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What Happened to Night Ship 282????

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Skilled Investigator
This aircraft crash has been bothering me for quite a while. Possibly because it occurred close to home for me. From many sites all over the "World Wide Web" the initial reports were that the Cessna 208 had struck something in the air shortly after takeoff. However it would seem that the NTSB has revoked that statment and issued "pilot disorientation" as the final culprit. Even other pilots were suspicious about this and were posting their thoughts online. The pilot seemed, at least from records, that he was more than capable for operating the Cargo Master. I am currently unable to find any original statements from the NTSB as to the aircraft possibly striking and unkown object in the air!!! Does anyone here have any knowledge regarding this crash. If so I would like to know if you've found any hint of a coverup by the NTSB. Here are a couple of links to get this going....'Red
'Red marks' confound accident investigators | Aviation International News

Untitled Page

NTSB: 'Collision With Unknown Object' Killed Mobile Pilot | Aero-News Network
This is the latest article I could find regarding the case. The entire collision was in act removed from the final findings. The family charged the plane and the air controllers with responsibility but were unsuccessful. It is odd that the whole analysis of the red material from a single source embedded in the plane did not play a role. But then this is a brief summary and not detailed look at the case, so who knows.

DEADLY EXPRESS: A Miami Herald investigation into the air cargo industry (part two)
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Fair or not, when cause cannot be clearly assigned elsewhere pilot error is the catch all. This is true in military or civilian aviation. Industry and financial concerns are multiplied when large passenger carriers are involved.
Fair or not, when cause cannot be clearly assigned elsewhere pilot error is the catch all. This is true in military or civilian aviation. Industry and financial concerns are multiplied when large passenger carriers are involved.
That was the context of the article I posted - how almost always pilot error will be cited as the main fault, though in this case the final audio and initial evidence does suggest a mid-air collision, and that remains unresolved.
that is the issue with this plane. the other larger plane above it at the time, and far away in altitude was inspected with no marks. initial theories of another drug running plane, with not flight path logged, could have been the culprit but then there should be wreckage of that as well. this makes the incident an interesting one as the pilot's final words of needing to deviate sounds like an imminent oncoming object that he failed to correct for. the red paint and metal embedded into 282 came from a unified, single source but remains unidentified.
That sounds like an appropriate resolution as that content was missing from the summary piece i posted. What was echoing for me in your previous post is all the Bermuda Triangle bunk where lack of debris resulted in talk of strange vortexes in time and alien abductions, and in some cases that was even after debris was in fact found.
There's a link somewhere, which I will try to find later tonight where numerous pieces of debris were sent to some Air Force lab for testing. They basically identified approximately 25 out of 34 marks on the outside of the aircraft as coming from the aircraft itself. Packaging, wiring and so forth. They also sent a piece of a "Drone" for testing which according to the Air Force came up negative as being indentical to any of the marks found on the outside of the aircraft, of course....hhhmmmm. Now IF the aircraft collided with something in the air, and IF it wasn't a drone, then what could it have been???? Some theorize that the aircraft engine shouldn't have been split in half even if the aircraft struck concrete. According to the reports, the 208's engine was cracked in half.....I'm not an airplane expert, only an enthusiast...any pilots/mechanics out there care to comment on this???
shyte some poor recktilian will be filling accident insurance claims forms in for months.

Now that's frak'n funny!!!!!!
It's easy for plane crash debris (especially a small plane) to remain hidden. I know that news stories detailing the finding of lost plane wreckage are not uncommon You may have read that the 208 crashed into a swamp--the flight path was right over several bays and swampy areas. If no one knew there was another plane involved, its easy to imagine another crashed plane hidden under the water or in the foliage somewhere.

I note that some of the linked articles mention "mysteries" that are solved in other linked articles (the piece of aluminum, for instance, came from the plane itself).

I tried finding the NTSB report on this crash but was unsuccessful. Has anyone else seen it?


I was able to locate updated NTSB reports....but not the orginal....the problem I have with their conclusion of "pilot spatial disorientation" is that initially they were talking about how it appeared that the aircraft had struck something while in the air. I am unable to locate any orginal statements by NTSB to that fact. There are numerous sites on the net that were quoting the NTSB as having issued that statement, and some of them were news sites.

