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"welcome to the dulce base circus!"

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
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[Here is Norio's brief summary of who was initially thought to be involved in spreading the Dulce Base stories. This is a good overview for those unfamiliar with the early stages of the story that will help bring you up2speed in preparation for next Sunday's Paracast program w/ Anthony Sanchez---Chris]


Let' examine some of the enigmatic personalities behind the initial rumors about the alleged Dulce base - how it all started, i.e., 1979 through 1983.

PAUL BENNEWITZ .......owner of Thunder Scientific Corporation (contractor to Kirtland AFB), located right next to the entrance of Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, NM, presently operated by his sons...............from around 1979 Paul Bennewitz began to witness some strange lights hovering over Manzano underground nuclear storage facility.

Some researchers (such as Greg Bishop) theorize that he was looking at some tests of Project Starfire (laser-based optical tracking system being developed at that time by Sandia Laboratories next to Manzano) or possibly some tests of prototypes of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) developed by Sandia Laboratories at that time.......Paul Bennewitz became convinced that those objects were somehow related to an underground base in northern New Mexico near Dulce.....articles on Bennewitz soon began to appear in newspapers such as the Albuquerque Journal and Albuquerque Tribune.

Paul Bennewitz began to suffer from paranoia and was later institutionalized......he passed away in 2003....his remains are buried in Veterans Cemetery in Santa Fe......Paul Bennewitz' sons seem to refuse to be interviewed.....the main reason being that Thunder Scientific Corporation still does business with Kirtland AFB....they sell military grade humidifiers and callibration instruments, many of which were developed and modified by the late Paul Bennewitz.....Paul Bennewitz' wife, Cindy Bennewitz, still lives at the residence, which is located close to the Manzano underground nuclear storage facility (which allegedly was closed down in 1992) in the Four Hills area of Albuquerque.....

MYRNA HANSEN......in 1979 she claimed to have been abducted near Cimarron, NM and claimed to have been taken to an unknown underground location......Paul Bennewitz interviewed her at his house, together with Leo Sprinkle who did a hypnotic regression....Paul Bennewitz later on decided that she must have been taken into the Dulce base.....this was allegedly only after Bennewitz begun to suspect that there was a base in Dulce.

TOM ADAMS......he was investigating cattle mutilations in the late 1970s....Tom Adams first heard about the Dulce base from reading Paul Bennewitz' article in newspaper and other sources from around 1981....it is alleged that Tom Adams knew "Ann West").

"ANN WEST"......her true identity is not confirmed, although Tal Levesque claims that she is on Facebook with a different name.......alleged to have been an acquaintance of Tom Adams...claimed to have drawn the initial pictures of the vats of the Dulce base...allegedly knew Tal Levesque....also claims to have known "Thomas Edwin Castello").....Tal Levesque claims that she visited him and his wife and also "Thomas Edwin Castello" in Santa Fe......Tal Levesque claims that Ann West is dangerous and is part of the "invisible government"

JOHN LEAR.......heard about Dulce allegedly from "Ann West".... befriended TAL through John Grace (a.k.a. Val Valerian)......according to Tal Levesque, John Lear retouched the Dulce drawings of "Ann West".....he first came up with his Hypothesis in 1988 about Dulce and also about Area 51....John Lear has never been taken seriously by the UFO community....some people suspect that John Lear purposely throws in some ridiculous-sounding items as part of PSYOPS....he recently claimed that there are cities on the back side of the moon.

TAL LEVESQUE.....a.k.a., TAL or Jason Bishop.......he claimed that he worked in Santa Fe as a security person for a private company around 1980 or 1981.....he claimed to have begun contact with "Thomas E. Castello" who, Tal Levesque claims, worked in the same company in Santa Fe......."Thomas E. Castello" allegedly revealed his secrets to Tal.....Tal Levesque also seems to have heard initially about the Dulce base rumors from reading about Paul Bennewitz....Tal Levesque claimed that he was visited by a tall Reptoid at his home in Santa Fe in 1979.

"THOMAS EDWIN CASTELLO".....of course, there are many persons with the same name.....however, a retired Air Force Colonel who claims that he was involved in Dulce, claims that there has never been a Thomas Edwin Castello that was ever employed as security personnel in Dulce.

