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No there is not, except in America..
Communism demands equality for all which is an impossibility.
Socialism only demands that everyone has the social infrastructure to achieve equality.
I always thought that's what American capitalism preached, although it could be some in power have telling lies for generations.
I watched a video on Tik Tok today where an 18 year old was saying that her three.year old sister was suffering from abuse because her parents were not explaining her sexual options. Where has this society gone when we let perverts and idiot's run our society,? Every one has the right to a free equal life but no one has the right to indoctrinate.

"If the media would actually kept track of Biden's racist comments,
they would see he dwarfs Trump." Hmm — interesting. There's
no question that partisan media pushes fake news that
supports their party agenda — so maybe she's right.
You certainly can't believe what the
so-called "fact checkers" say.​
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You have that totally wrong. He attacked very specific people as you’d understand if you actually read the full text of the speech.

The real fake news consists of Fox and Newsmax. The fact checking sites are generally non-partisan.

I’m surprised you bought into so much crap.
No there is not, except in America..
Communism demands equality for all which is an impossibility.
Socialism only demands that everyone has the social infrastructure to achieve equality.
I always thought that's what American capitalism preached, although it could be some in power have telling lies for generations.

In Communism, things like entrepreneurship is forbidden.
In Socialism, entrepreneurship means you can have a mom-and-pop shop. Big business is for the state.

The old East block was something in between that. In the West, there has never been either, but they are rising yet again their ugly heads.
The Social Democrat parties we have in Europe are not Socialists, they are pro market economy. The Greens however, well..
In Communism, things like entrepreneurship is forbidden.
In Socialism, entrepreneurship means you can have a mom-and-pop shop. Big business is for the state.

The old East block was something in between that. In the West, there has never been either, but they are rising yet again their ugly heads.
The Social Democrat parties we have in Europe are not Socialists, they are pro market economy. The Greens however, well..
Well that's why I have no political home,I like parts of both systems. I think reserved capitalism is good but I like free health care on demand. I don't like guns but I do want a more severe punishment for criminals especially violent ones.
In Communism, things like entrepreneurship is forbidden.
In Socialism, entrepreneurship means you can have a mom-and-pop shop. Big business is for the state.

The old East block was something in between that. In the West, there has never been either, but they are rising yet again their ugly heads.
The Social Democrat parties we have in Europe are not Socialists, they are pro market economy. The Greens however, well..

Which explains why the Republicans who claim Democrats are socialists are fools — or deliberate liars. Obviously big business remains fully supported. Consider the package both parties approved for $52.7 billon to increase development of semiconductors in the U.S. It's known as the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022.

The misinformed people who claim Democrats are socialists owe everyone an apology.
I've always thought that there are other mechanisms for free health care than supporting Social Democrats, like making the welfare state create non-profit foundations.
What I'd want is to take politics and politicians out of the idea completely, and make it self-supporting and expert-driven. And yes, I'm what the Americans call libertarian. There is absolutely no political party for me here.
There are lots of free or mostly free health care systems in developed countries that can be used as models for what it should be in the U.S. Everything costs more here, including drugs, and the quality of care is no better. Unless you are very very rich of course.

My recent surgery to repair a leg aneurism produced a six figure bill (four days in the hospital, three blood transfusions), but most of it was covered by my Medicare Advantage plan. Even then I'm still saddled with copays for the hospital, the doctor, the wound vac I had to wear for a month; that sort of thing that wouldn't be near as bad if I lived elsewhere.
The misinformed people who claim Democrats are socialists owe everyone an apology.
Hmm, in my European perspective I have to say that your Democrat party is not socialist, but some their representatives seem more leftist than any parliament party here, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for example. President Biden seems a centrist.
AOC is more extreme in her views, but you may find that, if her political career goes beyond a House seat, she might moderate her views to appeal to a wider constituency. Yes, Biden is a centrist; been that way for all his political life. He still believes in making deals with both sides of the aisle, and was actually successful with the infrastructure and semiconductor bills.
There are lots of free or mostly free health care systems in developed countries that can be used as models for what it should be in the U.S. Everything costs more here, including drugs, and the quality of care is no better. Unless you are very very rich of course.

My recent surgery to repair a leg aneurism produced a six figure bill (four days in the hospital, three blood transfusions), but most of it was covered by my Medicare Advantage plan. Even then I'm still saddled with copays for the hospital, the doctor, the wound vac I had to wear for a month; that sort of thing that wouldn't be near as bad if I lived elsewhere.
Yeah I gather that, and I find id also strange as in most developed countries its still based on insurance math. I guess they did something very different over there.

Here we complaint they are wasting billions and billion on euros on something else, like horrible new IT systems based on EPIC.
There is also the fact that if you sickness is not requiring trauma care, it takes probably 2 years to get public hospital surgery or care here. The service is really, really bad, they don't even answer the phone, you leave a message and they call you back when they want.

So its not all bliss.
I actually tried to get into the hospital by what is called "Direct Admit," and they couldn't find a room. So I did end up going to Emergency, identifying the doctor who wanted me there. I arrived around 10 AM on August 1st. They had me in an exam room in 20 minutes, and I received surgery that afternoon. If we went through normal channels, I would not be here to comment about it.
You'd have to do the same thing here. It has been like that for past 20 years. If you need quick care for something not immediately life-threatening, you go to private. At that costs like shit.
Also if you manage to get in public healthcare here, its not free. Freeness kind of depends. Labwork is what you generally have to pay for, and for days at hospital etc. Surgery and things like that are however cheap, so you pay maybe 4 figures, not 6 or 7. If you are poor, you get gov to pay that for you.
There is also the fact that if you sickness is not requiring trauma care, it takes probably 2 years to get public hospital surgery or care here. The service is really, really bad, they don't even answer the phone, you leave a message and they call you back when they want.

So its not all bliss.
Yea well I'm in the UK I'm in Northern Ireland.
I can't get a physical appointment with my doctor at the moment.
Yep, so same thing over there. I recently got a full eye workout, and I didn't even consider public. just pay the 200 and get it done in the same week.

I think the Americans have a bit too pink idea what the healthcare reality is over here.
Yep, so same thing over there. I recently got a full eye workout, and I didn't even consider public. just pay the 200 and get it done in the same week.

I think the Americans have a bit too pink idea what the healthcare reality is over here.
Yea I think that's probably right although the people using the service over here are partly to blame,I mean people over here used to prick their finger and they would of phoned an ambulance and used it like a Taxi.
Dear me, its not like that here really, we have always pending Nurses Strike and stuff. Covid drained the life from the workforce and many quit. Now there are nobody to do the work. Gov has kept the salaries low for decades, and now they are paying. There is no money - even though the socdem gov is spending like madwomen. There will be hell to pay, I'm just saying.

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