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Why do UFOs have lights?

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BTW - this is a general question: is there a place on this site where members can/have posted their UFO/UAP experiences? Would be interested.....
BTW - this is a general question: is there a place on this site where members can/have posted their UFO/UAP experiences? Would be interested.....
You could do a search for titles with the words "UFO sighting" and see if it fits in one of those, or try adding your location to a search and add it there, or just create a new thread.
it's a great question and one of the many paradoxes. perhaps it's just a byproduct of propulsion in the same way noise is with ours . on the one hand they are stealthy leading to sceptics asking why they don't land in times square. on the other they make such an obvious appearance in the sky that it seems like they don't care. maybe like our scientists aren't bothered if ants see them, they are to us?
I wonder if some of the UAP's in particular have to do with the 'imminent' Pole Shift. I'm not savvy on all the science of that but some of the phenomena I have seen in videos reminds me of electro-magnetic stuff. It's like the atmosphere is all 'unsettled' - and given how really interesting reflection is, as in a mirage - I sometimes look at those videos and wonder about 'atmospheric mirages' - I just made that up. Ideas......just free-basing......
it's a great question and one of the many paradoxes. perhaps it's just a byproduct of propulsion in the same way noise is with ours . on the one hand they are stealthy leading to sceptics asking why they don't land in times square. on the other they make such an obvious appearance in the sky that it seems like they don't care. maybe like our scientists aren't bothered if ants see them, they are to us?

Hi, nice to meet you, welcome. I really like your observation. Both because of exactly the way you put it, and the inspiration it more than sufficed me with. With respect to the exchange of our species' typical sentient familiarity with it's own technology (friction noise as you proposed),as well as with other, non familiar, environmentally determined sentient feedback with respect to the observed phenomenon's demonstration.

The coolest thing about UFOs and the lighting associated with them is the amazing amount of variation as determined in the reporting of these objects. Almost as seemingly diverse as the many shapes and types of objects reported themselves. I will state that most UFOs that are reported as having lights, seem to be observed with configurations of lamps proper, as opposed to an overall energetic glow or envelopment. The latter glow does seem to be the case with those UFOs reported as being basically "lampless" which are in many cases either of the saucer variety, cigar shape, or the ever popular orb. Whereas in the former, although the lighting is positioned seemingly affixed to the UFO itself, the majority of lamps modulate/cycle in color and in no way seem to demonstrate lamp behavior that we would typically associate with the specific purpose of navigational illumination. One thing is clear with respect to observed UFOs and their lighting, those lights certainly get our attention and in no way serve to bolster the hypothetical notion that they intend on hiding themselves from us.

So again, thanks very much.
BTW - this is a general question: is there a place on this site where members can/have posted their UFO/UAP experiences? Would be interested.....

I have kind of wondered the same thing myself and I believe the typical route is to just post it to the UFO section of the forum. I for one would REALLY enjoy reading/learning of your experiences. I have had two myself. One was fleeting, the other lasted a little while. Like 20 minutes or so.
I have kind of wondered the same thing myself and I believe the typical route is to just post it to the UFO section of the forum. I for one would REALLY enjoy reading/learning of your experiences. I have had two myself. One was fleeting, the other lasted a little while. Like 20 minutes or so.

Okay, Jeff, I'll take that as an invitation - and I'll start a generic UFO experience thread. People can always start their own threads for their particular experience. I, too, am interested to hear your experience. In fact, people could post their experiences on the generic thread and then also start an individual thread. This way there is a thread where all the 'data' is collected in one location, but focus on one particular story can be conducted on the individual threads. Sound like a plan?
Okay, Jeff, I'll take that as an invitation - and I'll start a generic UFO experience thread. People can always start their own threads for their particular experience. I, too, am interested to hear your experience. In fact, people could post their experiences on the generic thread and then also start an individual thread. This way there is a thread where all the 'data' is collected in one location, but focus on one particular story can be conducted on the individual threads. Sound like a plan?

@Tyger | Found It: This Forum is For Your Experiences | The Paracast Community Forums
it's a great question and one of the many paradoxes. perhaps it's just a byproduct of propulsion in the same way noise is with ours . on the one hand they are stealthy leading to sceptics asking why they don't land in times square. on the other they make such an obvious appearance in the sky that it seems like they don't care. maybe like our scientists aren't bothered if ants see them, they are to us?

To which it would be natural to respond: 'would you land on a giant red fire ant hill' LOL

Landing in front of capitol hill or red square... etc. would be a sign that aliens had decoded our language, understood political boundaries and power centers. Maybe that's easy for a quantum computer.. but then would you show up in the US only or all over 'a la Independence day'.