CHRISTA TILTON.......came to the scene slightly after "Ann West".....Christa Tilton and Tom Adams were initially partners.....according to Tim Beckley, Christa Tilton later on got together with Wendell Stevens.....Christa Tilton was featured on a Japanese TV program about the Dulce base back in 1989 and 1990....Tilton claimed that her daughter was a hybrid.....Christa Tilton flew over Archuleta Mesa and over Soldier Canyon with Junichi Yaoi of Nippon TV in 1989..she appeared on Japanese TV a couple of times....and claims to have taken a photo of a circular structure over Soldier Canyon, which is slightly SW of Dulce...."Ann West" reportedly claimed that Christa Tilton was nothing but trash....

BRANTON.......a.k.a., Bruce Walton......beginning in the early 1990s, he compiled a book called the DULCE BOOK....and aslo DULCE WARS.....Walton allegedly got most of the information from TAL...some from John Lear, some from Val Valerian (John Grace)....Tal Levesque claimed that Bruce Walton was incarcerated in 2009 in Utah for felony charges.

GABE VALDEZ.......retired New Mexico State Patrol Officer who was in charge of the Dulce area for many years (from the early 1970s to the late 1980s)......presently lives in Albuquerque....Valdez claims that the government was most likely responsible for the cattle mutilations which started happening from around 1975.......Valdez also states that the government "staged" several UFO incidents in the Dulce area (Archuleta Mesa, etc.) by use of high tech equipment such as holographic image projections as well as unmanned aerial vehicles or remotely-controlled platforms that were made to resemble "flying saucers"....Valdez believes that bio-warfare experiments were conducted at Dulce and that "UFO/alien" stories were concocted by the government as cover stories to conceal various Black Projects in the area.

WILLIAM "BILL" MOORE.....who first propagated (or "revived") the story about Roswell in 1980 when he published the book INCIDENT AT ROSWELL (until Moore's book came out, most Americans had no interest or knowledge about the Roswell incident since it was long forgotten and dismissed as misidentification by the U.S. Army in 1947)......he claims that around the same time that he began to propagate the Roswell story, he was working with Richard Doty of Kirtland AFB and participated in a disinformation ploy to saturate Paul Bennewitz (who was pursuing his independent investigations of Dulce) with false information on the Dulce base.....so he claimed in a 1989 MUFON Conference that took place in Las Vegas, NV....however there is no verifiable documentation whatsoever that Moore participated in such disinformation ploy).

RICHARD C. DOTY.....initially with Kirtland AFB AFOSI around 1979, 1980 and 1981......he was not a high-ranking officer.....he claims he participated in disinformation, along with Moore.....again, there is no documentation that he participated in such disinformation ploy at Kirtland AFB AFOSI....even though Paul Bennewitz' name appears on one or two Kirtland OSI documents because Kirtland AFB invited Bennewitz to testify to what he allegedly saw over Manzano storage areas.....later on Richard C. Doty became a promoter of the SERPO PROJECT(which some people seem to describe as being a total fabrication)...Project Camelot seems to have bought Doty's story hook, line and sinker......presently he is working as New Mexico Highway Patrol Officer....about to retire in a couple of months.
Damn! That's a fine summary of some fairly wild years in the UFO field.

I tend to suspect that Myrna Hansen was a precursor to the whole fabrication...sort of like a Trojan Horse. She represents the fulcrum that levered the whole shebang in all its awful reality. If this is the case, it suggests a deeper scheme with guys like Doty being participants/antagonists without necessarily knowing much of the plan.

As far as there being no 'verifiable documentation' about Bill Moore seeding disinfo...is that right? I thought Bob Pratt's tapes provided documentary evidence of his compliance in the operation? I know he carefully worded his admission at the MUFON Conference and explicitly denies being a protagonist in one of the Dark Matters interviews. I even agree with his spin that, if not for him, nobody would have ever known about the Bennewitz activities. The thing is, how far would Doty have succeeded without Moore's collaboration? Nevertheless, thanks to Bill Moore, we know a lot.

On the other hand, God only knows how many other campaigns have passed without notice and have left a similar legacy? I've got a couple of suspicions that would have my ass laughed off the Web!

I like Brad Spark's analysis that USAF/AFOSI are not only spreading BS into the UFO field, but have a competitive animosity towards NASA. In that light, perhaps many of the internet tales of NASA cover-ups are coming from similar sources? Could Jim Oberg's 'Terminator' mission to debunk all UFO stories be a damage limitation exercise to minimise BS from USAF sources? Maybe that's an idea too far on my part, but it crossed my mind.

I guess my take on all this less informed than some with closer interactions? In essence, it appears that the UFO field can be significantly less 'murky' if we snip away at the strands that lead back to the 70s/80s program of disinfo. Unsurprisingly, we could rule out much of Project Camelot's output. We could dismiss the 'evil aliens' back story too.

