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Where do you think WE came from?

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I'm reading Alien Bases, the latest by Timothy Good. Have to wade through a lot of his sincere wish to extrapolate what may have been true with George Adamski, but he does manage to make parallel connections from stories by individuals who seem truthful. Leaves some questions, but the book is entertaining anyway.

But except for a few very short aliens, use your own interpretation of the word, Good seems to find only contactees who report the otherworldy figures looking human, at least from reports covering the 1940s through the 1960s. Some are from prior to the 40s and I've only read enough to cover the 60s. Of course, they look like perfected human forms, slim, broad brows and slightly slanted eyes, but generally what we would think of as very good looking.

I guess there are exeptions like the figures seen by Betty and Barney Hill, but Good isn't reporting on those incidents. Surely, Whitley Streiber would have read their account of events before he brought that spooky grey into the picture.

I can't help but think we're projecting a perfected form of ourselves in some way, even if they are what they say they are. I change archetypal images of evil in my dreams into cartoon characters so that I can deal with fear in my dreams. I also see ufos in a different light than my spouse. I reduce things to geometrical images so I can handle them. For now, that's what I seem to be doing so I can just imagine carrying forth the same mind game into other fearsome realities.
Ugh. This is a new book I take it? Pity he's dealin with old contactees of all things. Like we need more of that chit. Couple other threads about Tim and this contactee stuff btw if you're interested. Think one was started by Gareth, and one by Ron Collins?
not very humble, either, are you?;)

Considering I'm still wondering how you got out of my brain, I'm actually humbled that one of my imaginary constructs got loose.

Must of been when I was sleeping. Seems to be a repeating pattern. Take a look at some of the other posters, and you can pretty well figure out when it's nap time at my house.
Exactly where and why did this thread move entirely off topic??

Um... Well, when I started posting to it. Of course you already know all this, you're another construct of my unconscious brain.

Don't you and the other constructs talk amongst yourselves when I'm sleeping?
Exactly where and why did this thread move entirely off topic??

Where, above. Why? because. It happens here a lot. Often times where it goes is better than where it was. Wait and see what might happen next:)

Anytime something goes off topic, it can be brought back. Try it. Asking why it went off topic, is off topic after all and will lead to stupid replies like mine:) Just kiddin with ya of course.

Two smilies in one post. I go barf now.
I get some of it, sure. Just the parts about Tim Goods book?? I think maybe someone got confused with what thread they were in. Maybe?? Either way, I should know better than to ask.
Where, above. Why? because. It happens here a lot. Often times where it goes is better than where it was. Wait and see what might happen next:)

Anytime something goes off topic, it can be brought back. Try it. Asking why it went off topic, is off topic after all and will lead to stupid replies like mine:) Just kiddin with ya of course.

Two smilies in one post. I go barf now.

What are you talkin about man? My response was totally on topic. Yours wasn't, and now you force me to turn my response once again to the topic, just to quantify it. So how bout a I open a can of Darwinian Boyardee?

Abiogenesis, life crawls out of the ocean...Dinosaurs....Wooly Mammoth...Caveman...You get where I'm going here?
I get some of it, sure. Just the parts about Tim Goods book?? I think maybe someone got confused with what thread they were in. Maybe?? Either way, I should know better than to ask.

Actually Tc, noticed what you are talkin about now. At the time of my reply to your comments, it wasn't like what's showing up here now.. It messed with my head big time and I've been trying to figure it out for a few minutes lol. There has apparently been some glitches with the forums since it's been back up. I posted to one thread earlier, and it ended up in another. I thought it was my fault, but after looking at this thread.... someone merged them, or there's a glitch. I see what you're talkin about now.

I'm seeing like, hell I dunno, 3 threads partially merged together... I swear I'm not on acid. Others might not be seeing it.
Whoops. Don't know where my head was, guys. Sorry.

Thanks for the heads up, Gareth. Guess I'm way behind in reading these days.
Listening to snippets of (how could I avoid them) Obamas various speeches today, I noticed he mentioned God a few times. It really is crazy how 'accepted' the notion of an omnipotent, omnipresent(etc) supernatural God figure is main stream society. Its become one of those things that is so engrained that the average person just doesnt consider it.

I know what you're saying Gareth. I actually think about this one quite a bit myself. Frankly, I think that the whole God notion, and the Catholic church itself, is one of the greatest and most unrecognized cults to ever exist in the history or organized religion. People just haven't figured it out yet because they work in much more subtle ways then most cults. The abuse at the top is much harder to see until you peel away some of the layers.

I personally don't believe the numbers that they claim for the number of people who are Christians. I think that the vast majority of people with an IQ, above say 80, if you really nail them down and ask them, will admit that they don't really believe that there is an all knowing and all seeing being that lives out there somewhere and created the world a few thousand years ago.

As for the president, we all know that anyone running for the office has to say they are a Christian whether they really are or not because the majority of the power structure in Washington is dominated by right wing extremists, or the neo-cons if you like, and they of course tend to be the biggest supporters of such conservative organized religions. If Obama said no I believe the science which says we evolved just like ever other other creature on the planet, just happens that we were the ones who were lucky enough to end up on top of the food chain, then he would be derailed before he ever had a chance at the job.

It's no secret that I'm a scientist, and anyone who has been paying attention has probably figured out by now that I'm rather a skeptic when it comes to anything that sets my "woo meter" off. I tend to lean toward a straight ahead scientific belief, much of what Darwin wrote was pretty right on, we are the result of evolution, from primordial ooze to bi-pedal intelligent and sentient beings.

