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Whitley Strieber: Is he for real?

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Those who have had true experiences know the truth, and have never had the supposed experiences that Mr. Strieber writes about ...
It's hard to take everything Strieber says at face value, but then again, I don't think he really expects us to. I think he expects us to know that he's a horror fiction writer and that he's doing his own form of docufiction, and that any fabrication on his part can be justified as creative license. On the other hand, while I don't deny that "true experiences" happen, the complete truth of those experiences can sometimes be another matter. When we say we "know the truth" we need to be careful about how much we're assuming is true and how much is reasonable to believe is true based on the evidence. For example, simply because somebody has an abduction experience where the aliens claim to be from Venus may be sufficient for the experiencer to believe that they have had an abduction experience, but not sufficient enough to believe that the aliens actually come from Venus. The aliens may be as capable of disinformation as we are.
Just thought I'd add a little bit of a different angle to the Strieber controversy.

Remember "Victor," who appeared on C2C during Bell's tenure and sold footage of a supposed interrogation of a sick grey at A51 to Fox for a documentary special?

It seems that Strieber is still one of the prime suspects, if not the prime suspect, for the true identity of "Victor."

Some intrepid internet audiophile tried to remove the distortion from Victor's voice. While it does not sound exactly like Strieber, it is similar enough that one could attribute the differences to imperfections in the de-masking process. Moreover, Victor's halting, pedantic style of speaking is very similar to Strieber's.

The demasking clip is here:

Just thought I'd add a little bit of a different angle to the Strieber controversy.

Remember "Victor," who appeared on C2C during Bell's tenure and sold footage of a supposed interrogation of a sick grey at A51 to Fox for a documentary special?

It seems that Strieber is still one of the prime suspects, if not the prime suspect, for the true identity of "Victor."

Some intrepid internet audiophile tried to remove the distortion from Victor's voice. While it does not sound exactly like Strieber, it is similar enough that one could attribute the differences to imperfections in the de-masking process. Moreover, Victor's halting, pedantic style of speaking is very similar to Strieber's.

The demasking clip is here:

I find that really interesting, especially considering I remember him mentioning either on his show or in one of his books that he was interviewed for the documentary or TV show or whatever it was that broke this story, supposedly he broke down crying when viewing the tape, but for some reason that footage was never aired, at least not that I'm aware of. It's also interesting (and I'd have to check the dates for this to be sure) that this came around the same relative time that he started to come under heavy fire for his story, before he dropped the premise that it was aliens altogether and started saying that he didn't know what they were. He definitely had the cash flow, at least at that time, to have a fake like that shot and edited. An interesting theory, is there anywhere I can read or listen to more about this?
I find that really interesting, especially considering I remember him mentioning either on his show or in one of his books that he was interviewed for the documentary or TV show or whatever it was that broke this story, supposedly he broke down crying when viewing the tape, but for some reason that footage was never aired, at least not that I'm aware of. It's also interesting (and I'd have to check the dates for this to be sure) that this came around the same relative time that he started to come under heavy fire for his story, before he dropped the premise that it was aliens altogether and started saying that he didn't know what they were. He definitely had the cash flow, at least at that time, to have a fake like that shot and edited. An interesting theory, is there anywhere I can read or listen to more about this?

I would recommend running some google searches. There's certainly a lot of plausible speculation out there on the subject--not a ton of fact, unfortunately.

One other thing I'll note is that "Victor's" interview on C2C occurred a material amount of time after the documentary aired. In my mind, something that potentially either lends credence to or utterly rebuts the theory of Strieber being "Victor" is that Strieber was apparently approached by Bell to appear during Bell's interview with Victor, declined, and then ended up calling in DURING the interview anyway and making brief comments. Also, "Victor" quotes Strieber approvingly during the interview. Some contend that Strieber's random, brief phone call during the time of "Victor"'s interview is evidence that he really was Victor and was trying to throw the public off of his trail. Others contend it proves Strieber cannot be "Victor." I have had a hard time locating the clip of Strieber on-air on or about the same time as Victor's interview (I just tried again to no avail), but I believe it is true based on others' contentions.
Just thought I'd add a little bit of a different angle to the Strieber controversy.