What remains doesn't get us closer to the facts. It's just as possible that other agencies like the CIA, turn to the UFO field to practice disinfo techniques or train staff in the dark arts. Instead of training overseas in Middle East or South American societies they can hone their skills in their own back yard and then apply it to destabilising foreign groups when they're abilities are secure?

I know these ideas aren't new to many guys in the subject, but just a couple of years back I wouldn't believe that this shit even happens. If any of it is 'off-beam' feel free to kick my forum ass and correct me. :)
It's just as possible that other agencies like the CIA, turn to the UFO field to practice disinfo techniques or train staff in the dark arts.

I think there is good reason to believe that is happening. It's also an established fact that the "UFO community" regularly hoaxes itself and much of the self-deceiving B.S. is generated by own members.
I think there is good reason to believe that is happening. It's also an established fact that the "UFO community" regularly hoaxes itself and much of the self-deceiving B.S. is generated by own members.

It's absurd isn't it? Genuinely WTF!?

I just recently read an article (possibly just a claim) about Dr Clarke and friends hoaxing UK ufologists back in the 90s. Why piss in the pool? It undermines their credibility in a huge way and raises questions about motivations.

Just reading through the archives of UFO Updates shows how political and personalised some debates can be. At times, it's about defending a position and not the case or evidence. There's this geographical partisanship between Britain, Canada, USA and S America.

I got drawn into one of these to and fros without realising in the past few weeks and don't intend to do it again. I mean, Jeez, there's some real soap opera shenanigans going on and who needs it?
Thanks for this Chris.

I've changed my mind. I won't be listening to the upcoming show with Anthony Sanchez. If you guys don't completely lay him out he and others will be encouraged and I'll just get mad.

If you destroy him he will be a martyr for the TFHC. Others will still cling to the core belief, perhaps even stronger than before.

This is a "no win." You cannot fight the force of mythology with logic, science or philosophy. Unless that is what will be the focus of the episode.

What probably started out as a covert exercise in disinformation has morphed into something completely different. When I ripped into Mr. Sanchez's article I forgot what I was dealing with.

Chris, your post here reminded me.
Thanks for this Chris.

I've changed my mind. I won't be listening to the upcoming show with Anthony Sanchez. If you guys don't completely lay him out he and others will be encouraged and I'll just get mad.

If you destroy him he will be a martyr for the TFHC. Others will still cling to the core belief, perhaps even stronger than before.

This is a "no win." You cannot fight the force of mythology with logic, science or philosophy. Unless that is what will be the focus of the episode.

It's worth listening to the Jerry Pippin podcast with Norio and Sanchez. It's one hell of a show and the upcoming Paracast interview could be even better. I'm looking forward to it. :)

The claim is that some bastardised remnant of Greys live somewhere beneath Dulce. Deep underground they've found cuneiform tablets that tie in the critters with Sitchen's version of Sumerian history. These tablets have been dated to an amazing 25000 years old. They throw in some Shaver aspects of an advanced race living in poverty as they strive to maintain their numbers and can't come 'up top.' Mac Tonnies would enjoy it immensely.

Other familiar strands involve deals with US military elements that allow the Greys to come out at night and mutilate cattle. Who cares about cattle, right? Sadly, they break the deal and begin mutilating humans too. This leads to the UFO waves of the 40s and 50s as their craft are shot down and prevented from crossing base airspace.

There's lots more to the story, but this might be enough already to get the taste buds going.

It's a cracking tale and sounds like 'Project Camelot: The Movie.' It's missing Scooby Doo and the gang, but covers all the bases of 'dark side' ufology. I might come off as sounding satirical...I genuinely enjoyed the revelations. Give it a chance.
It's worth listening to the Jerry Pippin podcast with Norio and Sanchez. It's one hell of a show and the upcoming Paracast interview could be even better. I'm looking forward to it. :)
Unfortunately, I did listen to that podcast. It was yet another reminder to me that what is going on goes way past disinformation and crazy people.

It was enough.
I think Kerry interviewing an animated Shaggy and Scooby for their whistle-blower testimony would be an incredible hoot. I'm sure they could "confirm" so many things.

