I've been reading Fowler's "The Watchers." I'm about half way through it. Really bizarre stuff. Evidently, the "beings" once told Betty and Bob Luca, literally in a telephone conversation, that soon Betty Luca would have to endure tragedy and hardship. But, not to worry: her "faith" would see her through it. Ray Fowler appears to have played the role of an independent source documenting these premonitions before they actually happened. Betty called him, told him what had happened, etc. Well, that afternoon, two of her sons died in an auto-accident. Hmmnn...
The abduction experiences described in this book are incredibly strange. According to a hypnotized Betty Luca, these beings are "the caretakers" of nature and natural life. Well, I just don't want to believe this. It seems more reasonable to me that this woman's religion is coloring her encounters or perhaps creating them in her own hypnotized imagination. But then, can this explanation really take into account the really bizarre synchronicity mentioned above? Moreover, independent witnesses (family members) confirm UFO sightings followed by periods of missing time (they were "switched off" after a landing sighting followed by her abduction). Throw in a few implants, scoopmarks, scars, etc., and my conflation hypothesis falls apart.
Still, I just don't want to believe that the so-called angelic "Watchers," or "Gregori," actually exist. The implications of that are too big. What's more, a great multitude of abduction accounts reported in books by Jacobs and Hopkins do not confirm these ideas. Perhaps the "beings," if they exist, use religion (and whatever else) to control us. In the "Republic," Plato indicates that superior individuals would and should have no problem at all creating belief systems to control their subjects.
Moreover, throughout much of the book, the "beings" tell Betty Luca that she has been "chosen" to reveal things to mankind. I never can buy into this kind of thing. Why is it that all belief systems (religious cults, etc) always ask a people to believe that supernatural entities would choose a single individual, one damned person, to communicate their message? Wouldn't a telegram be more effective? They appear to choose the most unbelievable, unrealiable means possible to "reveal things" to us humans.
I'm startling to believe, instead, that there is some depth psychological phenomenon of the human mind that wills these experiences, via some complex imaginative process, into memory. What else explains this motif that appears throughout damn nigh all recorded history of an entire belief system resting on the authority of a single individual? I hate that. I'm so goddamned sick of this "believe me, I'm a 'chosen person'" type bullshit.