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Welcome Kevin D. Randle

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J. Randall Murphy
Kevin D. Randle, Captain, U.S.A.F.R., is the author of Project Moondust, Conspiracy of Silence, and A History of UFO Crashes, and the co-author of UFO Crash at Roswell, The Truth About the UFO Crash at Roswell, and more. A Captain in the United States Air Force Reserve, he is considered the foremost expert on the Roswell incident, and is well known as a serious researcher of extraterrestrial phenomena. Captain Randle makes his home in lowa.

We record Friday Noon to 2PM Mountain.

Kevin's blog: A Different Perspective
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As a change of pace, please have some discussion on Kevin's 2013 book, Conversations - A Study in Hypnosis & Past Life Regression.

Evidently a woman thought she'd suffered an abduction experience and contacted Kevin, and Kevin and a hypnotist had several sessions with her which Kevin describes in the book. According to the book, the sessions appeared to indicate that the woman had past lives.

What does Kevin now think about about a hypnotized person telling of supposed past lives?

What is Kevin's current opinion of hypnosis as a method of recovering memories?

Kevin's wiki page says he retired from the Iowa National Guard as a Lt. Colonel.
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