Damn ... for a second there I read it as "re-animated Shaggy and Scooby". Damn ... that would have made an interesting Camelot interview :D

ps if Branton is Bruce Walton ... then any relative to a certain Travis Walton??? Anyone know?? (this is the first time I've heard Branton's real name thrown about so I found that interesting).
As far as there being no 'verifiable documentation' about Bill Moore seeding disinfo...is that right? I thought Bob Pratt's tapes provided documentary evidence of his compliance in the operation? I know he carefully worded his admission at the MUFON Conference and explicitly denies being a protagonist in one of the Dark Matters interviews. I even agree with his spin that, if not for him, nobody would have ever known about the Bennewitz activities. The thing is, how far would Doty have succeeded without Moore's collaboration? Nevertheless, thanks to Bill Moore, we know a lot.

I always felt that Bill Moore was shunned and made an enemy by Ufology when INSTEAD, Ufology should have (to J Edgar Hoover) "been greatly behooved" to pay close attention to him. It is a shame.
I always felt that Bill Moore was shunned and made an enemy by Ufology when INSTEAD, Ufology should have (to J Edgar Hoover) "been greatly behooved" to pay close attention to him. It is a shame.

I can only go off what I read or hear about him. In a Dark Matters interview, I'm impressed by his approach to things outside ufology and how he has a wide general knowledge that includes history and science. He sounds very considered, sober and informed. Then we have the conflict of a civilian being in someone else's house and moving their furniture around for kicks. That's funny stuff for high school pranks and a criminal offence in the eyes of most adults.

One other thing that bugs me is Bill Moore's connection to Charles Berlitz and the Philly Experiment. For an intelligent and considered man, why would he promote the idea of the Philly Experiment with a guy who didn't mind bending the truth for a good story? He'd have to know it was a hoax before he began the book.

Berlitz is one of the guys that sealed my interest in all this high strangeness, but I was in my early teens when I noticed what a tall-tale teller he was. At the end of one chapter, he relates the final thoughts of a pilot who went missing...
I never heard that Charlez Berlitz was bs'er. Re. the furniture, are you refering to the stunts that drove Bennewitz to madness? I never heard that Moore was physically involved with perpetrating that stuff. I was only thinking that Moore was a good source of warning, for Ufology to look at and accept things with a great deal of caution and skepticism.
By-the-way, do Ufo people know for certain that Doty deliberately set out to cause Bennewitz to suicide? Does anyone outside of Doty himself know that? I always hear about public shooters, that, "Goll, he was such a nice and quiet guy. I'm shocked, shocked!"
Just akin questions, ---is all---.
I never heard that Charlez Berlitz was bs'er. Re. the furniture, are you refering to the stunts that drove Bennewitz to madness? I never heard that Moore was physically involved with perpetrating that stuff. I was only thinking that Moore was a good source of warning, for Ufology to look at and accept things with a great deal of caution and skepticism.
By-the-way, do Ufo people know for certain that Doty deliberately set out to cause Bennewitz to suicide? Does anyone outside of Doty himself know that? I always hear about public shooters, that, "Goll, he was such a nice and quiet guy. I'm shocked, shocked!"
Just akin questions, ---is all---.

Charles Berlitz was a story teller with a twinkle in his eye. I knew him in those days, and advised him on one or two of his books in a minor fashion.
I never heard that Charlez Berlitz was bs'er. Re. the furniture, are you refering to the stunts that drove Bennewitz to madness? I never heard that Moore was physically involved with perpetrating that stuff. I was only thinking that Moore was a good source of warning, for Ufology to look at and accept things with a great deal of caution and skepticism.
By-the-way, do Ufo people know for certain that Doty deliberately set out to cause Bennewitz to suicide? Does anyone outside of Doty himself know that? I always hear about public shooters, that, "Goll, he was such a nice and quiet guy. I'm shocked, shocked!"
Just akin questions, ---is all---.

I don't think Doty intended to drive Bennewitz to suicide. I *think* the plan was to unhinge him to the point that he lost trust in his own senses and thus reality. I can't find the source, but I've got the show saved....in 2005 Greg Bishop had Doty on C2C. Doty admitted what he'd done and expressed some small remorse about his actions.

On Coppen's site (I think), there's a reference to Hynek being part of the Bennewitz fiasco too. He claims Hynek advised them how to make the tapes of 'alien' communications and the listening machine given to Bennewitz. It's the only place I've seen it and when I checked (briefly) couldn't find a source for his claim. If anyone knows more about this please post.