What it all comes down to is simpe human vanity, we don't like to think of ourselves as being animals, we somehow feel that we are superior to the "lower" lifeforms with which we share this planet, as is witnessed by our horrible abuse of our fellow Earthlings. When I say our fellow Earthings I am of course referring to the animals, not other humans, we never think of the whales as being Earthlings, or the dogs and cats, the bugs, snakes and the fish. We don't want to believe that this is all there is, this desire for something more has been fueling the creation of and the need for "Jesus" like deities since our earliest incarnations as prehistoric man.
I think that the vast majority of people with an IQ, above say 80, if you really nail them down and ask them, will admit that they don't really believe that there is an all knowing and all seeing being that lives out there somewhere and created the world a few thousand years ago.

I am with you and I do believe. what a paradox. I do have an IQ roughly over 80, but I have learned over the years IQ means nothing other than an ability to learn; it says nothing about how intelligent you really are. Personal experience, there, Status.

The rational side of me says there is no way in h e double hockey sticks that the God of the bible is true, that Jesus was His Son, etc. All those events can be theorized as intervention by another, more evolved species, that came along and amazed and dumbfounded the ignorant little trolls living on this planet. OR they can be attributed to the inborn need to creat a God to cover all those bases we cannot.

YET, and there is always a YET, isn't there? I have personally had a few occasions where I have had no alternative than to believe in life after death. One of them a good-bye from my grandmother who had passed away at roughly the same time she came to say goodbye. I had made her promise to come say goodbye before she left, she said she wasn't well enough to travel, but I explained I meant before she left here for where she was going. She laughed, and said okay, then the night she died I heard her call my name as clearly and loudly as if she was less than 8 feet away from me. (I live halfway across the country from where she died) and I knew she was gone. Her time of death matched the time I heard her call my name.

I have also had occasion to "know" where I was when I was lost in the back country of Alberta, just knowing how we could get to where we needed to go, because I remembered being there before as a young child. Yet, I had never been to that part of the country before, ever.

So, the rational side of me that a questionable, at best, IQ test says I should have in abundance, dictates the whole idea of God and Jesus are things we as a species makes up to help us order our existence into something we can pretend to understand, and to use them to excuse away all those bits beyond our comprehension and allow us to do that without driving ourselves crazy trying to figure out the meaning of this and that and the kitchen sink... I get that part.

YET.... :confused:
But Annette, what does God/Jesus have to do with an afterlife?


Not to pick a fight with Annette or anything, but Gareth has a point here. To a Christian God/Jesus have EVERYTHING to do with an afterlife. But the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, American Indians (on and on and on) all believed in an after life and never heard of Jesus or the God of the Bible.
Physically, I think WE came from right here on Earth through the process of natural evolution. It is possible we were 'tweaked' ala Kulbrick's 2001, but unlikely. Over 99% of our genetic material is shared with the chimpanzee. We have a quite robust fossil record back to and including Homo Erectus, which was quite widespread and for which we have hundreds of skeletons and other fossil material. Homo Erectus was a bit shorter than the average today, had fire, and has been found in Asia, Java, Africa, and Europe. He had a brain size of just shy of 1000cc's compared to our 1450cc's or so. He probably could play a mean game of soccer, and if he were shaven with a haircut and dressed up, you'd probably take him for a smallish swarthy guy who rode the same bus as you to work every day.

Beyond Homo Erectus the fossil record is less robust, but still shows a clear line back literally millions of years. There is no need for a missing link. There isn't one. As a physical species we did not 'come from' Mars or any other planet. There is no need and no evidence for any such speculation. It is not absolutely impossible that we came from somewhere else, but the weight of evidence we have available to us from many different sources would suggest that is probably not the case. Again: Not completely impossible, but highly improbable. We've got the bones, and bones trump channeling and theories with absolutely zero evidence.

Spiritually, it's a whole different ball game. There are lots of theories out there. I am not presumptous enough to claim one is right over another. I've got some ideas, but I'm not sure the evidence is strong enough to merit a conclusion one way or another. When people start spouting off 'the truth as it really is' I figure they are full of shit, have no idea what they are talking about, and are either, stupid, ignorant, or delusional. When people say, "I really don't know, but here's an idea that might help explain all this' I will listen with complete attention.
Not to pick a fight with Annette or anything, but Gareth has a point here. To a Christian God/Jesus have EVERYTHING to do with an afterlife. But the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, American Indians (on and on and on) all believed in an after life and never heard of Jesus or the God of the Bible.

No fighting here either.

I just finished a book: Case for a Creator. It was interesting in parts and downright difficult to swallow in others. But point being that there seems to be this big disconnect when it comes to "god". The book attempts to swirl in all this "scientific" and philosophical evidence that points toward a creator. And get this, at the end, it happens to be the god of the Bible. I'm sorry, .... what?!?!

I can't get over why many people have to equate "god" with the Jesus/God, but I see it happen over and over. It's probably because it has become so engrained that we can't separate ourselves from the Christain God. If you think about life and why we're here and all that existential stuff, you might persuade yourself that something else exists. But why does that feeling have to point toward this god?? I have no problem accepting that there may be something else, but it is entirely based on unknown parameters. I don't have any idea of what it might be.

But lots of people are like, its either Jesus or atheism. As if those were the only choices or possibilities. IMO its neither.