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What Physics Owes the Counterculture

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I take the intent of Chris' original post about psychoactives as an invitation to consider them as not all patently bad for everyone at all times, and to enhance creativity under certain circumstances. It's a matter of individual choice with all the usual provisos inherent therein.
I take the intent of Chris' original post about psychoactives as an invitation to consider them as not all patently bad for everyone at all times, and to enhance creativity under certain circumstances. It's a matter of individual choice with all the usual provisos inherent therein.

Ya OK fine. If certain people want to be more concerned about their individual right to get stoned than the general welfare of others in the bigger picture, then maybe a few more trips will exand their consciousness outside their own egocentric point of view and they'll get what I'm talking about.

Ya OK fine. If certain people want to be more concerned about their individual right to get stoned than the general welfare of others in the bigger picture, then maybe a few more trips will exand their consciousness outside their own egocentric point of view and they'll get what I'm talking about.

That was excellent. I do get what both of you and Chris are saying and can relate to both. I think the important thing to understand here is that the mystique of consciousness expanding drugs is just that, a mystique.
Well maybe you've never tried the really good stuff from the good old days. I'll openly admit not only to having tried it, but heaven forbid ... actually inhaling it. Now we're not talking anything remotely approaching the power of LSD, and a different kind of "high" too ... not only from LSD but from today's genetically altered stink-bud industro-chem hydro-weed that's advertised as having 20 times the THC ... but doesn't get you "high" at all, it just gets you messed up. I've been clean for so long now I don't even know if the real thing exists anymore unless you go to Hawaii or Jamaica.


"good stuff from the good old days"?!?! dude... get real. that "good old stuff" does not even compare to the good new stuff. LMAO!
i used LSD several times in the 60s-70s and would also recommend it to some people to use at least once before they die.


"good stuff from the good old days"?!?! dude... get real. that "good old stuff" does not even compare to the good new stuff. LMAO!
i used LSD several times in the 60s-70s and would also recommend it to some people to use at least once before they die.

Go ahead and have your opinion. Mine is that I don't think "recommending" that "some people" should try illegal drugs "at least" once or any number of times is a smart thing to here on the Paracast. However I do advocate boycotting drugs distributed by the big nasty players and that working toward legalization and regulation is just fine.

Look Randall:
Like I told you privately, this thread is about creativity and insights gained through the use of psychedelics by a group of maverick physicists 40 years ago. DEAL with it. This is not a thread for moralizing, grandstanding and soapbox pontificating about your personal views on "drugs." If you want to discuss the social implications of "drug abuse" and drug thuggery or whatever---start your own thread.
Look Randall:
Like I told you privately, this thread is about creativity and insights gained through the use of psychedelics by a group of maverick physicists 40 years ago. DEAL with it. This is not a thread for moralizing, grandstanding and soapbox pontificating about your personal views on "drugs." If you want to discuss the social implications of "drug abuse" and drug thuggery or whatever---start your own thread.

Hey don't get mad at me. I didn't make the quote recommending some people try LSD once before they die. They quoted me and I'm just as entitled to a respose as anyone else. If you don't like it you deal with it, and if you want to ban me for saying I don't think it's a good idea for "recommending" drugs on your forum, or not doing illegal drugs, or advocating legalization when I make my comments, I'll be more than happy not to be associated with your forum anyway ... understand?

j.r. you are very passionate about this. I understand that. But, I don't think Chris was saying "go out and pop a top and smoke a doobie." I would never (these days.) mess with drugs and as for L.S.D. at my age I wouldn't do it. But, if I were younger and there was a scientificaly controlled enviroment then I'd be interested. So, I do get it. Don't put the pressure on your body and soul when you don't have to. But, I also get the interest in the experiments. Peace.

O.K. so I did DMT but not smoking it -- rather as ingestion which is a trip that lasts for hours. Unlike LSD -- DMT is way stronger -- you can't move while you're on it. Also DMT is part of the shamanic cultures around the world -- it's used for healing in South America for example. Instead I sat in full lotus for four hours straight -- I tested my qigong third eye energy training against the DMT plant power. I had amazing internal bliss -- ecstasy orgasmic energy that felt like my tailbone was being cracked up and then my brain lit up with a rainbow vortex. My heart then spontaneously emanated the OHM sound and everything became a rainbow vortex. I still had waves of left-brain consciousness during which I would ask a question and then the answer would be revealed to me as a holographic vision so that my internal body and external reality where interwoven. This was a beyond death experience -- as is also recorded and maintained by the DMT shamanic plant tradition in South America.

