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Where do we draw the line?

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A lot of times there is no proof either way. I've heard some compelling ghost stories before. Things seemed to happen that could not have been ordinary occurences. But I wasn't there. I didn't see those things. The people in certain cases seem to be normal rational credible people with nothing to gain.

So where do I draw the line?? I guess I don't. If I feel that a person is genuinely communicating their story, then I have to remain agnostic to the situation. I really don't know. We've never seen actual proof (well proof good enough to pass through all the hard-core skeptic filters). Either way I'll say I haven't seen proof beyond at least some doubt. But still to chalk it up and say these people are delusional is just as assbackwards. Really?? Are they all experiencing delusions?? Maybe, ... but the "skeptics" say either they are lying or they are nearly insane. That's it. No other options because as far as they know it's completely impossible and they seem to be sticking to their guns.

Myself, I'd like to plead a little ignorance. I don't know the inner secrets of the universe. I don't know exactly what happens to all the neurological connections in the entire human body every second. I don't know what consciousness is or why it had the need to arise in our species. I don't know what exactly happens at the subatomic level when the human mind is exposed to all kinds of stimuli. And I can't readily explain away all ghost stories as some kind of mental problem. So reasonable and honest answer might be "I just don't know". I believe you saw what you saw, but perhaps you just had some kind of mindfart! Or maybe you just saw what you saw, I don't have any reason to disbelieve you just like I don't have any reason to believe you.

Would anyone be able to cite some mass hallucination proof for me?? Sometimes I think there is a rapid dash to call any strange story hogwash, ... perhaps too rapid. Do we really have all the scientific tools to determine with 100% accuracy that what actually happened was a malfunction somewhere deep in the brain?? I know we have studied the brain intensively and have learned lots, even that it sometimes conjures up stuff that really isn't there. But is this enough to tag everything with "mindfuck"? Again, I don't know.

Either way, these stories sometimes seem to have a profound effect on the witnesses. People have changed their entire lives and lifestyles after these types of events. Whether the actual event was real or not, the effects can be quite dramatic and lasting. So, to them, it doesn't matter whether people believe them or not. They don't care about providing proof of the event because for all practical purposes it served them personally in some way and it just isn't important to convince the world of the authenticity of their encounter.

There is more to be said, but glossing this post over I see that it already too long. I've made this post disregarding the hoaxers and liars, we all hate them and know they are of no value to the conversation.
Most common sign of spotting liars and hoaxers are the type of people that give you a massive , expansive story and intertwine there spiritual beliefs into the story and usually at the end they try and sell you a book or a DVD, the whole paranormal subject is full of these people whether its ufo's ,ghosts,ET's etc and the new type which have been active over the last 2-3 years are the scientologist break away branchs .I don't actually blame these people for what they do , i blame the western media for giving them the idea to con people, I find it interesting how courtries like china and india ,both with populations of over a billion people aren't full of the trash we see on a daily basis .
We the believers in the Paranormal must unite together to clean up the crap that floats around and to cleanse the Community of the people that exploit the believers for there finacial needs.
I find it interesting how courtries like china and india ,both with populations of over a billion people aren't full of the trash we see on a daily basis .

You'd be surprised to hear of all the garbage peddled in India and China - remember the yogi that said he hadn't eaten in 70 years? He's from India. Also, a video from Indian TV of a skeptic debunking a guru that said he could kill a man with his mind.

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You'd be surprised to hear of all the garbage peddled in India and China - remember the yogi that said he hadn't eaten in 70 years? He's from India. Also, a video from Indian TV of a skeptic debunking a guru that said he could kill a man with his mind.
Can't say for China but yes in India charlatanism is an industry.
Most common sign of spotting liars and hoaxers are the type of people that give you a massive , expansive story and intertwine there spiritual beliefs into the story and usually at the end they try and sell you a book or a DVD, the whole paranormal subject is full of these people whether its ufo's ,ghosts,ET's etc and the new type which have been active over the last 2-3 years are the scientologist break away branchs .I don't actually blame these people for what they do , i blame the western media for giving them the idea to con people, I find it interesting how courtries like china and india ,both with populations of over a billion people aren't full of the trash we see on a daily basis .
We the believers in the Paranormal must unite together to clean up the crap that floats around and to cleanse the Community of the people that exploit the believers for there finacial needs.


"we the believers of the paranormal must unite--"! ....."cleansing?"......

What irony.
You see, I'll always prefer to think that it was something natural or man-made since there's nothing that shows me (or people like me) that anything "paranormal" exists.
However, we can agree that there is no proof of anything paranormal that can be considered science.

No you didn't "edit" any of your posts, you just added the wording "that can be considered science" (in your later post) which radically changes the way one would read your inference.
As i have said many, many, many, many times before, you are welcome and entitled to your views and opinions towards the paranormal, i have absolutely no problem with you in that regard.
I come here so that my line of thinking can be challenged, and I like the discussions.

Well? Isn't that what I am giving you? Challenge? Discussion? You put forth your views on certain things and if i disagree i challenge and discuss. What more could you possibly ask for!

Phil calling Angelo pompous is certainly telling. Angelo has been nothing but patient and understanding and open. Phil's desire to get rid of anyone who doesn't agree with his fantasy beliefs (including a world where true skeptics are actually true believers) is a cautionary indicator of why the topic Phil holds so dear is greeted mostly with well deserved laughter.

Lance, any topic or post where you are concerned or involved is greeted by well deserved laughter. Unfortunately it's normally directed at you:)
And i have no desire to get rid of anyone here on these forums, except for maybe the one formerly known as mechanicalbug (lol:)) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even you. As annoying and gut wrenching as that may be.
I think skeptics honestly wanting their own position challenged is a good motivation for being here.

