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What's the strangest thing you've ever seen personally related to chryptozology??

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I have a close friend whom has a photo of herself that was taken about ten years ago and it shows a clearly defined face in that appears to be made completely out of the leaves in the tree behind her profile in the foreground of the photo. The Treeman was so defined that I will never forget the photo & initially I thought the photo was a fake but it surely is not. More recently I have attempted a few separate times to obtain a copy of the photo but they have sense misplaced or moved the photo to storage. I'm wondering if anyone else has had an experience like this and or seen a Treeman, swamp thing like creature or apparition similar to this. The photo was taken in waitsfield Vermont and definitely is not a fake, the owner of the photo definitely still has it and just doesn't have the will or interest to look for a photo of herself from years past that has no effect on her life but if she ever finds it I will post immediately! Anyway, just thought I would ask


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If she ever finds the original photo I will upload it and share!! It's something that should be in a book and I wrote a few Bigfoot folks awhile back but never got anywhere fetching the image! It's a shame because it's pretty astounding stuff!! Oh well, another campfire story

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Well, this probably doesn't count, but when I was a little kid I was playing in a field of grass that was as tall as me, and as I was parting my way through it, there before me, not more than a foot away was what looked like to me to be a very large light grey rabbit with big black almond shaped eyes like you see in the depictions of the Grey aliens. Being a kid, I liked rabbits and said hello to it, and it sounded to me like it said hello back, and then it turned and went into the grass and although I looked and looked, I never saw it again. So who says there's no Easter Bunny ... LOL. This is actually part of a wider weirder experience that abduction researchers might attribute to a screen memory rather than cryptozoology. But that sort of begs the question, could some cryptozoological reports be the result of screen memories rather than strange animals?
Here's a weird thing that's more crypto - meteorological. I was birding in the Chiricahua mountains with my mom. We were driving slow along a valley road near Paradise (?) AZ when I saw a cave up in a cliff within scrambling distance.

My mom took a cigarette break while I scrambled up the slope. The 'cave' wasn't much, just a shallow ingress into the local rock. I doubt that it would be attractive to a Canyon Wren; it seemed a more Swallow type affair, if that.

Scrambling back down the steep slope, I found a pile of hail (ice crystals) along the way. They were under a thin leaf cover at the foot of a tree. I can't remember the specific stimulus that drew my attention to them. I just remember that it was fucking amazing.

I scraped away a thin layer of dessicated leaves at the base of this tree and there was a pile at least six inches deep of what I thought of as fresh hail. Small marble size hail still with rough facets. Amazed and thrilled at this unusual thing I grabbed a double handful to show my mother, who was waiting on the road below.

To this day, I can't imagine what meteorological or microclimate situation could account for the existence of those ice balls. I asked a park ranger about it later; she didn't have any additional insights.

It was an extremely hot locale that we had been traveling in for several days. Those ice crystals seemed very odd to me. Maybe that happens all the time there; I don't know.

I made a point to have my mom photograph the ice I had carried down the slope, since I considered it incredible. Even before the internet, the photo came blurry.
Don't know wether this counts.A couple of years ago I was hiking on the North Yorkshire Moors around 2 in the morning.I was miles away from any houses and was looking to set up my telescope for some star gazing.As I passed by a copse of trees and bushes which was about 50 metres in length and 20 metres to my right I became aware of something moving in the trees and keeping pace with me.It was pitch black so I couldn't see anything and when I passed beyond the trees nothing emerged that I could see so I carried on up the hill.After an hour or so of sky watching it clouded over and I retraced my steps.Again something seemed to pace me by the copse and I don't mind admitting I quickened my stride to get back to my car.Feeling a bit embarrassed by my cowardice I got my night site from out of the boot and returned to the copse.Emboldened by being able to see in the dark I searched the copse and found nothing.There was a small pool of water in the middle of the wood and I assume some nocturnal animal had been 're-hydrating in there.I'm pretty sure this was a case of an over active imagination but it did spook me at the time.
Here's a weird thing that's more crypto - meteorological. I was birding in the Chiricahua mountains with my mom. We were driving slow along a valley road near Paradise (?) AZ when I saw a cave up in a cliff within scrambling distance.

