why don't paintings like this recieve mainstream attention?
These images of two crusaders date from a 12th century manuscript " Annales Laurissenses" (volumes/books about historical and religion events)and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They both were fighting when suddenly a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.
has this one been explained as religious symbology?
can't find it on that site of yours
lets see here...a group of discs (flaming shields as medieval men called it) appeared hovering over a church....which seemed to PROTECT the french and the saxons ran away
how can this be any kind of symbology other then an acient ufo encounter?
look at the painting it resembles a ufo so much it boggles the mind
combine it with the manuscript description of what happened and it don't see this as religion related symbology
also the way the site says that the divine is many times represented as a disc or something similar may be because theres a big chance "god" IS AN ALIEN
as i said before check www.bibleufo.com there are tons of quotes there that suggest "angel" encounters or "god" encounters could be nothing more then alien contacts
offcourse to the people of the day it would have been a lifechanging magical supernatural almost indescribable thing thats why its worded so weird in the bible
they described these things they saw with the understanding and vocabulary they had in those days
jritzmann said:These pictures are all explainable thru that time period's religious symbology. If you go to ATS's UFO board and do a search, a gentleman who studies religious art explained what all these objects were, and why they were in the pictures.
In short, they were anything but UFOs.
What they are is essentially misperceptions and ignorance of the symbology.
They are all detailed here with excellent examples and explainations.
ART and UFO - Intro

These images of two crusaders date from a 12th century manuscript " Annales Laurissenses" (volumes/books about historical and religion events)and refer to a UFO sighting in the year 776, during the siege on Sigiburg castle, France. The Saxons besieged and surrounded the French people. They both were fighting when suddenly a group of discs (flaming shields) appeared hovering over the top of the church. It appeared to the Saxons that the French were protected by these objects and the Saxons fled.
has this one been explained as religious symbology?
can't find it on that site of yours
lets see here...a group of discs (flaming shields as medieval men called it) appeared hovering over a church....which seemed to PROTECT the french and the saxons ran away
how can this be any kind of symbology other then an acient ufo encounter?
look at the painting it resembles a ufo so much it boggles the mind
combine it with the manuscript description of what happened and it don't see this as religion related symbology
also the way the site says that the divine is many times represented as a disc or something similar may be because theres a big chance "god" IS AN ALIEN
as i said before check www.bibleufo.com there are tons of quotes there that suggest "angel" encounters or "god" encounters could be nothing more then alien contacts
offcourse to the people of the day it would have been a lifechanging magical supernatural almost indescribable thing thats why its worded so weird in the bible
they described these things they saw with the understanding and vocabulary they had in those days