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What five books would you recommend to a newbie? What about documentaries?

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Paranormal Maven
Just curious on what everyone's take on this will be. Basically, if someone who is brand new to the UFO field came up to you and said, "Hey, this seems like a pretty interesting subject. How can I learn more?" what are the top five books you'd recommend? And what are the top five documentaries you would recommend (if in fact you can recommend five)?

And why would you recommend those particular titles?

Essentially, it's your job to get this guy started building his book and DVD library. Go!
There is so much great information out there! There is so much bad information out there! Statistics up the wazoo, and truly more stories than one would ever think possible. How can so much information yield so little verifiable truth? Welcome to the wide world of the phenomenal.

I would recommend the Hanger 1: The UFO Files, MUFON series on the history channel. VERY sensationalized, but filled with good info for the most part. Fire up your DVR.

The only book that I can honestly recommend to a beginner is the following one: Leslie Kean - Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On The Record

That's because just about every other book that I could recommend to you will more so serve to form your guess work opinion's alignments, rather than to provide a beginner with an unbiased factual overview of our present uptake on the UFO phenomenon. Many books on UFOs cite thousands of cases that are used more so to bolster the philosophy and hypothetical positioning of the writer, than to give one an unbiased overview. It doesn't mean that they are filled with lies, or deceit, it just means that opinions abound in this consideration. UFOs for beginners are best taken at base reported siting descriptions minus biased interpretations.

Now, if you are looking for hypothetical, alternative schools of thought on what are possible causes, or responsible agents for UFOs, that's another matter entirely.
This is the 1976 update of the classic UFO's Past, Present and Future:

Kimball's Best Evidence Top Ten Documentary

This one's mind blowing - The Portal: Everything you need to know about Hessdalen

The new modern UFO examination

The incredibly rarely seen Disney documentary
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Volumes 1 & 2 - it's the UFO Bible

Why not read all 99 editions?
Magonia Magazine


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UFOs for the 21st Century Mind, by Richard Dolan
Excellent overview that also puts the subject into social, cultural and political context.

While I'm happy to say that most of you have gotten it mostly right, two things are missing. #1 you can't believe what anyone in ufology writes (even more, puts on videotape (except for maybe parts of Kimball and/or Mirage Men)) and #2 you can't get anywhere unless you start here:
It really is a personal thing, and depends on what you are "ready" for...the deeper you get into this, the more all encompassing it seems to be.

IF you are into delving into more of what and who might be "behind" these craft, intelligences, whatever...

Richard Dolan's work is exceptional, especially his last two books.

The Gods of Eden can be found online for free. This mentions the vast history of ET involvement on planet Earth.

I find the chronicles of contactees and the information they have been given to be truly fascinating.

Alien Interview is by Leonard Spencer, and can be found on his site or other locations online. It is the supposed transcripts of the interactions between a nurse and the Roswell alien recovered in New Mexico. The text is both enlightening and disturbing, as it gets deeply into earth history, how celestial elements are created, where our animals and flora came from, the reality of Lemuria and Atlantis, and warnings for man regarding reckless use of nuclear weapons.

Defending Sacred Ground is a collection of Alex Colliers lectures and talks about his contact experiences with Zenetians from the Andromeda Galaxy. As far back as the early to mid 90s, Alex was sharing revelations of ET influence on Earth, their many bases here, why we actually went to the moon, warnings of h1n1 and ebola scares to manipulate the population, and an explanation of the formation of the NSA YEARS before Snowden came on the scene.

Many of the Dolores Cannon books can be found online as free pdfs now, and most of them deal with her clients recall of either contact, or past life memories of being from off-planet. Keepers of the Garden and The Three Waves are pretty cool and quite informative.

The Lacerta Files was awesome, and very informative. For those of you that think you have the "reptilians" pegged, after you read it, you'll see that just because someone is reptilian doesn't mean they are evil. There are several reptilian species, many of which are from here on Earth.

Don't count out the several writings from the 1950s contactees including Daniel Fry (White Sands Incident) and George Van Tassel, nor the information included in the Friendship movement out of Italy.

Reading about craft and sightings are awesome, but I really feel the most important information can be found in many of the contactee readings. Many more of these, I've noticed, can be found in the "books" area of the exopoliticshongkong site.

Yes, I'm sure several could go on and on and on about what they heard about who probably hoaxed and lied about what, etc. That's just going to happen.