My mom took a cigarette break while I scrambled up the slope. The 'cave' wasn't much, just a shallow ingress into the local rock. I doubt that it would be attractive to a Canyon Wren; it seemed a more Swallow type affair, if that.

Scrambling back down the steep slope, I found a pile of hail (ice crystals) along the way. They were under a thin leaf cover at the foot of a tree. I can't remember the specific stimulus that drew my attention to them. I just remember that it was fucking amazing.

I scraped away a thin layer of dessicated leaves at the base of this tree and there was a pile at least six inches deep of what I thought of as fresh hail. Small marble size hail still with rough facets. Amazed and thrilled at this unusual thing I grabbed a double handful to show my mother, who was waiting on the road below.

To this day, I can't imagine what meteorological or microclimate situation could account for the existence of those ice balls. I asked a park ranger about it later; she didn't have any additional insights.

It was an extremely hot locale that we had been traveling in for several days. Those ice crystals seemed very odd to me. Maybe that happens all the time there; I don't know.

I made a point to have my mom photograph the ice I had carried down the slope, since I considered it incredible. Even before the internet, the photo came blurry.

Maybe near freezing droplets falling off the tree into air that was below freezing, caused them to turn to ice, freezing them on the way down, where they hit the soft cover and accumulated ?
My wife and I saw what appeared to be a huge bird flying across the road on our way back from a MUFON conference. It seemed to be at least 6 feet in size, but I only caught a glimpse of it. My wife, who was the passenger, said it was larger than any bird she had ever seen before.
My wife and I saw what appeared to be a huge bird flying across the road on our way back from a MUFON conference. It seemed to be at least 6 feet in size, but I only caught a glimpse of it. My wife, who was the passenger, said it was larger than any bird she had ever seen before.

Are you talking wingspan? Not uncommon for the wingspan of eagles and turkey vultures to reach 6 feet, give or take a few inches.
My wife and I saw what appeared to be a huge bird flying across the road on our way back from a MUFON conference. It seemed to be at least 6 feet in size, but I only caught a glimpse of it. My wife, who was the passenger, said it was larger than any bird she had ever seen before.
When I was 16 I was hiking the interior of BC along Wild Horse Creek and I heard this crazy humming. So I stopped and looked around, and down the creek came this dragonfly. This freaking huge dragonfly.

It was so big, it's body was as big as my forearm. The surface of the river below it rippled with the disturbed air as it flew along it. It's wingspan had to have been over 2 feet.

It reminded me of an Apache gunship or something. And it was loud!

Now, I know it's impossible. Insects don't have lungs, and there isn't enough O2 to support one of that size. But they used to exist 300M years ago:
Meganeura - Wikipedia


And that was pretty much exactly what I saw, about 30 years ago.
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Are you talking wingspan? Not uncommon for the wingspan of eagles and turkey vultures to reach 6 feet, give or take a few inches.

I recall the whole bird was larger than anything we had seen before, but my wife had a much better look at it than I did. My "6 feet estimate" may be off then.
A spirit being that fully materialized in visible light hovering in the center of a seance circle who I was fortunate to have had an evidential dialog.
Interesting thread!

When I was 16 I was hiking the interior of BC along Wild Horse Creek and I heard this crazy humming. So I stopped and looked around, and down the creek came this dragonfly. This freaking huge dragonfly.

It was so big, it's body was as big as my forearm. The surface of the river below it rippled with the disturbed air as it flew along it. It's wingspan had to have been over 2 feet.

It reminded me of an Apache gunship or something. And it was loud!

Now, I know it's impossible. Insects don't have lungs, and there isn't enough O2 to support one of that size. But they used to exist 300M years ago

Very interesting report. Hope you don't mind if I ask a little more about it.

It sounds like you were alone. No one else was around?

I wondered if you remember if this occurred in early spring, spring, summer, or late summer. I'd give it more possible credence as an actual insect if you saw it in summer or late summer.

Did you ever go back to hike through that location?

Do you know if First Nations have any traditions or totems of large dragonflies?

Sixteen sounds young for recreational hallucinogens. You weren't high?

