Paranormal Adept
From a natural (scientific) perspective within the universe, there appears to be no such purpose. Creationists generally argue that there IS natural evidence of such a purpose, which makes their argument contradictory to current science.
While I don't disagree with that perspecitve being the dominent one as far as current science goes I still don't agree with it. To me the fact that we are even discussing things such as the paranormal or if we are man or machine or spirit or chemical is evidence of purpose. Natural Selection has purpose. Although, natural selection isn't a thing that can be grasped and held and counted it's apparent to people with lots of letters after their name and I take their word for it because I truly know next to nothing beyond my basic biology and natural science courses from college.
I started to ramble here but then I deleted it. Which is the answer to another argument. Proof read before ya post and just delete stuff if you don't feel you said it right or if (as in my case) you got to long winded.
While I don't disagree with that perspecitve being the dominent one as far as current science goes I still don't agree with it. To me the fact that we are even discussing things such as the paranormal or if we are man or machine or spirit or chemical is evidence of purpose. Natural Selection has purpose. Although, natural selection isn't a thing that can be grasped and held and counted it's apparent to people with lots of letters after their name and I take their word for it because I truly know next to nothing beyond my basic biology and natural science courses from college.
I started to ramble here but then I deleted it. Which is the answer to another argument. Proof read before ya post and just delete stuff if you don't feel you said it right or if (as in my case) you got to long winded.