Devil's Advocate
... all they care about is what is convenient or feely good which is evident from alot of the smart ass replys made to this original post which is more than likely a few zit faced neo con unemployed ritilin infested cant get a girl so I jerk off to porn youth.
Heheheh... there's a thread about user age on this board, do a search it'll surprise you (hint: think OLDER).
3. Respect for your environement - This would cover your home, or parents home, your room, or cell, for some of the youth. Just dont wallow in your own shit people, learn how to pick up your clothes, wash your own clothes, etc. If you are old enough to take a shit, then learn how to wipe your own ass!
I've known teenagers who kept things neat and tidy and full grown adults who are total slobs. This is generalization, pure and simple.
1. Hard work - Almost forgot this one, I dont think I even need to comment on this one because all of us have become so fucking lazy in this country it turns my stomach. No one takes responsibility, has any balls to do the right thing and God forbid we piss of some mother fucking illegal immigrant by being politically incorrect.
Think Paris Hilton works hard? There's your role model, so there's your answer. And leave the immigrants out of it. I guarantee you've never worked as hard in your life under such shitty conditions for as crappy a paycheque as they have.
You seem to have alot of misdirected anger 405. I suspect that anger starts at home so here's a suggestion- you're a parent? Fine. DO SOME PARENTING. You take care of your own kids and leave it to other people to do the same.