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Weird Metal Boxes Appear on OR Beaches

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Well, 'lame' is not the term I'd use. Rather something like 'wild' or 'hyperactive'. I too haven't followed much of her work, but it seems to me that she began as a genuine researcher but then lost contact with her inner sceptic and now she'll accept almost anything as real without much hesitation. Which is a danger I think any researcher in these fields should constantly remind him- or herself of (my own dabbling not excluded).
I also tried to get the earthfiles link to work and even tried an url shortener. no go. However when I went to printer friend page I seemed to have defeated the server

I'm surprised she didn't charge for people to read a public domain story.

Earthfiles.com Environment
'Metal Boxes' On OR Beaches May Have Been Hoax
By Greg and Wendy Barnes

'Finally, the metal boxes story may have come to an end.

Hi Jeff,

On the 10th of February, I received a phone call from long time friend Peter Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center. Peter asked what I knew about the "metal boxes", supposedly found up and down the West coast of Northern California, Oregon and Washington?

My reply was, yes, I had read about them and like himself, our first thoughts were another red herring story. The concept of several metal boxes 5'x5' by at least 20" tall when resting on the sand, sprinkled along the coast producing various sounds and not having an armada of military or other agencies crawling all over the area and setting up secure perimeters seemed unlikely.

The following morning, my wife and I gathered our equipment; Geiger counter, Gauss meter, extraction tools etc. and headed up the beautiful coast 16 miles to our first stop, the Stonefield location. We were greeted by three of our friends who live very near by and who were also keen to learn more of this bizarre story. It turns out that after interviewing many regular beachcombers, the local coffee shop employees and patrons, not one person had spoken to anyone who had seen these elusive boxes.

After visiting the next nearest "location" a quarter of a mile up the coast, "Bray Point", we were once again unable to locate these boxes.
A story circulating of the fire department dispatching their people to investigate was verified by myself. The fire department's response to my questioning was that "no boxes were ever seen."

My next lead was to contact the public Marine Specialist and a PhD named Bill Hanshumaker from the Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport OR. A very kind and helpful man, Bill told me that he had sent a team to investigate this story. The team returned empty handed. They were never even able to speak to anyone who had seen these now mythical boxes.

An avid beachcomber friend from Crescent City, California had heard of the story and did some checking herself only to come to the same conclusion.

As a last ditch effort we drove our Jeep the entire length of the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area and saw nothing but the unparalleled beauty the coast offers.

In summation, until any hard evidence appears I have to conclude this is most likely a hoax.

'Metal Boxes' On OR Beaches May Have Been Hoax
Well, if this is indeed a hoax I am compelled to wonder 'why?'. I mean, what on earth is the point? It might have been a good hoax if the boxes were supposed to tie-in with something else, like ET or black budget military testing etc.
But nothing. Just a story about strange boxes, which due to the diligent investigations of few people, is quickly killed.
I would never be interested in perpetrating a hoax myself - there is enough weird stuff going on in the world without adding crap hoaxes to it all.
Perhaps the aim of such a hoax is just for the hoaxer to know people like us have wasted time talking about it etc. If that was the aim of such a hoax then 10 points for the hoaxer. He has indeed succeeded in wasting time. Whoopy F*****g Doo!

Actually, in a way, maybe we haven't had our time wasted. I was interested in hearing people's thoughts on the matter and it was interesting while it lasted. A thought experiment if you like?

I have posted elsewhere in these forums about my wondering exactly goes to the bother of creating quality fake UFO videos. I find it strange that someone would go to the bother of spending X hours making a video that will in time be declared fake probably. The maker of these videos is unlikely to use a real name etc so they will never get any credit. I wonder if sometimes quality fake UFO vids are created as dis-information?
Well, if this is indeed a hoax I am compelled to wonder 'why?'. I mean, what on earth is the point? It might have been a good hoax if the boxes were supposed to tie-in with something else, like ET or black budget military testing etc.
But nothing. Just a story about strange boxes, which due to the diligent investigations of few people, is quickly killed.
I would never be interested in perpetrating a hoax myself - there is enough weird stuff going on in the world without adding crap hoaxes to it all.
Perhaps the aim of such a hoax is just for the hoaxer to know people like us have wasted time talking about it etc. If that was the aim of such a hoax then 10 points for the hoaxer. He has indeed succeeded in wasting time. Whoopy F*****g Doo!

Actually, in a way, maybe we haven't had our time wasted. I was interested in hearing people's thoughts on the matter and it was interesting while it lasted. A thought experiment if you like?

I have posted elsewhere in these forums about my wondering exactly goes to the bother of creating quality fake UFO videos. I find it strange that someone would go to the bother of spending X hours making a video that will in time be declared fake probably. The maker of these videos is unlikely to use a real name etc so they will never get any credit. I wonder if sometimes quality fake UFO vids are created as dis-information?

perhaps our friend the trickster:D
Anyway, ya never know maybe she's not as lame as some on here think she is. On the other hand I honestly don't know. Don't really follow her "work."

I have followed her for many years. She is lame, but not as lame as Project Camelot and that crowd. She has a much higher degree of professionalism to her stories.