NTSB document (I believe from 2004)

Actual Aircraft

The reports state that the 208 had almost recovered from its downward descent when it impacted in Spanish Fort. Would lead me to believe that the pilot knew that he needed to pull out of the dive. Also his excited utterance of "I needed to deviate!, I needed to deviate!, I needed to deviate!.........would also lead me to believe that he observed something in the air that required him to conduct immediate avoidance maneuvers.
Fair or not, when cause cannot be clearly assigned elsewhere pilot error is the catch all. This is true in military or civilian aviation. Industry and financial concerns are multiplied when large passenger carriers are involved.

I tend to agree Vance......can't exlplain it, or have to hide it?!?!?......blame it on pilot error!!!
yes lance the Washington Post are the 'go to people' for air crash investigation.

sheesh you would laugh anyone who posted a Washington Post ufo story right off the forum.
Radar, did you read the Washington Post story I posted above. I think it covers the questions you raise.

No collision. Red marks seem to be from plane itself. Theory is that pilot became disoriented while in cloud layer. Now I suppose it could be incorrect (sometimes it's hard to tell what happened, I imagine when all you have is the twisted wreckage). Lacking additional evidence I see that the paranormal sites like to up the ooga booga on the story but they are doing so without evidence (as usual).

Knowing you need to pull out of a dive and actually doing so can be two different things. :)


Yes I know that paranormal sites like to get the "fire" going.....but if you look back deep enough......you'll find aviation sites, news sites, and the sort quoting the NTSB as initially stating that it "appears" that the aircraft struck somethig while in flight! If it were just the paramormal sites hyping this thing up then I'd be fairly sure it was just made up. But more than just those paranormal sites were saying the NTSB had made the initial statement.
The Washington post story outlines the NTSB report...which is posted and linked above.


then why not post the ntsb report, oh you cant its not avaliable, so are any personal details of the pilot, he now didnt ever exist officially, still nothing to see here, the washington post says so, so thats alright then, lets put it to bed, the officials have spoken, and thats that.
From the NTSB report.....there was no communication between the pilot and the tower where the pilot is asking for the tower to check his (the pilot/aircrafts) location on radar. The tower doesn't ask the pilot for his location. The two apparently know exactly where the aircraft is and all seems calm according to the radio transmissions. Then all of the sudden you get "I needed to deviate, I needed to deviate, I needed to deviate!.........and then nothing!!!!! That doens't sound like an experienced pilot who is disoriented about his position to land or relative aircraft. I sounds like an excited statement from a pilot who needed to move, or tried to move his aircraft out of the way of something!! Sounds like he suddenly banked left or right, then started his downward spiral.

BTW-I had better luck searching by using "Cessna N76U" (the aircrafts registration #)
show us an example of someone who has had their whole lifes history expunged, does'nt matter whether they crashed a plane in mysterious circumstances, anyone will do.
I have read that report numerous times. I guess we're at a professional disagreement. I don't think he misjudged where the DC-10 was. He observed it and knew it was above him. I could accept this scenario better if the weather had been worse.
"At 1945:41, the pilot responded, "roger I got him above me right now." At 1945:57, the
pilot stated, "I needed to deviate, I needed to deviate, I needed to deviate, I needed," and the
transmission ended."...........here, we're looking at a total of sixteen seconds difference from calm to panic. Now assuming as the report reads the 208 started it's downward descent from 2700 feet, and the "Heavy" (DC-10) was at 4000 feet, which is a difference of 1300 feet. So even assuming that the report is incorrect, and the 208 was ascending toward the DC-10, the 208's rate of climb would have to be at least, I'd say 1000 ft a minute, to pose a threat of striking the DC-10, but the DC-10 pilot states..............
"The DC-10 pilot that had been flying near the accident airplane told Safety Board investigators
that his airplane was "between layers of clouds starting at about 1,200 [feet] that topped at about
2,500 [feet] with more layers above his altitude [at 4,000 feet]." He added that the visibility was
good between layers, that the air was smooth, and that he encountered "no turbulence or rain cells"
along his flightpath."
If the tower operator thought that these two aircraft were in danger of colliding with each other, certainly he would have had the 208 adjust his heading.
wheres the postings about his records being disappeared gone radar, or have i got crossed threads.

I do not know anything about his records being wiped from anywhere.......do you have more information??? Did you try searching the pilots name or something to the sort???