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Why do UFOs have lights?

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Paranormal Maven
Is it because they're typically human craft? Is it because they are from elsewhere and want to be seen, but only on a small scale? Does it have something to do with their propulsion systems?

I saw this question asked on reddit and thought it was a pretty good one.

What are some if your ideas?
Ionization? Instrumentation? Communication?
Arcturian version of "Eat At Joes"?
Good question.

I'm going with "Eat at Joe's" or maybe something a little less commercial in nature. If it were the result of any of the three wouldn't the released wavelength be uniform in color i.e. all red or white or blue and not go jumping from color to color? also it seems to me there would be a way to mask it so as to avoid detection. As a species we seem to be on the road to invisibility in that there is actual real life experiments going on to bend light to avoid detection, if we are there, these guys (whoever they are) should be well past that stage and cloaking themselves all the time unless of course they need to be acknowledged.
It's not like they're hiding or anything - when they want to be seen it's usually a pretty light show. Be they glowing balls of light that spew off other lights that fly in patterns before they coalesce and head out into the stars, or just showing off their many colours and shades that we don't have names for, they definitely want to be seen. Sometimes there appears to be a release of glowing energy like with the classic foo fighters and other more dynamic displays certainly appear to be for the benefit of the witness. It's probably a part of the UFO code handbook, Section 73-alpha€¥ clearly states, "be sure to impress humans with a really big show." There's probably something else in the handbook about not wanting to bump into other joy riding ET's.
Good question :)

Lights could actually be a form of camouflage as the crafts try to emulate other earthly metallic flying objects. Problem with that is that there is a standard and it's a no-brainer to notice the red green white location of the lights on planes. I've never heard of UFOs complying to FAA standards lol.

I cant imagine any reason for the emission of photons unless they want to be seen and want us to understand that the object is not a living organism and that it is not from earth.
It could be that they are "communicating" to us in a way that we can relate to, a little bit like when we whistle at a bird, meow at a cat or click to a dolphin. what I am trying to say is that when I "call" to my cat I try to make a similar noise to it (the cat), I don't think the noise I make communicates any information apart from that I want the cats attention i.e come and eat your food etc.
what I am getting at is that "they" (UFOs) could have seen how often we use light as a form of communication and could be just trying to get our attention.
"they" (UFOs) could have seen how often we use light as a form of communication and could be just trying to get our attention.
I don't have a clue, but I would imagine they are a combination of technology with respect to their locomotion or transit and also serve as basic sight illumination/anti collision beacons for them. There are all sorts of reports with spot light type beams being projected to the ground as if looking for something. What I want to know is what hit that Chinese airliner's nosecone the other day.
I don't have a clue, but I would imagine they are a combination of technology with respect to their locomotion or transit and also serve as basic sight illumination/anti collision beacons for them. There are all sorts of reports with spot light type beams being projected to the ground as if looking for something. What I want to know is what hit that Chinese airliner's nosecone the other day.

What was that? Something actually hit an airliner? Do you have a link to that or anything?
I don't have a clue, but I would imagine they are a combination of technology with respect to their locomotion or transit and also serve as basic sight illumination/anti collision beacons for them. There are all sorts of reports with spot light type beams being projected to the ground as if looking for something.

Look at this deep-sea exploration sub... might also give you a reasonable hint as to 'why the lights'. An alien specie entering our eco-system would likely have a craft configured with lots of lighting capabilities ;)
here's the original thread and story Plane Dented at 26,000 Feet in Mystery Accident | The Paracast Community Forums

I have heard before though a malfunctioning.radar is capable of doing this. it seems to me if there was an impact involving any metallic items or hardened surfaces I would think the damage would be more substantial and the aluminum body of an airliner would rip not just buckle.

Hmmm...could have been a cloaked "something" that got too close.
Hey! Maybe that's what the lights are for.........anti-collision!
perhaps "they" need lights to ID themselves- not to humans- but the other "they" who may be monitoring the earth. Thinking back on the "airship battle" of 1561?? above some European village. The locals who watched the "battle" claimed to be able to tell which side was which by not just different shapes of craft, but lights also. One could speculate that some hostile species entered earth's atmosphere for insidious reasons, but failed when another species intervened. Reminds me of the Borg, looking to assimilate the less advanced population.
They need headlights because it is very dark in space. Everyone knows that! I am more curious as to why they need to have "windows" and "port holes" to look out of. Surely if you are advanced enough to travel the stars you can have something a bit more sophisticated than a little window or a cockpit. I also think it is funny when the inside of the craft is described as having "little chairs" and other man-made/human architecture.
All this assumes that "they" have similar wavelength needs as humans in orders to "see". If we were to need to inspect something on a different world we might bath it in several different data collection mediums. Such as infrared, X-ray, ultraviolet, microwaves, sonar, etc. Sometimes, these would be necessary and other times they would not. Depending on the data collection needs. Perhaps the human visible light is just another data collection tool for "them".