All I hear is Anti-USA brigade
USA is not the only nation that needs oil remember Asia and the rest of the World!

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You forgot the Queen, the Pope, and Col. Sanders.
Don't want to worry you but Saudi Arabia has been an American colony for years. The Saudis were put into place by the CIA ... god knows how many years ago.
And wasn't it Michael Moore who claimed the Saudis were behind 9/11. As we say in New Zealand ... yeah ... right.
[And another one of those lovely little things about history that tends to fall by the wayside. Who wrote the peace plans at the end of the American War of Independence?? King George III!! In other words (and throwing out a lot of other arcane legal stuff which would only clarify this further provided by "The Informer", a guy who has been interviewed several times on Vyzygoth's Grassy Knoll and his other programmes ... and who really knows his stuff after trawling for years through various arcane legal documentation), the US is still a British colony ... its quite funny when you think about it.]
paraschtick ... being woefully ignored since 1967 and long may it continue![]()
I couldn't agree more with you ascended. Iran or the Persians haven't invaded ANYONE in a thousand years. Some politicians in the US (usually funded or controlled by AIPAC or the ADL) call Ahmadinejad the new Hitler. Only one problem with that in that he/country hasn't invaded ANYONE in as I say ... a thousand years. And when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, it wasn't as if he was doing it in a spate of empire building.
In fact, I have my real doubts that Ahmadinejad isn't actually just another actor who has been put in place by the CIA, and is there to play his role. The guys at have the same view it seems, and they really know what they're talking about.
In the end its all really down to a little country in the Middle East funded BIG time by the US who wants to rule over the Middle East without any problems from them damn Ay-rabs whose land it is stealing. And they will do anything to get that land.
Some quotes from Israeli leaders over the years ... from their own mouths:
Just so the Canadians know; I have a friend who operates an Air Service to and from Canada to Birmingham AL. Many of the people living in the socialist paradise of Canada, cannot get certiain medical proceedures performed there, due to "death panels" and the usual result of selling one's soul to a Socialist Demon for free dentures and bad medical care....I would guess there are more MRI's and CAT Scanners in Jefferson County Alabama than in the entire Dominion of Canada....
You Marxists can keep your workers paradise....And your "soft tyranny death panels....."
The Mayo Cliinic is in Northern Minnesota so the Canadians can get there before they die from neglect, without a long trip....
Historically ...
Baahhh ... I just wrote a lot replying to this and lost it ... bahhh I hate it when that happens.
Anyway I was going to say that I agree with some of what you say, Kieran. I have my suspicions of Ahmedinajad. I have a feeling that he is just an actor put in place to play his part in a big theatrical power play. I believe something very wrong went on on 9/11, and that the US/Israel planned and organised the whole thing but still Ahmedinajad pulls his punches over 9/11, and has done so for 10 years. Any real foe or opponent of the US would milk that for all its worth (and there is mounds of evidence out there which shows that some very "anomalous" things went on on 9/11 ... as well as evidence which clearly shows some Israeli involvement eg who ran security at the airports where the planes on 9/11 took off?? ICTS - an Israeli ran security company!!)
But still he pulls his punches. Someone in his position would likely know a lot more than an ordinary person over the events that took place on 9/11, and use that for all its worth.
Oh and there is a Jewish State ... of sorts ... in Europe already, Kieran. There has been for many years. Its called the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, with its administrative centre called Birobidzhan.
Actually just looking at it on the map its much much farther east than I remembered so its not really in Europe ... and its actually part of Russia ... but ... you know. And Stalin did set it up ... so maybe Jewish people wouldn't have wanted to move there in the first place ... but still it does exist ... although it probably couldn't take all the Jewish people in the world ... but it is there!!
[I've heard a few people over the past few years say that Jewish people should leave Israel and move there ... I'm not entirely sure that that would be a feasible thing to do now]
ps And not all 9/11 "truthers" are nutjobs frankly ... that would be totally insane. There are some people who have done amazing work showing 9/11 for what it is, and frankly, I find those people who CAN'T see anything wrong with 9/11 to be a bit nutty, astoundingly blind or just plain scared to face the facts ... because the facts and consequences surrounding those facts are very real and very very scary.
Firstly, Thank you, for the Information about the Jewish Autonomous Oblast. Haven't had the time to look that up, and research as an interest, but the Information and my knowledge of the World, tells me that Israel is the only officially recognised Jewish state in the World, an actual country. I'll say no more, I may be incorrect? it will require more research by me.
Oh boy. I so disagree with you Kieran. I only managed to look at that second video but it no in way shows conclusively that a plane hit the Pentagon. Just because there were plane parts (and I know what you are thinking ... conspiracy theorist etc etc) doesn't mean a plane hit it. The pieces could have been placed inside the Pentagon (a section that was being "refurbished") without a lot of people knowing (maybe?) and then when explosives went off well you'd have charred remains wouldn't you??? You really have to try to think differently about 9/11 since there are so many things that are designed to throw you off the scent of the real perpetraitors.
Also if you check out this website you will see how a plane probably didn't hit the pentagon at all ... and this is all from eyewitness including cops who were totally on the side of the government before they were interviewed by the guys on the website. Its sterling work and shows how utterly how people can be deceived so easily by sleight of hand.
As for the WTC buildings, well all that footage of the squibs going off, the way WTC7 falls into its own footprint, and the way that although there was a supposed raging inferno at the top of one of the towers that people still managed to survive and were caught on film standing on the edge of the hole one of the planes had made, the stand down of Norad ... well thats enough for me really. And thats just a small sub-section of things that are just impossible to ignore for me. Plus you can throw in all the lies the Bush government came up with over Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq etc etc etc ... well how on earth anyone can believe that the same government told the entire 100% truth over 9/11 ... thats just way way too much for me. I think we'll have to disagree big time over this one forever I think.
ps and the way that originally the Bush government wanted HENRY KISSINGER to chair the 9/11 Commission. Doesn't THAT even make you doubt even slightly that something fishy was going on????
You have just proven my point hearsay and allegations. I have nothing further to add to the discussion.