I also think those of us who are experiencing things should perhaps consider not discussing these things in just any forum and possibly not on public venues. I am learning that going public is having no bearing on my understanding of these phenomena. Even a skeptical position is just an opinion. Personally, I'm in the process of realizing I'm growing less interested in opinions, agreeing or disagreeing. I'm looking to understand what these experiences mean to me. They are subjective ( no less real, mind you ). We have spent so many years hearing about contactees and experiencers with a 'message to the world' (which will especially be our salvation if we buy this book or that video... ) that we've become naturally jaded by most any claim of the paranormal. I won't even go in the direction of the people who jump on the band wagon with a clearly fabricated account in order to fit in (I refer mostly to callers on C2C...).

Speaking for myself, my experiences do not bring with them a message of peace to the world from any space angels. Nor do my experiences bring with them any anointing of my special status in the pantheon. They are, I am understanding more and more, just glimpses of something we are all exposed to and can see and experience as easily as the next person. I say these phenomena are a part of the natural spectrum of reality. As far as the common everyday existence of each of us, what I've experienced is not necessary for the next guy to experience to have a full enriched life. If I happen to be smarter than someone, I doubt it has anything to do with my strange experiences. I'm sure people smarter than me have never had strange experiences, but their superior intelligence has nothing to do with whether I've had these experiences or not. And, I would also add that a superior intelligence does not necessarily guarantee a full grasp on reality.

If there was a forum where I could discuss my experiences with people who may not necessarily agree yet aren't aggressively dedicated to expressing their skeptical position above all, I would talk more there.

My main beef with hardcore skeptical extremists is the crusading nature against everyone who admits to an experience as if they are out to heist money from people for nothing. Let's say someone is selling a book. Guess what? That ain't fraud. The buyer gives money and gets a book. It doesn't matter if some guy who's boning up on his Penn & Teller 'Bullshit' schtick thinks the book is full of crap, the buyer is still receiving an object for money paid. If the experiencer sincerely believes what he or she is sharing, they are not lying. One of the main problems with the debate nature of discussion, which skeptics love, is that it derails the sharing of the account. Some experiencers honestly just want to share their account and do not want to bicker. Just because some want to debate doesn't mean it's appropriate in every thread.

I would say start drawing your own lines: If you're a true believer, stay out of the skeptic-heavy threads -- unless you want to debate with them. If you're an experiencer, same thing. If you don't want to deal with the debaters, then don't jump into the debate. If a debater jumps in on a thread that had no debate, then the other participants can ignore the debater and he'll eventually leave. Skeptics, resist the urge to step on a dialogue between true believers and experiencers. And if you reasonable skeptics don't want to be lumped in with assholes who are being extreme, then police your own.

Yubba dubba doo
Totally in sync with adventureman here, from the standpoint of my experiences, whatever they mean.

If there was a forum where I could discuss my experiences with people who may not necessarily agree yet aren't aggressively dedicated to expressing their skeptical position above all, I would talk more there.
I wish you would do that here, that is why I joined, to share my and hear others experiences...
Walter. I agree that sometimes it seems pointless to recount personal anecdotes of experiences on this or any forum.

Not all of us here are out to debunk and break down experiencers' accounts. Some here seem like they are on some kind of personal crusade to rid the world of people who may have some belief in the paranormal or occult as if they have some sort of civic duty to perform in doing so. These kind of people have their own cute kind of world where everything can be accounted for by rational, scientific and man made reasoning and where the scientific community can tuck them into bed at night and comfort and protect them from the possible encroachment of the hidden realms. It's a kind of safety blanket for them. To find out that there may be a paranormal world that runs along side their well shaped and organised paradigm would be a bowel shattering experience for most of them.

Personally i like hearing other people's anecdotal tales of the hidden and paranormal. I may not believe all or any of it but it is fascinating nonetheless. I understand your frustration, though and respect your decision to pull back.

It seems to me like the paranormal is like a journey into a part of our soul that is largely ignored by the rational and logical part. And in this respect it becomes a very personal experience.
What i think it all boils down to is that each has a different spiritual journey. Some like yours and others seems to be colored by interesting and fantastic events and occurrences, some are as one dimensional and uninteresting as a comic book full of stick figures. (sorry if you like those types of comics lol:)) So be it, to each their own.
In the end the sceptics can offer any amount of prosaic and rational explainations for yours or my experiences but ultimately THEY WEREN"T THERE!!! I don't think you can fully grasp any experience unless you were.

Any way hopefully you won't be too put off to recount more of your life on these forums at a later date. I'm sure i won't be alone in welcoming any more of your anecdotes if you feel like sharing.
Oh I wasn't being negative about being here, and I certainly wasn't trying to be discouraging to anyone :) But it probably does read that way, oops.

My suggestions above were sincere and delivered in an unjaded frame of mind. Topic being where we draw the line, I thought it might be useful for all of us to consider where we want to go or be with our sharing and be fair to others and honest with ourselves when we post. I'm just saying, believers and skeptics alike, decide what you want from sharing and post wisely. :)
Well? Isn't that what I am giving you? Challenge? Discussion? You put forth your views on certain things and if i disagree i challenge and discuss. What more could you possibly ask for!

I enjoy countering your points - it's fun and healthy. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts on the TED videos I posted yesterday. Please have a look at them when you have the chance. You should also check out the videos trainedobserver posted in the Walter thread. Great stuff that gives you an idea of where my head is at and shows you how open minded I really am!