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What would you ask ET if you could?

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The difference between us is this.


Where as I


Or as a wise man once said.



You are free to cherish your delusions, but if you present them as facts people like me will always be there to hold you to account.

I want to Know, not just believe. That requires all claims to be tested.
Because if we dont, then this becomes what "reality" looks like.


Perhaps your friends at Yahyel.com could channel this cat and get it to return the woman it just abducted
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Because if we dont...
Whenever I find someone who is obsessed with their self-image, who simply cannot allow others to have different belief systems, who is constantly pressing their belief systems on others, it shouts of an individual who has the negative belief that they are somehow without worth.

Let it go. I have my experience and you have yours. And if you can't let it go, then don't waste the opportunity to research your belief systems to find that negative belief (about yourself) that screams at you that you are invalid, not worth existing. That you must pay attention to things that simply don't matter such as how you are perceived by others.
You continue to refuse to make any effort at all to back up your claims. That's where exists. It's now how Mike is perceived, it's why you refuse to respond to his very reasonable questions. Your effort at deflection is transparent.
Hi, my name is Sharon and I channel an ET from the Vegan star system named Ivo.

Maybe you do, maybe you don't. If it is a truth for you, then you should continue to support that belief. For me, my process has to include a long history of channeling which, if I read your website, you do not have. Again, this is my POV and by no means does it invalidate you or your channeling.

After decades of hard research (ET, spirit, other), personal experiences (ET, spirit, other), there are many, many channels who fit my criteria for credence. I have a tendency to spend (the illusion of) time with them. I am however absolutely certain if you have information to give, there will be those who will be around to receive it. Otherwise, you would be invalid, your messages invalid, and that is simply not the way Creation works.
You continue to refuse to make any effort at all to back up your claims. That's where exists. It's now how Mike is perceived, it's why you refuse to respond to his very reasonable questions. Your effort at deflection is transparent.
Thats your POV, thanks for sharing.

As you are aware, I will continue to do what excites me, pleases me and how you perceive that is entirely up to you and completely of no interest to me.
Not my point of view. It's a statement of fact. You won't respond to legitimate questions.
It's your statement of facts from your POV, why is this so hard to understand? It is not a statement of fact from my POV which you continue to attempt to invalidate, why is that?

What is it that you have as a belief system that there cannot be multiple POV of the same physical reality? Isn't this thread evidence enough for you, apparently not.

Is it your intent to invalidate anything that does not meet your POVs interpretation of this physical dream? Why so? What so concerns you, what belief about yourself, do you have that drives you to do so? Get with mike on this discovery and perhaps, between the two of you, you can unearth what improper, out-of-alignment, belief that you hold.

Or not. It's your physical journey, do with it what you want.

Allow me to the same courtesy.
Ivo here: Hello Usual Suspect. There is definitely a telepathic connection between Sharon and I which has been in place since she was a baby. This was intentional for her to do this work with us. I say "us" as I do not act alone but am her main contact.

The visuals she sees is simply a consequence of her own psychic abilities as she has many and they are evolving as she evolves, emotionally. She sees me as I walk in her living room as she speaks to myself and her friend. Some of the flicks of light are me as was the rectangular shape she saw walking from the kitchen to the living room. Obviously I am not a rectangle but she was unable to see the entire of my form on this occasion. On one other she did.

The ship she sees is my ship as I have flown it past her many times to help her to understand that this is real. She needs, just like other Terrans, physical proof on top of the telepathic link as this is the way she has been conditioned to think by your world. Obviously there is a reason why your people have been conditioned this way: so that negative forces can work unseen in secret behind closed doors. And people still do not perceive there is anything gravely wrong as they do not see it with their physical eyes. We will tell you that there are many species with many more abilities than your physical eyes can discern. So your eyesight is making you blind.

But that is another topic. Understand as well that telepathic links are easier for us to hold between Terrans and our race when we are within the grid that encircles your world, the purpose of which is to block out any telepathy coming in from other worlds as well as other dimensions. So I must be here, physically present around your world. As are many ETs. Sharon has seen this grid as well.
Sharon, my understanding now is that although Ivo is from a star system light years away, he is not communicating from light years away, but from someplace either on or near the Earth, often from his ship. I also see that he mentions that you are doing work for he and others he refers to as "us". Can you please give me an idea:
  1. What is the nature of the work is that you are helping them with?
  2. How many individuals are involved?
  3. Does the project have a name?
  4. If yes what is the project called?
  5. Does it have a specific goal? Yes or No
  6. If so what is that goal?
  7. Does Ivo's ship have radio communication capability? Just yes or no for now on that.
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Yeah after the Blossom Goodchild affair i think most peoples attitude to this sort of stuff is ...
I think you know me well enough by now that there's a methodology in my line of questioning. It might be helpful if you could cross reference the content to see if it has popped up someplace else before:
  1. http://www.alienhub.com/threads/ivo...you-from-is-there-any-other-life-there.75499/
  2. The Lyrans and Vegans - Our Cosmic Human Ancestors who are the ancestral line of all the human races in our Galaxy. | Truth Control
  3. Evidence for Planets Around Vega - Universe Today
  4. Asteroid Belt Around Vega Suggests Hidden Planets
  5. Vegan
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1. Terrans (us) were created to be super beings with powers even the other humans don't have. The DNA of many species was given to us so that we could become this. Obviously, we are not super beings at the moment. Something went wrong. And that was, that our DNA which our scientists call "Junk DNA" was made nonfunctional, except for 2 strands that most of us still use. Children are being born now with 4 activated since about 1990. My work is simply to relay what Ivo tells me. His mandate is to help get the world back on our proper course: ascension. That is why we have physical bodies. The first job is to rid the world of negative ETs that work with those in power (Illuminati, NWO, Power Elite) and then to put our societies back on their proper course. He is doing this through me. Our work will evolve to face to face meetings between himself and others.

2. There are too many to mention.

3. Ivo says we would not understand it. This has to do with the concepts expressed and the language used.

4. ----

5. Yes.

6. See #1.

7. No.
Question for Ivo:

Explain the underlying mechanisms we use in creating physical reality, analogies may/will be necessary.
Soo waller when can we expect the aliens to land and talk to Gene? And leys cut to the chase here unless they meet with Gene I will not believe a single word you type and I put you in the same category as Billy Mier.
Soo waller balls in your court. Time for you to put up!
Produce the aliens. .

Sent from my SCH-I435 using Tapatalk
Because if we dont, then

In your "It's not this or that, it is this and that...and an endless number of other possibilities." World view This,


Really is a light ship from the Pleiades, not a bin lid dressed up with greeblies.

And this,


Really is a light being as presented by Greer.

This genre is well known for its frauds.

If we don't bother to apply the scientific principle to sort the facts from the frauds, then fraudsters and con men will own it and flying pie tins will invade and take over the world.


Again if you want to take every claim and accept it as being fact that's your right, but don't expect the rest of us to do the same.
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