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What five books would you recommend to a newbie? What about documentaries?

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I've never heard of Courtney Brown. Perhaps he'll end up on my reading list someday by accident.

Don't waste your time. But I understand some people read UFO books even if skeptical of their specific claims, just for the "entertainment" value like out and out sci fi.

In the spirit of reporting what I've gleaned through cross correlation, several cultures and writings speak about Mars, the fact that it was inhabited at one point, that it was a victim of war, and that there are definitely some in the human population who have ancestors from Mars.

Our views should be informed by modern science which for good reason dismisses all that.

The name of Cairo, the city in Egypt, literally means Mars.

Funny; I thought Al-Kahira (Cairo) meant conqueror.

Whether one "believes" him or any of this information...is not really relevant in the grand scheme of things. People "believe" in a virgin birth, and are willing to kill others to defend their "belief". Whatever...

I think truth is objective and the scientific method is the proven way to get it.

I'm not sure why you are participating on this forum. If its all bs to you, what is the point? I dont ask this in any disrespect, I'm just asking. If most to all the information that is "out there" is bs or misinformation, do you ever just decide to stop caring? Why even read a paranormal forum? There is way too much grey area one would encounter here to "know" anything. Wouldnt that just eventually drive you crazy? I'm really curious.

Lol, I think I've figured out the purposes of disinformation and can see through it. Remember what Good said about disinformation--"it's important to stress there would be no point in it if there was nothing to cover up."

Perhaps you are here to listen to other's first hand accounts..


hopefully uninfluenced by any government or corporate influence. Do you listen to them? And do you believe them?


Im really curious. Your responses to the Roswell Slides threads at least tells me you've done some research and are not entirely closed to the subject. Where do you draw the line? Just wondering. Thanks.

Of course I'm not closed to the subject in that I'm not a skeptic. And I think at least some of the information we hear is good.

Don't waste your time. But I understand some people read UFO books even if skeptical of their specific claims, just for the "entertainment" value like out and out sci fi.

Our views should be informed by modern science which for good reason dismisses all that.

Funny; I thought Al-Kahira (Cairo) meant conqueror.

I think truth is objective and the scientific method is the proven way to get it.

Lol, I think I've figured out the purposes of disinformation and can see through it. Remember what Good said about disinformation--"it's important to stress there would be no point in it if there was nothing to cover up."



Of course I'm not closed to the subject in that I'm not a skeptic. And I think at least some of the information we hear is good.

Thanks for answering.

I just don't want to see others here get caught in the trap they feel is already set for us by government and ETs wishing to control the "spin" of these subjects.

You telling us what NOT to read is kind of doing the same thing...trying to control the flow of information and what someone might be exposed to. I'm sure that was never your intent.

Despite your opinions, I'm certain others will get something out of the resources I mentioned above, and I stand by them. Just saying that "science" doesn't support it is very general. Doesn't support what?

Actually sharing something that impacted you in one way or another was the original purpose of this thread. Is there any resource you can recommend on its own?
@Trajanus We are living in an age where a few with access to vast resources...at least lots of money, are planning on going to Mars.
Mars has been written and talked about in various cultures for eons.
I still don't get what you are saying regarding "science". Science has not dismissed any of these claims from what I can see. I'm not getting your logic here.

Nor how that somehow "dis-qualifies" the resources I mentioned. I'm looking forward to us getting past this need to "de-bunk" at all costs, and perhaps learn something new.
No reputable scientist believes Mars was inhabited and some people here are descended from Martians.

Perhaps you should start your own thread on what NOT to read... It would make more sense.

I'm going to let it go from here because you've demonstrated to me that you really don't have an intention of participating in a discussion. You've just repeated yourself providing no resources, no names of "reputable scientists", nor how any of what you contend applies to the resources I've mentioned. Just..."no...don't read this". Just like the government and ETs you complain about.

Once again, I'm here to share information and not debate circular arguments endlessly.

The thread clearly asks, "What five books would you recommend to a newbie? What about documentaries?"

You clearly have not answered that question, seem more intent on destroying my post than anything, and now we're talking about Mars...even after I asked if you had any specific resources to recommend?

You haven't even commented on anyone else's recommendations, and the only one you seem to be bashing here is me and my choices. Was it something I said to offend you Trajanus? Maybe this is another forum member who bashed me endlessly again in disguise? Going to a thread with the specific purpose of bashing someone on a paranormal site seems to defeat the purpose of going to a paranormal site. I really don't get why you are here.

All we've learned from this interchange is that you intend to cloud this thread with distractions, no matter what. People see right through that.

Your rather confusing comments, combined with the other recommendations people have provided here will definitely prepare a "newbie" for what they may inevitably run into when trying to discuss this subject with someone who is clearly ill-equipped to do so. That's not your fault that you are clearly illequipped...I don't blame you for that...it just is. And that's okay. A newbie would do themselves a world of good to observe and learn from this. (...yes newbies! This field is rife with people attempting to TELL you who you are, what you think, why you think it, and what your motivations are. You can waste alot of time with them. Learn to discern and pick them out early, and then avoid them.)

I'm moving on now...

Good luck to you and Godspeed.
[QUOTE="JRTV, post: 224826, member: 6877"]
You've just repeated yourself providing no resources, no names of "reputable scientists"[/quote]

OK try reading MARS THE STORY OF THE RED PLANET by Cattermole, WATER ON MARS by Carr, MARS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE by Hansson. These are old; I had assumed it was common knowledge that Mars couldn't have given rise to indigenous intelligent life.

The thread clearly asks, "What five books would you recommend to a newbie?

UFOs GENERALS, PILOTS and GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS GO ON THE RECORD by Kean isn't bad. ABOVE TOP SECRET by Good is old but OK. Same for books by Friedman and KDR.