I guess I don't understand the need to say we have been genetically engineered by some supernatural or "other" entity. We, as human beings, have everything we need to be human. It's encoded in our DNA. And if we compare DNA to other animals we find closer or more distant similarities. Our chromosomes are only "off" slightly compared with the chimps chromosome number and morphology. It is likely, and much evidence like this has been presented, that we are the product of genetic manipulation, .... by natural selection, not "something else".
So if "We" have been genetically manipulated, then every living thing has been manipulated as well, as we all share the language code of DNA. We, as humans, always want to put ourselves out there as special. Maybe we are. But maybe we are not. We aren't built very well IMO. We have back problems all the time, we are weak comparitively, we age and die, and are susceptible to all kinds of disease both physically and mentally. Our spinal column and supporting vertabrae is a throwback to animals that didn't walk upright. It works, but is rather kluge-like.
Now I don't dismiss God. In fact I think there is something greater for the simple fact that life sprung into this universe for no apparent reason. Why would the universe need life?? Either way this is getting into another discussion altogether. But I guess when people say that we(humans, and humans only) have been altered to something else's liking, I don't get it. To me we seem to be the result of natural forces rearranging our template and blueprint.
And sure, I could be wrong. It's more mysterious and certainly more striking to think that humans have been the puppets of some sinister or perhaps even benevolent puppetmaster. But when do you suppose we would be activated to "do" whatever it is we are supposed to "do"?? When do we get the "execute order 66" from Darth Sideous?? It's only been what,.... tens or hundreds of thousands of years??