IMO the whole show is carefully choreographed to the last detail. This includes the 'good cop bad cop' routine between the actors. Bill Birnes is not as credulous as he appears, and the new skeptic in the crowd is always skeptical at first, but at the end, when all the 'evidence' is in, he will always say, "Gee, I don't know what to think now!" as if his skepticism has just melted away.
It may be a stretch to call this 'big budget,' but they have some bucks to spend on silly 're-creation' stunts, world travel, and some cool graphics. They have done SOME credible work in recounting existing cases, but it's not like anyone is going to cite them in a scientific paper. It's OK entertainment if you can stand their incessant repetition. I think they're having fun doing the show and probably making an ok living out of the deal. Birnes finally scored and he's going to keep the thing going as long as he can. It makes a lot more money than UFO Magazine.