Our intelligence agencies oftentimes worked non-stop to discredit these people because they didn't want them to be too influential. Collier got harassed alot.

The dirty secret was that at the same time, they were monitoring them quite heavily because they knew contactees had knack of knowing quite a bit of pertinent and sensitive information. (this still goes on)

Few know that George Van Tassel was warned during one of his contact experiences about the impending UFO flyover that happened in Washington DC during the weeks of July of 1952. He was told to send letters to media as well as officials in DC. Between what he knew, and the torsion field technology he was working on (which, yet unfinished became what is now known as the Integratron), he was definitely a man of "interest" to intel and the growing military industrial complex. It might explain his untimely and very strange passing as it happened.

I really feel for the deepest understanding of this subject, and why it's so important, listen to the contactees. And listen to your own heart and discernment. Just because someone told you to think a certain way doesn't mean you have to obey them. Review the information first, then think for yourself.

Hope this helps.
I really feel for the deepest understanding of this subject, and why it's so important, listen to the contactees. And listen to your own heart and discernment. Just because someone told you to think a certain way doesn't mean you have to obey them.
I've noticed over time that this idea of having a soft spot, kinship, and in some cases some commentators talk about even feeling protective over the contactees. The number of contactees are quite enormous even though most folk only see the content that rises to the surface in the form of books or previously well known figures and their significant attempts at greater contact. Have you read any of Gulyas' work on contactees or are you aware of the impending movie on contactees featuring some really slick animation? In both their works you can see a kind of protectionism about the early figures.

But what I'm really curious about is that you seem to have strong feelings about the contactees and I was wondering, in terms of discernment, are there specific figures you feel are more worth paying attention to others and if so, why? And if you don't mind sharing, how would you describe their value - is it about the paradigm shifting messages that they bring that is significant to you or is it more about the actual designation or nature of the contact?
I've noticed over time that this idea of having a soft spot, kinship, and in some cases some commentators talk about even feeling protective over the contactees. The number of contactees are quite enormous even though most folk only see the content that rises to the surface in the form of books or previously well known figures and their significant attempts at greater contact. Have you read any of Gulyas' work on contactees or are you aware of the impending movie on contactees featuring some really slick animation? In both their works you can see a kind of protectionism about the early figures.

But what I'm really curious about is that you seem to have strong feelings about the contactees and I was wondering, in terms of discernment, are there specific figures you feel are more worth paying attention to others and if so, why? And if you don't mind sharing, how would you describe their value - is it about the paradigm shifting messages that they bring that is significant to you or is it more about the actual designation or nature of the contact?
Hi Burnt State:
I haven't seen either but am very interested to know that other people are working to get more of this phenomenon to the mainstream. Ill be on the lookout for both.

I can't say that I adhere to or follow specific figures so much as try to do as much reading and research that I can. I tried to include the sources that have had the most impact on me so far.
The ones that seem to resonate most are ones that have a tendency to help explain how we got to where we are as a planet, and where we have the potential of going in these next couple of decades to come. I attempt to read and compare to my own experiences as well as others I've spoken to. I also try to pay attention to world events. It appears to me that more and more of the "veil" is being lifted daily, giving us more of a fair chance to determine our own destinies despite the constant manipulation and spin.

So I would have to say that the paradigm shift is more of what grabs my attention than say like, the technical nature of off-planet travel or just the phenomenon of "contact" all together. Between talk of angels, spirit guides and teachers, divine inspiration, and sometimes just downright fear, I believe most of us are being 'contacted' constantly, and in varying ways...we just might not have a common language or concept for it yet.

By the way, one more resource I forgot to mention that had quite an impact on me was Ami: Child of the Stars by Enrique Barrios.


Barrios had a significant contact experience as a child in the 80s and was encouraged to write about it as a childrens book (so he wouldn't be pegged as crazy). It too, explains a bit more of how we got into the state we are on this planet, once again the reality of Atlantis, and provides ideas and encouragement on how we can help ourselves in the years to come.

None of the contactees I mentioned so far I feel are better than others, and I can't say I agree with every single thing they've been told. But I do find them to be a valuable resource for learning in combination with research in other areas as well as personal observation.

I also try not to allow myself to be swayed too much by "spin". Earth inhabitants have a tendency to need to lean on one person, almost to the point of worship. It's very easy to get led astray this way. One will not likely find all the answers through just one person.

