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What would you ask ET if you could?

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Welcome to hell or IVO's home star!

there aren't that many stars between Earth and Vega so you don't get much of a sense of movement on the way to Vega but once we get there we can see just how fast Vega is spinning, so much so, that it is significantly bulging around its equator which results in the equator being dimmer than the poles because, essentially, the photons created in the core have less distance to travel to reach the surface! Vega's poles are in approximate alignment with Earth so Vega appears to be brighter than it should be for its mass.

Vega has also been shown to have a dust ring of some sort, possibly even a ring of comets, its distance is about 100AU from Vega (the scale of the ring system is not represented accurately here)
sooo this it. endgame for IVO there is 100% NO POSSIBILITY ANY ALIEN CAME FROM VEGA!
... she claimed ivo came from "the vegan star system" this means they came from vega.. our sun is a small yellow star class G2V vega is...a BLUE GIANT class A0E vega is surrounded by a cloud of dust and a gas giant of 10.2 Jupiter mass. No habitatable planets exist. And even if one exist. .the light heat and radiation of vega would doom any life! Vega is an old star near the end of its life. And any life would have been gone millions of years before the earth is formed.. so..it is 100% impossible for any alien to come from vega ...
You're definitely making valid points. I stashed the Vega data away for later, while focusing on an approach that, if the experience is real for Sharon, would reveal how seriously the Ivo persona should be taken. I have had experiences that one could consider "channeling" that were connected to an archetypal religious experience I had back in my early twenties. So I think it's possible @Sharon Stewart may be having genuine experiences. The thing is, we needed to establish whether those experiences have any correlation to objective reality.

She could have been faking, but we don't know for sure. So I don't think it's fair to make that accusation without more information. She could also be someone who is having genuine experiences and is naively believing the content coming from them, in which case we might have been able to help her, and a less accusatory approach by our forum participants would probably have been better for that. But we don't know that she won't return either, so let's see what happens in the New Year.
Yeah, but you spent a lot of time on this nonsense. Ignoring her would probably have achieved the same results.

Yeah, But I'm time rich at the moment and i think we have the same obligation to expose con artists in this genre, as we would in scammers who con the elderly out of their money.
I don't like it when people who have a genuine, honest interest in the subject are preyed upon by the dishonest out to make an easy buck.
Yeah, But I'm time rich at the moment and i think we have the same obligation to expose con artists in this genre, as we would in scammers who con the elderly out of their money.
I don't like it when people who have a genuine, honest interest in the subject are preyed upon by the dishonest out to make an easy buck.

God bless you then.
I want to exit the thread by saying I take no joy in busting Sharon. And leave her with this: have your fake alien come from a habitable star next time..

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I've been reticent to add anything to this thread. But here is my two cents, anyway.

There has been discussion among those who espouse the theory of bicameralism, that mediumship and spiritualism may actually be a throwback to an earlier mindstate. Despite the "realness" of the experience by the experiencer, the experience is still a product of auditory and/or visual hallucinations. So despite being well-meaning about wanting to change the world and the authenticity of the experience for her, it can only be real and authentic to sharon.

I have no doubt that what Sharon experiences feels very real to her, but to what @mike has said, very few channelers offer more than the same tired platitudes.

She/Ivo was also wrong about junk DNA, too, BTW.
Very few channelers offer more than the same tired platitudes.

Yeah, I'm not philosophically opposed to the idea, but there has to be a standard of proof. In much the same way alternative medicine can and does work, but the treatment needs to be shown empirically to be real. Double blind testing, placebo effect checks etc etc.

Sadly with channeling the statistical data leans towards no real communication. When they do give times and dates as we saw in the Blossom Goodchild case, then they always, always fail to happen. Some are smarter and are more vague with their information exploiting the Plausible deniability factor.

Classic red flag is the book sales or other money making scheme tacked on behind the claims. The motivations become obvious when this aspect is involved.
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I know it seems odd that I should be willing to entertain a channeller, but before there's any evidence that the person is deliberately faking telepathic communication, I don't think it should be assumed that they are faking it any more than we should assume that they aren't. People can have genuine experiences and have perfectly good intentions in wanting to share them. Our task, if we are to be fair, is to do an objective analysis of a claim rather than to prejudge it, and to do that we need open and fairly moderated discussion. IMO our aim should be to help people who are genuine in their intent.

Imagine if someone like John Mack treated his subjects in an accusatory and provocative manner when they came into his office wanting to share their experiences. I don't think anyone would consider it to be very professional. In a case like @Sharon Stewart , IMO it's better to gather information, ask pertinent questions, avoid provocative participation, and reserve judgement until there is enough information to paint a more complete picture of the situation. Then try to help her understand that picture. If that proves impossible, well then there's not much we could do. But we haven't got to that point. I hope we haven't completely lost the opportunity.
Once again the options are the usual duality, Yin/ Yang. Light/ dark. Honesty/ Dishonesty.

The odds simply don't favor you being honest in this process.

And the red flags keep mounting.

Please understand this particular audience is in my experience one of the best on the net. Its not a skeptical forum. Most of us are open to the idea of ET as a reality of as yet un-categorized nature and are keen to explore what that might be.
But neither are they doe eyed believers who take any old claim as truth.

Statistically and empirically the odds are that you are being dishonest with us. That's not very nice. Most of us are looking for the answers, and you are just pissing on our shoes and telling us its raining champagne. You are preying on our genuine interest in this topic for your own sport and fun. That's not nice is it ?

As our Commander in chief once said

That's pretty much the prevailing sentiment you face here.

If you are doing this for your own amusement, you should just stop. Teasing in this form is just mean.

On the other hand you may be genuinely deluded. And for your own good , people who can recognize you are deeply immersed in such a fantasy should point it out to you. You may be hurting your friends and family with this fantasy.

You can't prove to us to the conventional standards that you are talking to a non human entity, and if you are honest with yourself you cant prove it to yourself either.

Proof is important, once was a time they burned people at the stake with no other proof other than someones fantasy they were a sorcerer or similar.

If you really were talking to a non human entity with a message/plan for humanity, don't you think they would have given you the tools to validate the claim ?

That they can't or won't, should be raising the same red flags for you that it does for us.

On the balance of probability you are more likely to be dishonest or deluded than you are a chosen messenger.
Mike, thank you for taking the time to write a reasonable response instead of flipping me off, etc. Yes, I certainly remember that people were burnt at the stake for trying to introduce concepts others could not accept. I've been debating the entire time whether I should stay on this site or not. If you are looking for visual proof I cannot supply to you what you are looking for. As I had said, Ivo will be landing his craft this year once I find an appropriate spot. It has to be absolutely desolated with nobody around for miles. I don't live anywhere near a place like that yet. And even if I post all sorts of pictures/videos of me, him and his ship, there will still be skeptics. They'll say the pictures are fakes. Ivo and I have discussed our people's need to see things with our own eyes. He has told me that our insistence on seeing is making us blind. Why? Because there are many negative et's on this planet who are by and large, out of sight of us. When we see saucers, we are told they are weather balloons, etc. This whole UFO/ET phenomenon is covered up so that these ETs can continue to control us out of our sight. I can see that many people on this forum are scientists/scientific. I'm not and I'm coming to the conclusion that I can't convince you of my authenticity. Will this stop me? No. I can just see I'm wasting my time here.

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