I have not had contact with Stan Friedman in years, so I will start out by stating that. IMHO, over the years Stan has done a lot of good, and yes back in the 1950's Stan worked in the nuclear industry. That is a matter of fact. Now, allow me to continue by asking this; who in hell is Ray Alex? Anyone, and let me say this again .. ANYONE who uses the name of "Milton William Bill Cooper" in ANY COMMUNICATION about UFOS is either ignorant or clueless or a brain dead Cooper fanatic. Cooper was the biggest fraud to come down the UFO pike since George Adamski.
Next, Michael Wolf? ARE YOU SHITTING ME? The only reason Wolf doesn't share the same level of fraud that Cooper does .. is because he had the grace to die and never achieved the level of notoriety he desired because he never was able to bullshit more people to get him out on the UFO stage. Wolf's own brother is on the record that Michael was mentally ill from a very early age.
You know, if you are going to get out on the net' and blather about UFOs, UFO cases, and UFO personalities DO YOURSELF A FAVOR and do some god damned research! I think I will stop now because I am still feeling pissed and do not want to say something that later I might regret.