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What's your favorite Paracast commercial?

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Well ... what can I say? It has to be Supreme Commander of U.F.O.I.L. Mr. UFO Timothy Green Beckley's free newsletter ad. Is there a secret UFO agenda? I don't know. I subscribed some time ago, and I still haven't received one ( must be karma ) ;) .
Well ... what can I say? It has to be Supreme Commander of U.F.O.I.L. Mr. UFO Timothy Green Beckley's free newsletter ad. Is there a secret UFO agenda? I don't know. I subscribed some time ago, and I still haven't received one ( must be karma ) ;) .

Don't forget time travel and devious government conspiracies! Remember ufology, "they" don't want you to know, I'm sure Tim sent it, "they" have just been intercepting it before it reaches your mailbox. :p
First prize: The Power Plucker ROFL !!!

Multitasking on a car trip listening to the podcast on my iPhone and trying get a sip of some Tim Horton's coffee. Spent half an hour cleaning the dash :D

Another crazy one is that 20$ fake tv LOL. Wonder if they make LCD lookalikes or those old CRT ?
I don't think I've ever heard the ad for the Power Plucker on the Paracast, but it's still pretty damn hilarious. Seems like a really dangerous way to go about plucking a chicken, you could lose a finger or at least get some bruises brushing up against thing I'm guessing.
Yes.., not unlike the “Camel’s Milk” ad, the “Power Plucker” had an extremely short life span.
Yes.., not unlike the “Camel’s Milk” ad, the “Power Plucker” had an extremely short life span.

Oh man, I forgot all about the Camel's Milk commercial, that one I did hear and I remember just the thought of it turning my stomach. Good one.

Since we're talking about commercials, I feel compelled to post this video:

They aren't Paracast commercials, but many of us probably remember some of these from our childhood and the commentary is pretty damn hilarious in my opinion. Enjoy.
If gene could ever get "they" on the show as guests my question to them would be "Why do you have it in for us, what did we ever do to you guys ?"
Now that I think about it, they should've run the Camel's Milk commercials with the Squatty Potty commercials. I bet you'd need some help eliminating that rancid crap from your system :p

I'm trying to imagine the typical GCN target consumer, sitting on his Squatty Potty, drinking Camel's Milk surrounded by Heirloom Seeds and gold bricks, holding a shotgun with one hand while reading his conspiracy newsletter with the other and the sound of his wife running the Power Plucker in the background, not a pretty picture if I do say so myself.
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Serious answer, which isn't appropriate: Burnsville, MN.
Urban Dictionary: Burnsville

An outer suburb to the south of Minneapolis. Known for its large number of fascist cops and speed traps.
That f***ing Burnsville cop pulled me over because he said my license plate light was out.

OMG !!! ROFL !!!!

noun; a city on the outer suburbs of minneapolis that is known for having a ghetto white trash high school that is peppered with an overwhelming amount of diversity. It will always be inferior of it's neighboring city, savage.

Adjective; a bright glowing std located on your genitalia that constantly creates an itchy and burning sensation

small hick town on the outskirts of Iuka, MS. It is full of gas stations and racists. People of different races, gays, or anybody that's not a redneck does not survive here.
In Burnsville, your mom is your brother and your brother is your dad.
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Gene, Liked Muadib mentioned this thread is all in good fun so any comments are directed at the commercials not the show, I think most of us can make that distinction but fyi as I mentioned elsewhere I do occasionally listen to C2C...depending on the guest....which also means sitting through endless commercials featuring Mike Diamond "the smell good plumber" and larry and sometimes irwin in the Sit 'n Sleep commercials where your mattress can be freeeeee and they urge you to replace if it's over eight. But then what do you expect listening to AM radio between 10 pm- 2am local? If anybody lives in markets that don't have these commercials you'll find them on YouTube.
Lately I'm enjoying the Alex Jones commercial for a gold selling company.
"..this Federal Reserve fiat currency could go the way of the Deutschmark in the Weimar Republic any time!"