I had posted earlier about biophotons and quantum physics -- Dr. Mae Wan Ho and Fritz Albert Popp have the most research on this. But actually quantum physics is the opposite extreme of shamanic plant intakes. So quantum mechanics has proven that photosynthesis works through quantum entanglement. But as per the uncertainty principle the measurement of quantum effects using the technology then transforms the things being measured.

This goes back to the origin of science -- there is something more fundamental to quantum physics than the Heisenberg uncertainty Principle -- the Time-Frequency Uncertainty Principle discovered by holograph inventor Dennis Gabor. The more precise you measure time the more broadband becomes the frequency. This same paradox was also discovered at the origin of Western science in the Law of Pythagoras -- how frequency ratios are inversely proportional to wavelength so that the natural ratios can not be evenly divided into each other. This was called the Comma of Pythagoras.

So anyway the DMT trip creates what's called hyperspace -- or a rainbow vortex -- it's considered the underlying gateway for the visions to occur but the visions are actually the subconscious projections that are stored in the body. In other words external reality and internal reality are interwoven holographically.

So with the origin of science there was an attempt to close off infinity -- to contain it with symmetric mathematics and this containment expanded logarithmically. As the logarithmic math expanded through technology (chariot wheels, catapults, canons, missiles, etc.) there was an accelerating containment of space on Earth -- a destruction of ecology. So Western science inherently destroys ecology while DMT based shamanism merges with ecology -- again infinity can not be contained.

This secret was rediscovered as the limit of science but it's the opposite extreme of shamanic DMT visions -- in fact the original shamanic culture, the Bushmen, did not rely on DMT-based plants, but rather relied on complementary opposite rhythmic trance dancing and harmonic singing. Again it was the Law of Pythagoras in action -- the real shamanic training -- so that sound as frequency resonates through the whole spectrum of energy -- sonoluminescence. This is what Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Fritz Alfred Popp discovered in quantum physics -- quantum biology -- how life is actually a rainbow vortex.

So this rainbow vortex as the time-frequency uncertainty principle then creates space-time as geometric measurements. The more we measure or contain the spacetime the more we transform the rainbow vortex -- so now left-brain dominant humanity is using right-hand technology to transform right-brain dominant left-handed molecules of ecology into right-handed molecules of technology (iron, silicon). Call it the apocalypse if you want since the process relies on mass ritual sacrifice -- call it Freemasonry if you want. I exposed this conspiracy through The Actual Plan for the Matrix: Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and the Religion of Technology over ten years ago.

Quantum mechanics has to be converted back into symmetric mathematics via the Poisson Bracket -- so the infinite potential can only be inferred -- consciousness can only be inferred after the fact. Shamanic visions though can have precognition, telepathy, telekinesis, remote healing, astral travel, etc. -- because it's not the ego that has these abilities but rather consciousness itself. So the more a person harmonizes themselves with consciousness -- emptying out their ego -- the more these abilities emerge, paradoxically.
According to the Wikipedia article on DMT, currently there is no published reliable scientific evidence supporting the hypothesis that the pineal gland produces DMT ... yet this guy thinks it's everyone else who's doing the "propoganda", and that we're a "complicated form of bacteria".

I'll have to check this out once I get home. Work filters out youtube. But, I've been called a brain fart, by product of evolution, meatbot and even a hairless ape. So, I guess bacteria is just another name somebody pulled out of their ass. :-) But, I'll try to check it out later.
It is true that DMT is found throughout the body and life. As I said I tested DMT against the qigong training which is based explicitly on the pineal gland -- the third eye. I confirmed through full lotus third eye training that DMT does activate and further open up the pineal gland for visions. Since it's from plants then it relies on electrochemical energy whereas qigong training or yoga or shamanic trance dancing relies on creating electromagnetic energy first. So there's electromagnetic force and then there's orgasmic electrochemical energy and then there's the biophoton spirit rainbow energy -- called shen in qigong or shakti in yoga -- called !Xia by the Bushmen. So DMT intake, as per the full lotus, definitely has healing powers -- it activates the kundalini to an amazing extent and then this electrochemical energy is converted into the biophoton energy. The electromagnetic force part is skipped -- because DMT is electrochemical plant energy leveraging the body's electrochemical energy and then converting straight to the biophoton rainbow vortex spirit energy. That's why DMT shamans do not transmit healing energy but they can use DMT to have visions that enable them to see energy blockages inside other people and then they give those people DMT to heal them. Whereas the meditation shamans -- found in more northern climates like the Andes of South America -- the Himalayas, China's mountains, -- but originating from the Bushmen culture -- these meditation trance shamans actually do transmit healing energy out of the pineal gland.

