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Video of UFO Docked at Space Station Last Month

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With no access to utube here, I have to ask. After reading the article linked above, I take it the video does not show the craft actually moving in position? Only footage of a stationary object before video is cut off?
interesting alright.


A schematic of the ISS (see above) shows the UFO was docked between the Soyuz escape module and the Russian research and service module. If a UFO was to dock with the ISS, this would be one of the five active docking locations where it could so in order for personnel to be transferred on to the ISS.

The location of the docking is very suggestive. Was this a veiled warning by the UFO’s occupants involving the lives of the ISS astronauts? Was there some kind of communication between the ISS and the UFO’s occupants? If the UFO had occupants, did they actually enter the ISS? Finally, why the blue screen at the end of the live video feed, was this done by NASA to cover up what was happening at the ISS which was possibly an unannounced visit? NASA has a lot of questions to answer.


i always ask myself why footage ends the way it does, usually theres deception behind it, those reasons above seem valid, could it be fake ?, otherwise an anomally thats coincidentally bang on one of only five docking stations, if its not faked then its a goodun.

unless its american.
So NASA let slip on its live feed this video of a UFO that was docked onto the International Space Station on 29 January 2014.

Exopolitics » More NASA footage of UFO docked at International Space Station

It's the green thing sticking off the side of the station.

Could be a booger somebody wiped on the window I suppose.

I am not convinced that this is "real" but if it is, the "green thing" reminds me of an Egg Sac from a snail or fish.

here is a quick comparison I will try to find a better match when time permits.
I am not convinced that this is "real" but if it is, the "green thing" reminds me of an Egg Sac from a snail or fish.

here is a quick comparison I will try to find a better match when time permits.

I thought it looked more like a lamp

Looks more like bad Photoshop - when you blow it up the details of this looks more like a paint stroke across the station - literally a layer on top of the station as it is visibly in no way connected to the station.
Looks more like bad Photoshop - when you blow it up the details of this looks more like a paint stroke across the station - literally a layer on top of the station as it is visibly in no way connected to the station.

Yep... it is fake or a reflection .. what it is not is an alien ship docked to the station.
its fake, i dont believe its a reflection that just happens to be adjoined right on a docking station, although i dont dismiss the possibility, its too precise for random.

so who has the skill set here to show its fakery.
That degree of Photoshop work i'm suggesting is something my twelve year old could do in about two strokes. To create a garbage mask in a video editor isn't even necessary as the station is fixed throughout the video and the insertion of a static layer on top of that image would be easy. Though I'm more inclined, given the contrast shifts created in the video we are looking at, to believe this image to be the bottom of a circular reflection created at the time of filming as we are also seeing the top of the circle during those contrast shifts at the same time. This isn't that spectacular at all.

I'm also favoring the Space Lamprey option just because we don't hear enough stories about sky critters these days. Whatever happened to those rods?
I'm not convinced the area of the video in question isn't some kind of artifact caused by a reflection off the camera housing ( or something along those lines ). There's a similar looking but less distinct patch of stuff ( whatever it is ) that is more or less parallel to the so-called UFO in the upper part of the frame that fades in and out with the exposure. That and the lack of any approach or departure footage make me way too standoffish on this to endorse it as any kind of material object attached to the space station.
it's not fake.

its russian,

Space Station Cosmonauts Spacewalk With Olympic Torch: How to Watch Live | Space.com

unconnected but dont ya just love youtube comments, long live ewetube scribes innit.

these 3 are one after the other in a row, not cherry picked.

1] Why is it still black and wight????.........ain't we invented colour yet

2] oki i knw aliens are existing but why dont they talk to us ???

3] Because they think were a freat
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This has something to do with the lens and light reflection. You can see this best if you go to fullscreen. In the first few seconds of the video as the light fluctuates you can see that there is a round greenish 'halo' through which we are looking at the station - this halo effect is from the lens. There's some sort of light reflection going on and the larger portion of green is simply a more defined area but it's happening in a circle is a less defined way - one can almost see the lens itself reflecting itself in a sense.