Just that, as far as I know, the Weimar Republic (1918 - 1933) never had a currency called Deutschmark. It was "Rentenmark" or "Reichsmark". The currency called "Deutschmark" (in german it's actually "Deutsche Mark") came into being only in 1948, shortly before the Federal Republic of Germany. Maybe the guys who wrote the commercial for Mr Jones didn't want to confuse people with the different names? :rolleyes:

As for picking a favorite commercial... some are just annoying, especially the fearmongering ones, some are quite obviously snake oil selling but most I don't mind. I guess nowadays I'll go with the Rockoids one as the best one. There was one commercial in the first year or so which I think was masterfully spoken by Mr Brad Steiger, if I'm not mistaken. The man has a great voice and real rhetorical skills. He should do audiobooks.
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I always liked the one for the holster company--it's so important to carry your concealed weapon in comfort.

And for some reason "the Berky guy" raises my hackles. I don't know whether it's the voice and delivery of the announcer, the name of the company, or the products they sell, but I just can't stand it.
Just that, as far as I know, the Weimar Republic (1918 - 1933) never had a currency called Deutschmark. It was "Rentenmark" or "Reichsmark". The currency called "Deutschmark" (in german it's actually "Deutsche Mark") came into being only in 1948, shortly before the Federal Republic of Germany. Maybe the guys who wrote the commercial for Mr Jones didn't want to confuse people with the different names? :rolleyes:

You mean Alex has his basic facts wrong?!? :eek: What a shocker. There's nothing more annoying than listening to that guy tumble angrily down the rabbit hole of his own misinformation and misunderstandings.

As for picking a favorite commercial... some are just annoying, especially the fearmongering ones, some are quite obviously snake oil selling but most I don't mind. I guess nowadays I'll go with the Rockoids one as the best one. There was one commercial in the first year or so which I think was masterfully spoken by Mr Brad Steiger, if I'm not mistaken. The man has a great voice and real rhetorical skills. He should do audiobooks.

I remember that one, something about "At the sign post up ahead." GCN should hire Brad Steiger to narrate all of the commercials, they'd be a lot more tolerable.
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You mean Alex has his basic facts wrong?!? :eek: What a shocker.

Well, if it was an error and they didn't just do it to simplify things, I can only critizise him for not checking if the guy who wrote the commercial had his facts right. Which I guess happens often enough. I've never listened to one of his shows, but even there it's probably not all his own homegrown stuff but that of "ghostwriters" too.

I remember that one, something about "At the sign post up ahead."

Yep, that's the one. :cool: That would be my favorite Paracast commercial, then.

Btw. one commercial I think was involuntary hilarious was the one where you hear the sound of a front door being kicked in at first and after the miracle door reinforcement is installed, the guy tries to kick in the door again and again (I think they said it would take 16 kicks, poor bastard who had to test that). I was always waiting for something like "*thump* ow *thump* ow *thump* ow aaaah dammit that was my big toe, I'm out of business *hobbles away to turn himself in*"
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I'm looking to buy some heirloom seeds. these seeds sound valuable and if "they" are going to the trouble of shutting down the poor guys website to stop him from selling them then the seeds MUST be a good value.

I think he knows sell something else with the same ad campaign to look at his site before its shut down.. is it shut down yet.. I'm afraid to look..maybe get a virus
I'm trying to imagine the typical GCN target consumer, sitting on his Squatty Potty, drinking Camel's Milk surrounded by Heirloom Seeds and gold bricks, holding a shotgun with one hand while reading his conspiracy newsletter with the other and the sound of his wife running the Power Plucker in the background, not a pretty picture if I do say so myself.
Uh, excuse me, you happen to be describing myself at this moment and my wife plucking in the backyard. :eek: You also forgot to mention my colloidal medicine cabinet and brand spanking' new Kevlar vest to stop that fourth, fifth and sixth bullet. My neighbour's a real nutjob, unlike me :rolleyes:, and likes to take potshots at me while I'm tilling my survival garden.

Aren't we all the target market? I must confess, I skip past all the commercials now to avoid any mental contamination and start to see myself in these ads. It makes me question what I'm up to sometimes while listening to the paracast.

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