I think today it might be possible to make a flying RC model dragonfly. Not so sure about 30 years ago. But I presume the location was quite remote, and not a location for the local RC club. Any possibility in your estimation?

Just to mention that the Coelacanth was thought to be extinct, and was IIRC, even used as an index fossil, until a European fellow saw one caught off the east coast of South Africa in the late 30's. If the large dragonfly had a respiratory system that was not merely the enlargement of current insects, then perhaps they could survive in the present atmosphere. Maybe.

I've not had a crypto sighting, but as a very young lad, at my rural home in the US midwest, I was walking around the house and I saw what looked like a giant (eh, maybe an inch long) furry red ant, which I'd never seen before. At that age it looked threatening enough, so I put my foot on it and was about to squish, when I heard squeaking. It was sort of like, "Oh no, Mr. Bill, Noooooooooooo!" Well, not exactly like that. But it was enough to cause me to relent and let the creature go his way. I never heard of a giant red ant that could beg for mercy . . . until the internet came along, and there is what is actually a wasp-like creature that squeaks when threatened.

Interesting thread!

Very interesting report. Hope you don't mind if I ask a little more about it.

It sounds like you were alone. No one else was around?
Nope. I spent a summer out there with my uncle helping with his gold mine. Was pretty fun, but once you got the sluicers and stuff set up it got boring and I'd wander off.

I found an old mining camp, a bunch of caves rumoured to have bones from the Chinese that helped mine there and died. Apparently some of the less ethical european miners would hire immigrants to go into caves to lay charges to loosen the rock, and not bother to make sure they got clear before blowing it up. Even looked for bigfoot prints, didn't find any. But I did get chased by a bear.

Wild Horse River - Wikipedia

Here's the approximate spot:

The mine was at a steep bend in the river (where gold collects) and I had hiked up the river, away from the mine towards the east. Going off of memory, of course, so I could be quite a bit off. But I do remember the service road up the hill, and the bend in the river.

I wondered if you remember if this occurred in early spring, spring, summer, or late summer. I'd give it more possible credence as an actual insect if you saw it in summer or late summer.

It was mid-summer when I was off of school. July or August? Around '86 or so? I remember it being hot.

Did you ever go back to hike through that location?
Quite a bit. I wasn't going to leave that thing alone if I found it again. But I didn't.
My uncle gave up his claim when it didn't pan out as rich as he wanted, so I didn't go back next year.

Do you know if First Nations have any traditions or totems of large dragonflies?
Never thought of that.

Just checked. If they do, I didn't find it: Ktunaxa - Wikipedia

Sixteen sounds young for recreational hallucinogens. You weren't high?
Nope, didn't do any drugs until I was 18. Besides, I was operating heavy equipment earlier that day.
And you never know when I might get to blow something up. I stayed clean.

I think today it might be possible to make a flying RC model dragonfly. Not so sure about 30 years ago. But I presume the location was quite remote, and not a location for the local RC club. Any possibility in your estimation?

I was pretty deep in the back country. Nearest town would have been a ways away. Took a while to drive even if it wasn't that far -- terrible roads and mountains in the way. Possible... but in the dense bush, with no-one on the river around me, who could see it to fly it? I don't think they streamed video back then.

Besides, I could see the wings moving, and that's what propelled it. No propellor or anything.

Just to mention that the Coelacanth was thought to be extinct, and was IIRC, even used as an index fossil, until a European fellow saw one caught off the east coast of South Africa in the late 30's. If the large dragonfly had a respiratory system that was not merely the enlargement of current insects, then perhaps they could survive in the present atmosphere. Maybe.

Maybe? Like I said it was big enough to spook me a little. And I was pretty athletic and fearless back then.

I've not had a crypto sighting, but as a very young lad, at my rural home in the US midwest, I was walking around the house and I saw what looked like a giant (eh, maybe an inch long) furry red ant, which I'd never seen before. At that age it looked threatening enough, so I put my foot on it and was about to squish, when I heard squeaking. It was sort of like, "Oh no, Mr. Bill, Noooooooooooo!" Well, not exactly like that. But it was enough to cause me to relent and let the creature go his way. I never heard of a giant red ant that could beg for mercy . . . until the internet came along, and there is what is actually a wasp-like creature that squeaks when threatened.