If you're only monitoring a planet on a scientific level, would you expose your exploration ship and put future missions at risk as the ants devise methods to catch you ? ;)
I idly asked my (young) cousin why would a ufo have lights once: her answer was: 'so they can see in the dark?'

I can't really argue with that! :p
Even many extinct animals all the way back to the dinosaurs had eyesight.

In fact much farther back than that.

Therefore it seems reasonable that given roughly the same conditions for life as ours ( a Goldilocks planet ), there would also be light from a star that would provide a stimulus for the evolution of eyesight.
So eyesight ( or at least some light detection ability ) just seems like a really reasonable assumption to make. That being the case, the obvious reason for lights on UFOs is to facilitate vision via illumination.

Which would explain many lights when an object is fairly close to the ground.
it's maybe a dangerous thing to let your mind wander , especially off topic but you tend to think of us poor humans bravely fighting off invader but what if they're coming here and seeing some sort of brutal , tenacious species and are terrified of us? maybe because they have some kind of absolute pacifism code of conduct ? We might be the 'xenomorph'!
Makes a lot of sense, there's really no need for any lighting and portholes for that matter. By-product of propulsion would make sense, and even some friction/reaction with atmospheric gases should be the only source of photonic emissions.

Thinking out of the box, you'd have to imagine that any occupant of an advanced scout ship would have the ability of querying external sensors of the ship and also be able to map out external environments in extreme high definition real-time holographic detail if needed. Why use lighting when you have the sensors to rebuild the exterior visual environment with 100% accuracy ?

The rotating saucer reports always seemed illogical and counter intuitive... but if the rotation provides some kind of 'refresh-rate' for external sensors on the craft then why not. Its like having eyes all around your head ;)

Now we need a 'Why do saucers rotate' thread lol

Based on my own observation of a possible two color phased {hi-power- bluish-white plasma, low power-reddish-orange fusion plasma} foofighter, back one night in November of 1976 --- approx. 40 miles west of Washington D.C. --- has given me many years too speculate how foofighters tick.

I believe that these otherworlder starships that occasionally visit our planet, use a form of it's own magnetic/gravity field along with a photon propulsion unit that uses photons for fuel.

The starship houses a micro-mini black hole on the center inner concave bottom hull of the starship. A photon receptor is installed on the outer hull of the starship. The photon receptor points towards a far-away star or galaxy...which channels starlight photons into the black hole propulsion unit. The micro-mini black hole that has an "apparent horizon," which expels the photons at one or both of it's magnetic poles at near the speed of light.

A series of thruster outlet tubes emanating from the black hole housing, are able to channel the photons too outlet thruster ports towards the top & bottom center hull of saucer and the outer rim edge of the top hull that surrounds the bottom hull of the outer rim.

The center top/bottom outlet thruster ports are mainly used for elevation changes with various speed rates---- along with the outer rim thruster ports, expel the photons with tremendous thrust --- increasing speed...exponentially squared, easily up to the speed of light barrier and beyond into the superluminal realm.

The photon propulsion unit creates it's own magnetic gravity field that makes it weightless in any environment and subdues the effect of the breaking of the speed of light barrier. When all the outlet photon thruster ports are open on the top outer hull edge of the saucer and the center top/bottom, or the top hull is rotated with one or more outlet port open --- should induce stationary stabilization --- as in hovering.

For radical speed/angle vectors while traveling at speed: The photon inlet port closes, the top hull is rotated so an outlet port is re-opened in a different direction than the original heading. The photon receptor port is also re-opened...resulting in instant stops an starts, 90/45 degree turns, etc, etc.

In places that lack starlight photons...such as on nighttime OP's on dark alien worlds...the starship should carry a small amount of seawater --- using dueterium atoms to create a magnetically contained fusion plasma field --- that is housed between two magnetic fields surrounding the starship. A small amount of seawater is injected between the two magnetic fields --- one field compresses the seawater against the other field --- until the fusion reaction occurs occurs; thusly feeding the photon propulsion unit with photons.
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. . . In places that lack starlight photons...such as on nighttime OP's on dark alien worlds...the starship should carry a small amount of seawater --- using dueterium atoms to create a magnetically contained fusion plasma field --- that is housed between two magnetic fields surrounding the starship. A small amount of seawater is injected between the two magnetic fields --- one field compresses the seawater against the other field --- until the fusion reaction occurs occurs; thusly feeding the photon propulsion unit with photons.

That would certainly correlate with the great numbers of ufos witnessed from ships at sea, entering and leaving bodies of seawater. And there must be many more such cases accumulated by intelligence oranizations than we know about. One ufo researcher informed me in a personal email years ago that it was the Office of Naval Intelligence that pressed hardest and most persistently for investigations of ufos from the very beginnings of what we know of modern ufo history.