King of Mars
I'm guessing this (emphasis added):
"Perchlorates have been used as a medicine for more than 50 years to treat thyroid gland disorders. They are also used as an oxidizer in rocket fuel and can be found in airbags, fireworks, and Chilean fertilizers. Both potassium perchlorate (KClO<SUB>4</SUB>) and ammonium perchlorate (NH<SUB>4</SUB>ClO<SUB>4</SUB>) are used extensively within the pyrotechnics industry, whereas ammonium perchlorate is a component of solid rocket fuel. Lithium perchlorate, which decomposes exothermically to give oxygen, is used in oxygen "candles" on spacecraft, submarines and in other esoteric situations where a reliable backup or supplementary oxygen supply is needed."
Essentially it means manned missions to Mars just got 50% easier.
It all sounds very good, but can't say I'm not disappointed… damn my overactive imagination.