I'm not really sure if I answered your question... Hope this explains a bit more.
I find the chronicles of contactees and the information they have been given to be truly fascinating.

I don't dismiss contactees outright, not necessarily even Adamski or Meier. Most probably reported what they saw or were told. But a lot of it is obviously nonsense, probably intended to make UFOlogy look bad, and encourage disbelief. That way ET can go about his mission with less interference.

It is the supposed transcripts of the interactions between a nurse and the Roswell alien recovered in New Mexico.

KDR was skeptical of that. I recommend his books.

There are several reptilian species, many of which are from here on Earth.

Intelligent reptilian species, indigenous to Earth--come on..

I don't dismiss contactees outright, not necessarily even Adamski or Meier. Most probably reported what they saw or were told. But a lot of it is obviously nonsense, probably intended to make UFOlogy look bad, and encourage disbelief. That way ET can go about his mission with less interference.

KDR was skeptical of that. I recommend his books.

Intelligent reptilian species, indigenous to Earth--come on..

For me, arguing and or debunking any of these points here is a huge waste of time, so I'll leave all of that to you.

I merely answered the question.

There is not really a "correct" answer. That was never the nature of the question in the first place.

Read them, or don't.
There is not really a "correct" answer.

Some works are a waste of time if ever there was one. Besides some of those you listed, there are the books of Courtney Brown. Based on scientific knowledge, some views are definitely correct or incorrect.


Some works are a waste of time if ever there was one. Besides some of those you listed, there are the books of Courtney Brown. Based on scientific knowledge, some views are definitely correct or incorrect.

I wish you could get a little more specific please.

Who is KDR?

Are you telling me Courtney Brown is a waste of time, and why?

If we could avoid the, "yes it is, no it's not" pattern, that would be great. It's a trap that's so easy to get caught in on these forums. Batting the yes/no ball can go on forever.

Once again, the thread was about what books one would recommend and why. There is not a correct answer. I mean, are you the UFO book law enforcement officer here? I think not. lol

But if there is a "correct answer", by God I would imagine you would at least include it somewhere in your post in lieu of just telling us what you doubt. That was never the nature of the thread in the first place.

Just saying there are people that disagree doesn't really do it. Planet Earth is full of people who disagree with each other...

Please explain what points you have to make regarding Brown and KDR, and why you mention it.
Hi Burnt State:
I haven't seen either but am very interested to know that other people are working to get more of this phenomenon to the mainstream. Ill be on the lookout for both.

I can't say that I adhere to or follow specific figures so much as try to do as much reading and research that I can. I tried to include the sources that have had the most impact on me so far.
The ones that seem to resonate most are ones that have a tendency to help explain how we got to where we are as a planet, and where we have the potential of going in these next couple of decades to come. I attempt to read and compare to my own experiences as well as others I've spoken to. I also try to pay attention to world events. It appears to me that more and more of the "veil" is being lifted daily, giving us more of a fair chance to determine our own destinies despite the constant manipulation and spin.

So I would have to say that the paradigm shift is more of what grabs my attention than say like, the technical nature of off-planet travel or just the phenomenon of "contact" all together. Between talk of angels, spirit guides and teachers, divine inspiration, and sometimes just downright fear, I believe most of us are being 'contacted' constantly, and in varying ways...we just might not have a common language or concept for it yet.

By the way, one more resource I forgot to mention that had quite an impact on me was Ami: Child of the Stars by Enrique Barrios.


Barrios had a significant contact experience as a child in the 80s and was encouraged to write about it as a childrens book (so he wouldn't be pegged as crazy). It too, explains a bit more of how we got into the state we are on this planet, once again the reality of Atlantis, and provides ideas and encouragement on how we can help ourselves in the years to come.

None of the contactees I mentioned so far I feel are better than others, and I can't say I agree with every single thing they've been told. But I do find them to be a valuable resource for learning in combination with research in other areas as well as personal observation.

I also try not to allow myself to be swayed too much by "spin". Earth inhabitants have a tendency to need to lean on one person, almost to the point of worship. It's very easy to get led astray this way. One will not likely find all the answers through just one person.

I'm not really sure if I answered your question... Hope this explains a bit more.

I guess another thing to include is a certain approach I've used to doing the research.

I try to absorb as much information as possible from several different resources with an open mind.