The sad truth is that she routinely promotes hoaxes. She promoted Dan Burisch for Pete's sake. That alone gets you on the lame as all that list.

Also she has ignored evidence provided to her by actual crop circle makers as to the true origins of certain Complex Crop Circles. There is a certain lack of journalistic ethics or objectiveness there that is hard to get around. Lameness.
I don't know much about Project Camelot either. Although, I'm interested in the u.f.o. stuff until, I started to post and read this forum a few years ago I didn't really pay the "players" that much mind. Oh, I listened to Art Bell and I had certainly heard of Stanton Friedman but other than that I was more into the actual N.D.E. research of Moody and Pin Lomel and even at that I just read some here and there. I had picked up Flim Flam by James Randi at the library when I was younger. I agreed with some (Angel, don't have a heart attack) :p of what he wrote and felt some other stuff was kind of propaganda for his worldview. Then I picked up some Shirley Mclain stuff and felt some was useful and some was uhh, "out there." :p I even wrote and received a reply from Ian Stevenson. This was back in the day before Al Gore invented the internet. ;) Man, I wish I had kept that letter. Of course Ian Stevenson was doing reincarnation research and not u.f.o. stuff. He didn't think much of hypnosis or new agey thought. But, I was young. Professor Stevenson was a brilliant thinker reguardles of where you stand on his work. But, anyway, I am kind of a late comer to the u.f.o. players and have found myself relying often on this forum to discover people and places that have meaning in the field.
Yeah Tyder - although interested in ufology for a while, it is only really in the last few years I have taken more interest and certainly I find the Paracast forums a great place to hear about more stuff of allsorts!
There is no substitute for conversing with like-minded people...
Yeah Tyder - although interested in ufology for a while, it is only really in the last few years I have taken more interest and certainly I find the Paracast forums a great place to hear about more stuff of allsorts!
There is no substitute for conversing with like-minded people...

I'd like to point out that even if don't agree on this forum, it remains pretty civil in comparison to some other forums on the same topics.
I'd like to point out that even if don't agree on this forum, it remains pretty civil in comparison to some other forums on the same topics.

Wheww, you can say that again. I went to a facebook forum just because it looked interesting. There is a "believer" and a "skeptic" and those two are NUTS! They seem to be under the assumption that if they can out yell and out name call and out belittle the other one then "They win." :p Makes me appreciate the sometimes heated but mainly civil debate we have here.
Wheww, you can say that again. I went to a facebook forum just because it looked interesting. There is a "believer" and a "skeptic" and those two are NUTS! They seem to be under the assumption that if they can out yell and out name call and out belittle the other one then "They win." :p Makes me appreciate the sometimes heated but mainly civil debate we have here.

Shut up Tyder.


Disclaimer for those that lack a sense of humour - that was a joke.
Weird part is although I come down in the "believer" camp as far as spiritual reality I find myself in the skeptic camp as far as not taking some of this new age babble seriously. There is a certain attorney who has "proven" the paranormal. My b.s. buzzer goes off. Not because I don't think he's honest But, because I think his reasoning is wrong. Also, another person who started the page and although he is pro paranormal he's kind of sleazy from what I can gather. I'm just not a true "believer" in that I question everything except my own inner life. Even then I'm just not looking for a guru. There is an outspoken atheist on there and I found that we actually had more to talk civilly about than the true believer and the smart ass "skeptic" who kept yelling at each other. Although, the guy I talked to had some weird idea that reincarnation memories were the result of some kind of celluar memory that was handed down and ....Well, it got really convoluted but I was nice. :cool: Anyway, yeah the discussion here is on a pretty high level when you compare it to other websites and forums. Although, (I'll get yelled at for this) I think ATS at times approaches this forum in diversity and discussion. But, then again I don't post there I just drop in from time to time and read it.
What I like about this forum is that in general people attack the "argument" or "theory" rather than the person and can agree to disagree. Since joining the forum I have learned so many things, but in a strange way I feel I know less now than if I did before.(in a good way :) ) So a big thanks to every one especially the Paracast team for providing me with this opportunity.

Long Live The Paracast!
Well, if this is indeed a hoax I am compelled to wonder 'why?'. I mean, what on earth is the point? It might have been a good hoax if the boxes were supposed to tie-in with something else, like ET or black budget military testing etc.
But nothing. Just a story about strange boxes, which due to the diligent investigations of few people, is quickly killed.
I would never be interested in perpetrating a hoax myself - there is enough weird stuff going on in the world without adding crap hoaxes to it all.
Perhaps the aim of such a hoax is just for the hoaxer to know people like us have wasted time talking about it etc. If that was the aim of such a hoax then 10 points for the hoaxer. He has indeed succeeded in wasting time. Whoopy F*****g Doo!

Actually, in a way, maybe we haven't had our time wasted. I was interested in hearing people's thoughts on the matter and it was interesting while it lasted. A thought experiment if you like?

I have posted elsewhere in these forums about my wondering exactly goes to the bother of creating quality fake UFO videos. I find it strange that someone would go to the bother of spending X hours making a video that will in time be declared fake probably. The maker of these videos is unlikely to use a real name etc so they will never get any credit. I wonder if sometimes quality fake UFO vids are created as dis-information?

Here! Here!