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What is the nature of our reality?

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Paranormal Novice
For the majority of my life I have had a roller coaster ride of experiences during my sleeping hours. Ever since I was a young child I had vivid dreams, in my late teens these developed from vivid to lucid dreams, and after several years the lucid dreams eventually grew into Out of Body experiences.

Today I will have maybe one or two OBE’s a month, these are either triggered from a lucid dream, or from sleep deprivation. Either way the experience of how you exit/re-enter your body, real world/time perception, environments, and people/entities that you encounter is always a powerful, exhilarating and sometimes daunting experience but you are always left with the question what is the nature of our reality?

In my early years I used to think that OBE’s were linked to some chemical imbalance to the brain. And perhaps unknowingly some of us may have certain ‘doors or windows’ open within our brain that disguises the neurological activity as an experience where we feel consciously separated from our self.

But in my latter years after several OBE’s and education through previous experiences I have noticed my incidents are slowly developing into a more intelligent and controlled occurrence - my subconscious and conscious awareness becoming more aligned. So this begs the question is it a paranormal experience, or is it explainable resulting from a misbalance of neurological activity.

I’m now more weighted on thinking perhaps it’s a combination of the both, but only in that the neurological activity perhaps acts as the door while the paranormal experience is what lies behind the door once we understand how to open and step through it. I do not think it’s purely just confined to neurological activity, as it doesn’t explain how you can sometimes validate the experience.

It’s odd but in terms of the paranormal our attention is always drawn or steered towards the subject of the UFO mystery. Nonetheless in terms of paranormal experiences I would think OBE’s/ Astral Projections would be a more common tangible subject to explore and the Paracast should have a few shows dedicated to this subject matter.

There are some interesting studies looking into the subject from a scientific/medical standpoint and naturally numerous books have been written on the subject. An interesting show would be to get Hernik Ehrsson (Swedish neuroscientist) currently studying this phenomena, and Robert Bruce who is best known as one of the leading experts for his studies into OBE’s.
I've read a bit on this subject and made attempts (unsuccessful ones) to OBE myself. In my opinion it is most likely related to neurological activity and is an abnormal hallucinatory brain/mind system state. I don't know for certain, that is just my opinion based my limited knowledge and experience on the subject. I'm open to evidence that would indicate otherwise.

There is one experiment that would confirm the reality of OBEs. The subject would OBE and go into an adjacent room and observe someone writing a simple phrase on a blackboard and report back what it was. The phrase would be chosen from a book at random at the moment of writing. That or some double-blind method of supplying the phrase to the writer. The OBE subject should be able to get it right 100% of the time. In fact if you could do this you would most likely qualify for the JREF Million Dollar Challenge and win it easily enough.

Oddly enough I have been thumbing through Monroe's Far Journeys for the past couple of days on a whim.
Unfortunately when you have an OBE it’s not easy to approach it that objectively or like a crime scene investigator, especially when you’re first starting. So being able to carry out controlled experiments is quite difficult.

I had my first OBE back in 1997 when I was 25, since then I have had countless experiences. It’s only been in the last few years that I have been able to approach them with less fear and have gained more control approaching them somewhat more objectively.

I have only had two experiences where I could validate what I saw. In one experience I went to my place of work and managed to read items on someone’s calendar that was placed on their desk. This I checked after the experience.

Another experience was slightly odd but had a weird one at my in-laws. I had only been married a few months and one time while staying at their house with my wife I had an OBE. During this experience I left the guest room we were in and managed to walk down the hallway on route to the toilet. Well on my journey I had to go to the toilet and it passed my in-laws room. It just so happened that my father-in-law who wakes up at around 5am for work, happened to be getting up at the same time as my OBE. As I was passing their room I heard the alarm going off, and saw that the bedroom light was switched on, and then the door opening!

Well when he walked up to the door and opened it I briefly saw the inside of their room. For some strange reason I suddenly thought I was going to be busted for loitering outside their door! Well upon that reaction I instantly woke up in bed next to my wife. While I laid there I heard my father in-law leaving the room making his way to the toilet and annoyingly I actually had to go myself! I also have wondered if I timed my OBE better what would have happened when I made it to the bathroom.

