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We need quotes from our listeners

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providing food for thought to the hungry mass's
a gourmet smorgasbord of ideas, in an atmosphere of refined dining

its BYO, but theres no corkage charge

The Paracast is an independent breath of fresh air. You won't always like what you hear, but at least it will be honest, Frank and thought provoking.

Oh and no guest pandering..( well except to Ritzman, that fat bastard :) )
"the paracast, preferred by 9 out of 10 aliens."

stupid joke:

alien to paracast member: "take me to your leader."

paracast member: "umm... which one? gene or dave?"
The Paracast.
Without doubt the most down to earth and insightful, Paranormal Podcast on the net today!
Tune in today & refresh your mind, enliven your soul!!!
Only just seen this, as I've been busy for a few days. How about:

The Paracast is a very special show, which takes a unique and refreshing approach to the paranormal. Hosts Gene Steinberg and David Biedny are open-minded, but unafraid to cast a critical eye over any story presented to them. They ask tough questions in pursuit of the truth, and apply logic and rationality to every given scenario. Steinberg and Biedny accept nothing at face value, which sets the scene for lively and entertaining discussions. I listen to The Paracast because I know I can depend on the hosts to present an informative and rational approach to the paranormal, without any of the nonsense which so often undermines serious debate of anomalous phenomena.
Okay, I'll have a go, for what's it's worth.

How about:

The Paracast is the only radio show that I've listened to, that regularly prompts me to re-evaluate the boundaries that define my subjective reality. Thanks to the efforts of the two hosts, Gene and David, the show has helped me to filter out the 'noise' and allow me to really focus my attention on the 'signal'.

If you want to reword it, then that's fine. If you do use it, you probably should use "Rich Gunn" rather than "Rick Deckard"...
David Biedny said:

Lovely upgrade on the avatar!

The artist certainly managed to cram a lot into that image. Kudos to him/her. :cool:

Actually, I think I should rescale it again - Harrison Ford is looking 'cross-eyed' due to the pixel selection of the scaling algorithm...

...or was that your point? :confused:

I can never tell when people are being sincere on the forums (unless they make specific formatting clues) - I'll take the default stance that you are being sincere. The world feels like a better place that way. So, thanks. :D

Fixed it - I poked him in the eye with a darker pencil. :)
A few slogans for The Paracast media kit:

1 The Paracast is THE podcast for those who think that C2C listeners are a pile of unthinking undead gerbils

2 The Paracast is everything that C2C isn't and isn't

3 The Paracast: sceptical without being 'skeptical'

4 The Paracast: everything that you're mother didn't tell you about one armed swiss farmers

5 The Paracats ... meowwwww purrrrrr meooowww... oops sorry :D

6 The Paracast: the good, the bad and the hyper-dimensional, possibly crypto-terrestrial and/or government secret aircraft or maybe even extra-terrestrial ... hypothesis etc etc etc ... ugly :D

7 The Paracast: making the impossible slightly more probable (?? :D)

8 The Paracast: attack of the anti-flockoids (flock ... sheep ... anti-sheeple ... get it? :D)

schtick ... who really shouldn't have gone into the advertising industry ... and didn't.