I have noticed that there are an awful of insulting going on when people try to make some type of point that others do not agree with. The worst i noticed is that guy calling himself InterestedInItAll. This guy always has some remark about peoples lack of vocabulary or the fact that he believes everyone is an idiot but him. I thought this forum was supposed to be safe from people who choose to pull childish antics like that and aren't we all here for the same thing; to be understand this issue and hopefully learn from one another and not be so close minded when it comes to other point of views. This is all i have to say and if anyone chooses to say anything negative, just to let you know i do not respond to school yard antics. I only wanted to say that maybe we should all just chill out and stop being so negative towards one another, I believe that is an obstacle that the paranormal field must overcome in order to get somewhere.