[SIZE=-1]If the story ended here, it would be just another episode in a long list of campaigns, in which UFOs were used as a good excuse for secret government work. But it did not end there. In 1982, William Moore, now a big celebrity because of his Roswell expose, met with Allen Hynek, the juggernaut of UFO officialdom. Hynek had previously headed up an enquiry into the subject and had afterwards remained on the scene, as head of his own organisation.
Over a drink, Hynek stated that he was the one who had delivered the computer program to Bennewitz that had begun to analyze the alien communications, which was part of the 75,000 dollars grant. He had supplied this tool at the request of the Air Force. Bennewitz was told that the program he had received had been “modified by the aliens themselves”, to facilitate communication with them. In truth, it was a device that was a decoy; it only was meant to produce gibberish, but the purpose was that Bennewitz would continue monitoring the communications, with the machine then “deciphering” these communications.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1]ut, as mentioned, it was specifically created so that Bennewitz would not try to analyse the communications himself, which were top secret. Instead, what he got were endless streams of “Ground ground women of Earth are needed flexible the next discharges our chip all oy women do not command the north among us you have many friends water very shirt resist all attempts at alteration listen orange make peace.” The communications would then be incorporated into his theories, as “evidence” of them.[/SIZE][SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
Driving Mr. Bennewitz Insane
I don't think Doty intended to drive Bennewitz to suicide. I *think* the plan was to unhinge him to the point that he lost trust in his own senses and thus reality. I can't find the source, but I've got the show saved....in 2005 Greg Bishop had Doty on C2C. Doty admitted what he'd done and expressed some small remorse about his actions.

On Coppen's site (I think), there's a reference to Hynek being part of the Bennewitz fiasco too. He claims Hynek advised them how to make the tapes of 'alien' communications and the listening machine given to Bennewitz. It's the only place I've seen it and when I checked (briefly) couldn't find a source for his claim. If anyone knows more about this please post.

Driving Mr. Bennewitz Insane

Geez, Coppens took a lot from my book without any credit that i can see. He also seems to make extrapolations of motivations and unknowns based on his prejudices. Oh well, I guess things get confused as the years pass, and I just don't care enough to argue with people about it any more.
Deep underground they've found cuneiform tablets that tie in the critters with Sitchen's version of Sumerian history. These tablets have been dated to an amazing 25000 years old.

Cuneiform tablets in Dulce? I'd like to see that verified. What's the source for this information? By the way, 25,000 years old is way too old to have been Sumerian, or even cuneiform.
Geez, Coppens took a lot from my book without any credit that i can see. He also seems to make extrapolations of motivations and unknowns based on his prejudices. Oh well, I guess things get confused as the years pass, and I just don't care enough to argue with people about it any more.

It'd be as productive as chasing your own tail. I can understand you've reached saturation point way back and to be honest was wondering if he'd made up the Hynek claim or if it was hearsay?

For what it's worth, I enjoyed the interview and would have linked it if I could find the damn link again. Also...the Emenneger interview was very good indeed...thanks. :)
I don't think Doty intended to drive Bennewitz to suicide. I *think* the plan was to unhinge him to the point that he lost trust in his own senses and thus reality.

Well, what in the world is the difference I wonder? Why on earth was AFOSI using UFO and Alien disinformation to drive a man crazy? Because he was somehow monitoring secret UAV development or something? An agency of the U.S. military is actively involved in lying to and attempting to unhinge a citizen of the United States and nobody goes to prison? That just stinks to high heaven.

I think the Bennewitz affair is a microcosm of the intentional and ongoing manipulation of the UFO community by military and governmental agencies. I think we ignore their "revealing of the method", so to speak in this case, to our own determent.
By the way, 25,000 years old is way too old to have been Sumerian, or even cuneiform.

I know.

Sitchin is a fiction writer.

---------- Post added at 10:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

Well, what in the world is the difference I wonder? Why on earth was AFOSI using UFO and Alien disinformation to drive a man crazy? Because he was somehow monitoring secret UAV development or something? An agency of the U.S. military is actively involved in lying to and attempting to unhinge a citizen of the United States and nobody goes to prison? That just stinks to high heaven.

I think the Bennewitz affair is a microcosm of the intentional and ongoing manipulation of the UFO community by military and governmental agencies. I think we ignore their "revealing of the method", so to speak in this case, to our own determent.

Somehow or other, you're missing my point or I'm failing to communicate.

I'll try again...

Yes. I agree with your points and have wondered about the same things myself.
I know.

Sitchin is a fiction writer.

Yes he is, very much along the lines of Von Daniken, and he's seizing on the lack of any historical evidence of civilizations predating Sumeria that had achieved their level of civilization in order to posit alien intervention in human affairs. It worked for Von Daniken, why not for Sitchin? Aliens built the pyramids dontcha know!

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