This includes legends, stories from oral traditions, and writings from aboriginal sources, be they Native American, African, Asian, Celt or whatever. Several ancient traditions have much of their stories steeped in visits from the “divine”, and many describing times past where humans lived a technologically functional existence here on this planet.

Just because something comes across as “really out there” doesn’t mean I can’t at least listen to the point of view.

Anyway, I’ve noticed that over a period of time…one finds a pattern of cross correlation to certain ideas, proposals, prophecies, facts…etc, and one can begin to form their own conclusions as to the “bigger picture” from there. It can take awhile to get there, and you can find your world view changing quite a bit, but eventually things start to make sense from a larger perspective.

At one point I'd like to try to summarize in written form what I've surmised, and share it here with people who are ready and able to have a discussion. That will take some time though.
Who is KDR?

So you never heard of renowned researcher Kevin Randle? Generally I trust his judgment more than that of Friedman, not that he's perfect. Friedman was right where KDR was wrong on one occasion at least.

Are you telling me Courtney Brown is a waste of time, and why?

About 20 years ago, other people who read his Cosmic Voyage said it for me:
"Cosmic Voyage is not even good science fiction. " And "Cosmic Voyage is pure tripe!" Based on so called "scientific remote viewing' Brown would have us believe Mars had an indigenous intelligent race, brought here after a disaster and residing under Mt Santa Fe Baldy. According to CV a near miss from an asteroid caused Mars to lose its atmosphere...
Brown's later Cosmic Explorers is also garbage.

Once again, the thread was about what books one would recommend and why.

I'm reluctant to recommend any books. Face it, given the coverup, the unwillingness of both government and aliens to reveal all, each for its own reason, it's very hard if not impossible to know the truth. To further obscure the latter, both parties ensure the whole field is loaded with deceptive bs. Countless books mirror either deliberate deceit or researchers suckered into putting out false ideas.

So you never heard of renowned researcher Kevin Randle? Generally I trust his judgment more than that of Friedman, not that he's perfect. Friedman was right where KDR was wrong on one occasion at least.

About 20 years ago, other people who read his Cosmic Voyage said it for me:
"Cosmic Voyage is not even good science fiction. " And "Cosmic Voyage is pure tripe!" Based on so called "scientific remote viewing' Brown would have us believe Mars had an indigenous intelligent race, brought here after a disaster and residing under Mt Santa Fe Baldy. According to CV a near miss from an asteroid caused Mars to lose its atmosphere...
Brown's later Cosmic Explorers is also garbage.

I'm reluctant to recommend any books. Face it, given the coverup, the unwillingness of both government and aliens to reveal all, each for its own reason, it's very hard if not impossible to know the truth. To further obscure the latter, both parties ensure the whole field is loaded with deceptive bs. Countless books mirror either deliberate deceit or researchers suckered into putting out false ideas.

Thanks. Yeah, I noticed you hadnt recommended any books, so that had me confused too.

But at least I get a sense now of where you are coming from. Like I said..just "no" means nothing to me.

I've never heard of Courtney Brown. Perhaps he'll end up on my reading list someday by accident. Who knows.

In the spirit of reporting what I've gleaned through cross correlation, several cultures and writings speak about Mars, the fact that it was inhabited at one point, that it was a victim of war, and that there are definitely some in the human population who have ancestors from Mars. The name of Cairo, the city in Egypt, literally means Mars.

What Brown seems to be centered on, from what you describe, is not new.

Whether one "believes" him or any of this information...is not really relevant in the grand scheme of things. People "believe" in a virgin birth, and are willing to kill others to defend their "belief". Whatever...

Information is information...for the purposes of forming your worldview...until such time as your ready to change it again.

I'm not sure why you are participating on this forum. If its all bs to you, what is the point? I dont ask this in any disrespect, I'm just asking. If most to all the information that is "out there" is bs or misinformation, do you ever just decide to stop caring? Why even read a paranormal forum? There is way too much grey area one would encounter here to "know" anything. Wouldnt that just eventually drive you crazy? I'm really curious.

Perhaps you are here to listen to other's first hand accounts...hopefully uninfluenced by any government or corporate influence. Do you listen to them? And do you believe them?

Im really curious. Your responses to the Roswell Slides threads at least tells me you've done some research and are not entirely closed to the subject. Where do you draw the line? Just wondering. Thanks.