Remember "Victor," who appeared on C2C during Bell's tenure and sold footage of a supposed interrogation of a sick grey at A51 to Fox for a documentary special?

It seems that Strieber is still one of the prime suspects, if not the prime suspect, for the true identity of "Victor."

Some intrepid internet audiophile tried to remove the distortion from Victor's voice. While it does not sound exactly like Strieber, it is similar enough that one could attribute the differences to imperfections in the de-masking process. Moreover, Victor's halting, pedantic style of speaking is very similar to Strieber's.

The demasking clip is here:

Interesting for sure but for me it's not Strieber, mostly cos the breathing is all wrong for him. Perhaps this is a weak argument but having heard Strieber speak so much over the years, I've never heard him kind of sigh as he speaks as this 'Victor' does. Anyone else pick up on that?
Interesting for sure but for me it's not Strieber, mostly cos the breathing is all wrong for him. Perhaps this is a weak argument but having heard Strieber speak so much over the years, I've never heard him kind of sigh as he speaks as this 'Victor' does. Anyone else pick up on that?

You could be right. However, if it was Strieber, it is to be expected that he would make some efforts to disguise his voice--huffy, Darth Vader breathing is one of the easier ways to do that. Such breathing also helps to convey the overdramatic and unnatural sense of annoyance "Victor" was clearly trying to affect through fair to middling acting abilities.
I don't think it sounds like Strieber. Does anyone actually know who it is and isn't disclosing? Or is it just a "mystery caller".
I don't think it sounds like Strieber. Does anyone actually know who it is and isn't disclosing? Or is it just a "mystery caller".

Not a mystery caller. This guy sold a documentary of an alien puppet being interviewed at A51 to Rocket Films, which sold it to Fox as the next great Alien Autopsy type documentary. Presumably the owners of Rocket Films know who it is--they would've had to have paid him in his legal name. Or perhaps they set up the entire thing themselves.

In any event, the documentary is all over youtube if you wish to view it, though it is terribly boring. The subsequent interview with Art Bell is more interesting inasmuch as "Victor" propounds some surprisingly sophisticated theories about the greys--including that they "are only symbolically biological."
I actually agree with what a couple of people have said in that Whitley probably had an original strange encounter but if you listen to his appearances on C2C and Dreamland over the last years he just keeps reporting more and more bizarre stuff. Stuff that no-one else dares to claim. How much stuff can happen to one guy? I'm just not buying it.
HIS extraordinary claims definitely do require extraordinary evidence.

Having said all that, I'd love him to come on the show and I'd be more than happy for Gene and Chris to give him a fair run. If he is telling the truth then he has nothing to hide.
Not a mystery caller. This guy sold a documentary of an alien puppet being interviewed at A51 to Rocket Films, which sold it to Fox as the next great Alien Autopsy type documentary. Presumably the owners of Rocket Films know who it is--they would've had to have paid him in his legal name."
Very interesting. Maybe they paid through some kind of anonymous proxy using only account numbers. Hypothetically those account numbers should be able to be traced, but it would probably take a private detective and some court orders to get to the bottom of it.
I am always fashionably late to the party (this thread). How do any of us know what is in the mind of Whitley Strieber? We can have our own opinion of whether he is truthful or a fraud based on our unique psychological make-up and the experiences we have had in life. But we need to look at Whitley Strieber on an objective level (as much as a human can be objective). Does it make sense that Whitley would have experienced every new trend in ufology, but keep it to himself until the trend reveals itself via the testimony of other people? I suppose this could be true, but it is an objective obesrvation that does not require guessing at his mental and moral state, and instead just relies on his actions. We will never know if COMMUNION was a clever feat of marketing or whether it is true, unless someone involved in the book comes forward. I have observed that Whitley is intensely bitter about writing the book and after all these years still expresses a lot of bitter loathing for society's reaction, especially to the rectal probe information. Whitley likes to castrate SOUTH PARK for its demeaning portrayal of him. The problem for me is that this was many years ago. If, as Whitley once said, aliens are perhaps the face of conscious evolution, then why can't he follow the dictates of his Catholic religion and forgive society and move on. I personally feel that Whitley left his experiences a very long time ago, and has been fabricating them ever since, including the book SECRET SCHOOL. For one thing, Whitley in that book claims to have seen the Face on Mars through a telescope as a child in San Antonio (thereby making him the first person on Earth to see it). But there is no Face on Mars. Whitley did not know that when he wrote SECRET SCHOOL. THIS is the kind of observation you can make that suggests fabrication. In the same book, I believe Whitley claims the moon was formed out of the Earth. But modern science has revealed that the moon is composed of material OLDER than the Earth. So the moon was NOT carved out of planet Earth. So Whitley got that one wrong too. THE SECRET SCHOOL, looked at in retrospect of many years, shows that Whitley even then was a "camp follower", playing the "me too" game. Hoagland was on C2C almost every night yapping about the Face on Mars, and Whitley incorporated it into his next book. But doing this is risky, if the situation he uses to update his relevance is later proved non-existent.
I had occasion to hear him say he was open to no alien intervention for all so many events in history and I thought he might be open to some discourse. At the time I was associated with and helped Jim Marrs on research including his book comparing America to Nazi Germany.