Wow! I've never heard of that!
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Nope. I spent a summer out there with my uncle helping with his gold mine. Was pretty fun, but once you got the sluicers and stuff set up it got boring and I'd wander off.

I found an old mining camp, a bunch of caves rumoured to have bones from the Chinese that helped mine there and died. Apparently some of the less ethical european miners would hire immigrants to go into caves to lay charges to loosen the rock, and not bother to make sure they got clear before blowing it up. Even looked for bigfoot prints, didn't find any. But I did get chased by a bear.

Wild Horse River - Wikipedia

Here's the approximate spot:

The mine was at a steep bend in the river (where gold collects) and I had hiked up the river, away from the mine towards the east. Going off of memory, of course, so I could be quite a bit off. But I do remember the service road up the hill, and the bend in the river.

It was mid-summer when I was off of school. July or August? Around '86 or so? I remember it being hot.

Thanks for adding more detail. Sounds all the more intriguing. I wonder if the caves - mines may have provided some sort of habitational shelter for such a large insect. I would also guess that if this insect had a two foot wingspan, then it could forage for many miles. Maybe you saw a passerby on its way back "home" miles away.

Before I forget again, could you estimate about how far away were you from the dragonfly? Like 10 meters? Closer? Farther? Do you remember any of its colors?
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Thanks for adding more detail. Sounds all the more intriguing. I wonder if the caves - mines may have provided some sort of habitational shelter for such a large insect. I would also guess that if this insect had a two foot wingspan, then it could forage for many miles. Maybe you saw a passerby on its way back "home" miles away.

Before I forget again, could you estimate about how far away were you from the dragonfly? Like 10 meters? Closer? Farther? Do you remember any of its colors?
It buzzed past me no more than 10-12 feet away.

I was on the riverbank sitting on a log that jutted out a bit into the river and it went right past me.

I remember it's body being iridescent blue and I remember the wings giving off a rainbow sheen. You could actually see the wings even as it flew.
Wow I love the idea of a huge Dragon Fly. Wish I had seen it too.
The Nymph of that beast must have been huge.

I have doubts about it being a prehistoric species, and would lean towards an overgrown modern species.

I will have a dig on t'internet and see what turns up.
Hi @marduk From what you saw could you tell if it was a dragon fly or a damsel fly?

"Damsel or Dragon?

Dragonflies and damselflies are two related groups (suborders) that make up the insect order Odonata. Although very similar in many ways, they are also very easy to distinguish.

Dragonfly adults have a rather robust body, and perch with wings held out to the side. Their eyes are huge, often meeting at the top of the head. The bodies of damselfly adults are quite slender, and for most species the wings are folded together over their abdomen while at rest. While their eyes are very large, they are set somewhat to the side of the head rather than dominating the front.

Dragonflies are swift and strong fliers, reminiscent of tiny airplanes, while damselflies have a rather fluttering flight."

it would make finding a match easier.

you could check through the pictures on this: Dragonfly and Damselfly Guide website and see if any of them are similar.
Hi @marduk From what you saw could you tell if it was a dragon fly or a damsel fly?

"Damsel or Dragon?

Dragonflies and damselflies are two related groups (suborders) that make up the insect order Odonata. Although very similar in many ways, they are also very easy to distinguish.

Dragonfly adults have a rather robust body, and perch with wings held out to the side. Their eyes are huge, often meeting at the top of the head. The bodies of damselfly adults are quite slender, and for most species the wings are folded together over their abdomen while at rest. While their eyes are very large, they are set somewhat to the side of the head rather than dominating the front.

Dragonflies are swift and strong fliers, reminiscent of tiny airplanes, while damselflies have a rather fluttering flight."

it would make finding a match easier.

you could check through the pictures on this: Dragonfly and Damselfly Guide website and see if any of them are similar.
That's good question. I'm not an entomologist but the wings were out to the sides for sure.

It looked like a garden variety irredescent blue dragonfly. Only really big.

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