The point is I had never seen the inside of their room, as their door had always been shut. So the next morning I went upstairs and opened the door to their room to have a look inside and it confirmed what I had seen during the OBE. I also asked my wife if her dad would turn on the light to their bedroom when waking up and she confirmed that he always did (I initially assumed by turning on the light it would have woken up his wife).

Arguably these were not controlled experiments, but it was more of a self testament about my OBEs vs the real world environment. I also know my experiences are not due to sleep walking.

However, OBE’s require a lot of dedication and determination but they are achievable – like anything it takes practice. I think a lot of personal failure and eventually lack of enthusiasm is down to many OBE methodologies that are described somewhat as a waterfall model. Where perhaps people subconsciously think they need to follow a defined process with 100% completion of each phase in order to have one.

My advice is yes read about how to have them but approach it at your own pace, speed and know how, if you don’t agree try your own methods. It’s sort of like sex – you’re taught the mechanics at school but not exactly how to carry out the task.

Sleep deprivation is a good technique, not advised but has better success rate for me, in fact it’s the only way I can have a self induced OBE (while the rest are triggered from dreams).
I've read a bit on this subject and made attempts (unsuccessful ones) to OBE myself. In my opinion it is most likely related to neurological activity and is an abnormal hallucinatory brain/mind system state. I don't know for certain, that is just my opinion based my limited knowledge and experience on the subject. I'm open to evidence that would indicate otherwise.

There is one experiment that would confirm the reality of OBEs. The subject would OBE and go into an adjacent room and observe someone writing a simple phrase on a blackboard and report back what it was. The phrase would be chosen from a book at random at the moment of writing. That or some double-blind method of supplying the phrase to the writer. The OBE subject should be able to get it right 100% of the time. In fact if you could do this you would most likely qualify for the JREF Million Dollar Challenge and win it easily enough.

Oddly enough I have been thumbing through Monroe's Far Journeys for the past couple of days on a whim.

I must congradulate you. I absolutely don't agree with you on the spritual side of life. But, you have the ability to engage in a polite and personable way that I do respect. I have had my own experiences that point to consciousness apart from the brain. However, most "belivers" and "Non believers" tend to get into violent angry arguments. It's good to at least be able to discuss or state a bleife without being subjected to name calling and ridicule. On both sides I'm sure. :-)
I must congradulate you. I absolutely don't agree with you on the spritual side of life. But, you have the ability to engage in a polite and personable way that I do respect. I have had my own experiences that point to consciousness apart from the brain. However, most "belivers" and "Non believers" tend to get into violent angry arguments. It's good to at least be able to discuss or state a bleife without being subjected to name calling and ridicule. On both sides I'm sure. :-)

Totally agree with you Tyder - Rick has a way of engaging in a conversation without offending anyone.

AlexAnderson's post is really interesting and I wish I could make my mind do that. The best I can do is have the occasional lucid dream.

With regards to his OBEs, tests would have to be done in order to show that what he sees is occurring outside of his mind, but if proved to be true it would be an incredible discovery. He'd certainly be able to win the JREF's million bucks.
I shoulda seen it comin. :-)

I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist. :) I do appreciate your comments though. I sincerely believe that we should all be able to discuss these ideas and experiences from our diverse viewpoints without getting personal or becoming offended when someone disagrees or interjects viewpoints and opinions that are different than our own. Everybody has a bad day now and then, that goes without saying and I've certainly had mine.
Angel of Ioren, hello there… listen of course you can have an OBE!! I believe the majority of people can. You just need to train yourself on the subject, and afterwards its simply a lot of practice. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
The book ‘Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming’ by Stephen LaBerge is a good intro into the subject on Lucid Dreams. On the OBE field Robert Bruce is an interesting read and of course Robert Monroe. I also would highly recommend Michael Talbots book ‘The Holographic Universe’ – a fascinating read!!! <o:p></o:p>
I think the most important element while attempting to have an OBE and/or exploring the world of lucid dreaming is to keep a clear head (like anything in life I guess), and not to become too influenced by a lot of dogma that can surround the subject.
It’s funny but I used to think I had to chant mantras, or only lay completely still and be brain dead to have an OBE. But I soon realised they happen just as easily on my side, on my back, or on my belly. It’s just having the confidence and a belief in one’s self that makes them happen.
I guess its just knowing what to do with them and how to understand them the can be the toughest part.

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