I can flex my pineal gland at will -- when I do this then my neck pulsates because the pineal gland is pulling up the lower body electrochemical energy via parasympathetic vagus nerve transduction. I go into all the details in my book about this -- with a chapter on DMT and also Salvia Divinorum, another very powerful psychotropic healing plant used in Mexico shamanically.

Psychoactive Compound Activates Mysterious Receptor

Thursday, February 12, 2009

A hallucinogenic compound found in a plant indigenous to South
America and used in shamanic rituals regulates a mysterious protein
that is abundant throughout the body, University of Wisconsin-
Madison researchers have discovered.

The finding, reported in the Feb. 13 issue of Science, may
ultimately have implications for treating drug abuse and/or
depression. Many more experiments will be needed, the researchers

Scientists have been searching for years for naturally occurring
compounds that trigger activity in the protein, the sigma-1
receptor. In addition, a unique receptor for the hallucinogen,
called dimethyltryptamine (DMT), has never been identified.

The UW-Madison researchers made the unusual pairing by doing their
initial work the "old-fashioned," yet still effective, way. They
diagrammed the chemical structure of several drugs that bind to the
sigma-1 receptor, reduced them to their simplest forms and then
searched for possible natural molecules with the same features.
Biochemical, physiological and behavioral experiments proved that
DMT does, in fact, activate the sigma-1 receptor.

"We have no idea at present if or how the sigma-1 receptor may be
connected to hallucinogenic activity," says senior author Arnold
Ruoho, chair of pharmacology at the UW-Madison School of Medicine
and Public Health. "But we believe that the National Institute on
Drug Abuse (NIDA) may be interested in biological mechanisms
underlying psychoactive and addictive drug action."

In addition to being a component of psychoactive snuffs and
sacramental teas used in native religious practices in Latin
America, DMT is known to be present in some mammalian tissues, and
it has also been identified in mammalian blood and spinal fluid.
Elevated levels of DMT and a related molecule have been found in
the urine of schizophrenics.

Ruoho speculates that the hallucinogen's involvement may mean that
the sigma-1 receptor is connected in some fashion to psychoactive
behavior. When his team injected DMT into mice known to have the
receptor, the animals became hyperactive; mice in which the
receptor had been genetically removed did not.

"Hyperactive behavior is often associated with drug use or
psychiatric problems," says Ruoho. "It's possible that new, highly
selective drugs could be developed to inhibit the receptor and
prevent this behavior."

The study revealed an additional neurologic link by confirming that
the sigma-1 receptor and some compounds that bind to it inhibit ion
channels, which are important for nerve activity. Work by many
researchers - including some from UW-Madison - initially showed
this relationship in earlier studies.

Some studies have also linked the receptor to the action of
antidepressant drugs, and National Institutes of Health (NIH)
scientists recently found that it appears to serve as a "chaperon,"
helping proteins to fold properly.

The Wisconsin researchers found that DMT is derived from the
naturally occurring amino acid tryptophan and is structurally
related to the neurotransmitter serotonin. This finding, Ruoho
says, illustrates the mantra often used in the biological
processing of natural molecules: Nothing goes to waste.

"Our findings support the idea that biochemical alterations of
molecules such as tryptophan can produce simple compounds such as
DMT that may target other regulatory pathways served by sigma-1
receptors," he says.

DMT may also reflect the presence of an even larger family of
natural compounds that arise from other structurally related amino
acids that may further regulate the receptor, Ruoho adds.

"It may well be that these different, naturally derived chemical
forms regulate the sigma-1 receptor in tissue and organ-specific
ways," he says.
Psychoactive compound activates mysterious receptor

May 31, 2009

There is mistake in this article. The looked for elevated levels of DMT in schizophrenics but DID NOT find any such abnormal levels. They did, however, find elevated levels in stressed mice.
http://cottonwoodresearch.org/ is lab that will be examining the presence of endogenous DMT in humans. Check them out.



---------- Post added at 07:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:19 PM ----------

I'm not being a smart ass drew. It's just that you start off and I kind of follow you to an extent. Then you just go into places where all I can say is "wow." Don't know if your crazy, b'sing or if you've done your homework. I find very little in the paranormal field these days be it skeptical or beleiver that I would care to hang my hat on.