipulated, to look even more stupid and desperate.
The tactics used on "Big Brother" for example are as transparent as they are cruel, yet people will literally tread on the next person to get in the house!

My opinion that the media is not helping with the current crisis in our "national psyche":
People are more polarised in there opinions than ever and the general "dumbing down" of the media is largely the cause.
here is my list of old school versus new school "television personalities" and "programmes" to make my point:

Sir David Attenborough VS Ray Mears
Sir David Frost VS Jeremy Kyle
Sir Patrick Moore VS professor Brian Cox
Monty python cast VS Mrs Browns boys
Tomorrows World VS the gadget show
Match of the day*** VS Sky sports
John Peel VS sara cox
Lets not even get started on music! ok just one
The Beatles VS Jedwood :)

You might think from this post that I am and old man, who is nostalgic and bitter, However I am NOT old yet!! nostalgic and bitter maybe :)

*The BBC
**When I use the word stupid, it has nothing to do with schooling or qualifications, I write as some one who "survived" an inner London "education".
***(not the highlights show! they used to show the first division games on terrestrial TV)
I should probably refrain from joke attempts on forums, they usually backfire!

btw, no one will ever replace Patrick Moore, he was a unique product of his age. Prof Cox does a good job.
My opinion that the media is not helping with the current crisis in our "national psyche":
People are more polarised in there opinions than ever and the general "dumbing down" of the media is largely the cause.

Sounds like Great Britain and the U.S. may share this distinction. :(
Sounds like Great Britain and the U.S. may share this distinction. :(

I am afraid we do, many people on this side of the pond blame our American cousins and vice versa I am sure, when in my opinion the blame should be collective and I don't think it is a problem that is unique to us, most places around the world are having similar issues.
I usually try to avoid talking about politics, especially here because it is a paranormal forum, but in some ways the two can not be separated.
One thing I have learned is that people are "trained" to value difference over similarity and because of this, things like "history" are re-worked to suit the requirements of the "rulers".
For me this is most obvious in terms of "genetics" there seems to be a concerted effort to make the "races" more and more different, when in reality we are infinitely more similar than different: We are only separated by "culture".

one last thing (I have a tree to hug :) ) Whilst I share some of the disgust with British and American foreign policy since WWII, we have not "Nuked" anyone yet, and have in some ways kept a kind of peace, especially in Europe. that is not disregard the terrible things that have happened on our "watch" but if you asked a betting man in 1945 weather there would be another bigger "world war*" in the next seventy years he would have said Yes! thank goodness he would have lost his money. that is my opinion anyway, but maybe I am an optimist, but I don't feel like it :(


*in terms of number of countries involved and scale of "destruction"
I don't think the general puplic was aware, at the time, just how close to WWIII the Cuban Missle crisis had us. At least that is my understanding of the situation, as I was still 10 yrs away from birth. That must have been real uncomfortable times, for sure.
If they wanted to disclose without any corruption backlash, they could always frame a bunch of people for forming some kind of insider network or cabal that controlled the information flow, and actually look like heroes for exposing for the truth. If that would happen, probably best leave it a a few generations until all individuals involved are no longer of this earth.

The other option is to never admit to the history but gradually ease us into it with new discoveries...Perhaps the TESS telescope, launched in 2017, designed to search for earth like planets, could be a catalyst for the introduction of some new space related ideas for human civilisation. I also wonder about these commercial space flights that are going to be available- if passengers are given free reign to cast their eyes into space, is there not a fear of anomalous activity being witnessed? Maybe this will play a part somehow.