Japans Underground Robot Army
It makes you wonder if the Catholic Church knows something so as to prepare people for what is coming.
I'm fairly confident they don't know a damn thing. Mainly b/c they claim to know so much.
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It makes you wonder if the Catholic Church knows something so as to prepare people for what is coming.
Wow, just a few examples of the suspicion, the cynicism, and the vicious stereotyping of churchmen and their motives that one runs into far too often. Of course, no one believes members of the Catholic clergy are interested in actually discovering the TRUTH! Just very disappointing ...
Wow, just a few examples of the suspicion, the cynicism, and the vicious stereotyping of churchmen and their motives that one runs into far too often. Of course, no one believes members of the Catholic clergy are interested in actually discovering the TRUTH! Just very disappointing ...
I'm studying why the pope wears that funny hat and why Chistists say "Amen". Those two simple questions, in conjunction with the fact that there is an obelisk in St. Peter's Square, London, and D.C. has lead me down a deep, dark rabbit-hole here lately.
Let's just say I'm not too excited about the 'Second Coming.'
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Do you think they would have awarded Hawking if his lectures indicating no "creation moment" was known?? I'm guessing not. Why?? Because it wouldn't endorse their beliefs and work within their framework.
BTW, I think we can all read here. You don't need to highlight, underline, and boldface everything. We get the idea.
Take this for example: The Vatican gave Stephen Hawking the Pope Pius XI award for his work that seemed to support the big bang model. The church was pleased with this because of the apparent "creation moment". But what if there wasn't a creation moment?? How would the church deal with this?? Because, as you may know, at the same time Hawking was in the Vatican for this award he was making appearances and lectures about the No Boundary Proposal. Although the lecture and paper was highly technical, it basically said that there was not a singularity moment where physics falls off the map. In other words Hawking was saying that there was not a "creation moment", but the church didn't know this at the time.
Do you think they would have awarded Hawking if his lectures indicating no "creation moment" was known?? I'm guessing not. Why?? Because it wouldn't endorse their beliefs and work within their framework. I don't have anything against the church per se, but let's be real. They are not going to go out of their way to endorse something that goes against the grain whether it may be truthful or not. You may disagree, but what would you have the church say?? There was no creation?? If it were the truth, do think they would say this??
BTW, I think we can all read here. You don't need to highlight, underline, and boldface everything. We get the idea.
Plus, there's that book I mentioned in my earlier posts that is a real gold mine of information that, again, most people have never been taught about the Church as benefactor of the sciences, and about churchmen as pioneers in the fields of science. I wonder why ...
Truth is that not only religon but science would also be upended depending on what and who the "aliens" were. I remember getting a brochure (don't know how I got on their mailingl list) from Michael Schermer and a few other atheist who masqarae their "faith" as science. Honestly, even if you are an atheist if you read that brochure you would have thought them very religious. The homage to "scientism" was really intense. "Our" science will explain everything. Kind of the same propaganda some Christians use when they say "our" God. Anyway, just sayin!
The problem with the world is that wise people are so full of doubt while zealots and experts are so cetain. (bad paraphrase of Bertrand Russell.) but I gotta leave something for ya to google.![]()