Jim backs me up in my history and I think he is merely open to possibilities though I have not read all of Alien Agenda nor have I gone to alien conventions he appears at. I am open to recent contact or watcher types, and I have loads of reasons many people would say makes me a believer - but I am only a believer in Extraterrestrial life in universe more advanced than we are.

I tried to join Whitley's web site and I was rejected by his wife.
Whitley Strieber, in my opinion, JUMPED THE UFO SHARK, when on DREAMLAND he publicly supported Jaime M. and claimed that the mummy was an alien. Linda Moulton Howe was there to provide a bizarre theory to support the Roswell slides as alien. She, with Whitley's support, said that the slides did depict an authentic alien. The placard (which had been translated by then) and showed that this was really the mummy of an Indian child was soundly rejected. Instead, Whitley and his gang on DREAMLAND support the theory that government agents put the placard there to mislead ufologists. Can you believe it? At this point, any possible "benefit of a doubt" I had reserved for Whitley Strieber went out the window.

About a year ago, I also tried to join his web site and was rejected. The people who are there and post comments seem to be new to ufology, consider him a major prophet and truth seeker, and belong to a cult of personality. I am so grateful I was rejected.
Yes, but I think he was a target for projected mind control emanations developed in the 90s (started before and part of ancient tepaphone technology I take back to the caduceus staffs of Moses etc.). So, I give everyone a pass, who has been on the front lines in trying to discover what is and has been going on. Howe has less of an excuse.
Yes, but I think he was a target for projected mind control emanations developed in the 90s (started before and part of ancient tepaphone technology I take back to the caduceus staffs of Moses etc.). So, I give everyone a pass, who has been on the front lines in trying to discover what is and has been going on. Howe has less of an excuse.
How do you know he is the target of projected mind control emanations. I have never heard him say this.
Dear Stargate

I think I have already addressed this research here already. In brief summary; I had a partner working black ops who had associations at Camp X where the CIA began with involvement from a Man Called Intrepid and MI5 or 6 and Ian Fleming. Various things collide here - recent movies and documentaries on Dieppe and Fleming as well as anti-Hitler psychic squads and mind control back to Tavistock. I was an officer in the Regiment taking care of Camp X and I met a caretaker from there who tried to tell me things about it when I was 15 (I lied about my age to join.) - 50 years ago. This partner worked on the development of the mind helmets such as done at Los Alamos near WS and near (More importantly) Taos, where an Omega Station tied in with the Earth Energy Grid is, like HAARP. I think you will have to read my threads on Earth Computer Projector and Aliens, Illuminati and Ignorance. But in the near term look up Mind-Machine Interfacing along with my name in quotes - I think it still comes through even though posted over a decade ago.

Of course WS would not know if his mind tricked him due to the implanting of false memories. Have you watched the five part mini-series called Futurescape?
Here is another thread I could copy and paste and put here. People in the Administration tell me it is too long and too difficult for most people to read or respond to so I should just leave a link. I don't know why going to another site to read it serves any benefit except to me. It took an hour to do the one on Aliens and Illuminati etc.

This one gets into earlier mind control usages which people do not know is controlling them. It also makes one wonder about almost every historical event of the early part of the last century and the century before that.

The MOST Important Man of the 20th Century