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Why No Moon Bases?

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I think he was extraordinarily gifted in psychic abilities, very intelligent, rigorously honest, and personally very charming. I've gathered most of my impression of him from what he's written and what those who've worked with him have written about him, and also from lectures/presentations available on the net in videos. I've read masses of his evolving manuscript Super Powers of the BioMind on his website, which I encourage everyone to read. I hope it's all still available on his website, which has a new, complicated, and apparently restrictive opening page put up by relatives having control of his literary and artistic productions. I haven't read everything he's written, but I did read about his impressive pre-SRI experiments with parapsychologists at the American SPR in New York. He never worked as a medium to my knowledge (and not doing so seems consistent with his own need for privacy and respect for the privacy of others). He also could not work long as a psychic in service to police departments because he was unable to sustain the knowledge of the physical violence and suffering involved in many criminal cases. He was a very gentle and enlightened man, one of the rare people described by Henry James as 'one on whom nothing is missed'.
So at 1:04 Obama talks about Mars - not about the Moon. :(

Is NASA preparing us for an Alien Disclosure? I didn't know anything about this NASA and Library of Congress Conference that just happened. I guess I've been living under a rock. ;)

Published on Sep 23, 2014

A few days ago, NASA tried closing the gap between life on Earth and the possibilities of life elsewhere. The space agency and the Library of Congress (image below left) brought together scientists, historians, philosophers and theologians from around the world for a two-day symposium, "Preparing For Discovery." Their agenda: To explore how we prepare for the inevitable discovery of extraterrestrial life, be it simple microbial organisms or intelligent beings.

"We're looking at all scenarios about finding life. If you find microbes, that's one thing. If you find intelligence, it's another. And if they communicate, it's something else, and depending on what they say, it's something else!" said astronomer, symposium organizer and former chief NASA historian, Steven J. Dick.

"The idea is not to wait until we make a discovery, but to try and prepare the public for what the implications might be when such a discovery is made," Dick told The Huffington Post. "I think the reason that NASA is backing this is because of all the recent activity in the discovery of exoplanets and the advances in astrobiology in general.

"People just consider it much more likely now that we're going to find something -- probably microbes first and maybe intelligence later," he added. "The driving force behind this is from a scientific point of view that it seems much more likely now that we are going to find life at some point in the future."

By Lee Speigel

It's not a case of nasa preparing us for disclosure, its a case of everyday technology getting better and better, and more widely available WE can look at, and film space/planet's with great clarity, quite cheaply, they however are still airbrushing anything anomalous out of existence.
Eventually a privateer, or another country will prove life is out there, either microbially or with unimpeachable evidence, and a nasa spokesman will say yeah we were pretty confident there was life out there, it's great to know we are not lone.

Instead of yeah weve known that for 4 decades.
Constance, I am unsure why I never got an alert about your post - or maybe I was busy and thought I'd come back to it. Anyway, sorry I didn't respond to this sooner. I have not gone into the links but will at some point. As you know I can be a tad jaded about these things. I have heard this man's name a great deal so what you are supplying is valuable to me. Thank you.

Jim Marrs's account:

Ingo Swann Views Activities on Moon
By Jim Marrs, Author of Alien Agenda and Crossfire

Remote viewing is the term coined by New York City scientist Ingo Swann, and used by the CIA and U.S. Army to describe a psychic method of acquiring information on persons, places, and things by means other than the normal five senses. Swann, who helped develop this technology at Stanford Research Institute, was also one of its most able practitioners. According to his 1998 book Penetration, Swann was discreetly approached in 1975 by a super-secret group within the federal government, who operated almost like the fabled Men in Black. He was taken to a secret underground base, where he was asked to perform remote viewing. Although never informed of his target, Swann quickly realized he was viewing objects and activities on our Moon. He saw "towers, machinery, lights of different colors, strange-looking buildings. Bridges, a lot of domes, things like saucers with windows ... stored next to crater sides, sometimes in caves, sometimes in what looked like airfield hangars. Long, tube-like things, machinery, tractor-like things going up and down hills, straight roads extending some miles, obelisks which had no apparent function ... large platforms on domes, large cross-like structures." His mind was boggled at the sight of lights and activity on the Moon’s dark side - rows of tall stadium-like light stands providing a greenish illumination, large structures, big as a 40-story building, and naked workers.

My first impression: how is Ingo Swann allowing for the time element? How much of his own 'past' - and I mean that in a very large sense - is he aware of? There are features to this 'viewing' that could eaily be scenes - not from on the contemporary Moon - but from Earth a long time ago.

"I saw some kind of people busy at work on something I could not figure out. The place was dark. The 'air' was filled with a fine dust, and there was some kind of illumination - like a dark lime-green fog or mist. The thing about them was that they either were human or looked exactly like us, but they were all males as I could well see, since they were all butt-ass naked. I had absolutely no idea why. They seemed to be digging into a hillside or a cliff," Swann recalled.

Is it possible that Ingo Swann lived once as a slave working on the monumental structures of ancient times? Roman? The Byzantine cisterns? The possibilities are endless - and of course the slaves were all male and all naked - and.....

He could not comprehend what he was seeing, but Swann knew one thing for certain - whoever was in charge up there was not friendly to us and had warned us off the Moon!

The slave drivers were for sure not friendly. But why the Moon? Why did his consciousness identify what he saw as the Moon? Because he did so identify does not mean it was so.

Why is a population that no longer accepts the mere idea of 'paranormal' skills so quick to believe the first 'remote viewing' success - if it was that?

Now before we rush to conclude that Ingo may have played fast and freely with the truth in his account, understand that he was an integral part of one of the most sensitive and classified government scientific programs of the past 30 years.

This is not impressive. Anyone who has been in sniffing distance of 'classified government scientific programs' knows the BS, ineptitude and waste that goes on.

Ingo Swann may have "played fast and freely with the truth in his account" because he had very little - if any - training in the uses of what appears to have been a natural skill-set - but more pertinent, he had not undergone any significant training preparatory to using his natural skills.

Everyone involved, including Swann, was subjected to the most strenuous mental and psychological testing.

He was tested by a discipline that thought at the time - and still thinks - that 'visions' are hallucinations - unreal manufacturings of the mind. Those subjecting him to "the most strenuous mental and psychological testing" were primitives when it came to understanding the nuances of the mind, of the subtle senses and the nature of reality.

The CIA, Army, and DIA continually funded the top-secret remote viewing program for more than a quarter of a century, through five separate administrations, both Democratic and Republican.

And this should - what? Make us feel confident? Ignorance is ignorance.

Furthermore, the Army and DIA used military-trained remote viewers in operational missions to spy on the Soviets and others.

50/50 success rate I am sure - with also unintended consequences, which no one is discussing. Noise-to-signal ratio must have been daunting.

Remote viewing, when applied by trained practitioners using tested methodologies, must not be discredited.

How "trained practitioners"? What "tested methodologies"? I'm going to hazard a guess that most of the 'successful' remote viewers went insane, if they weren't already a bit mentally unsteady. JMO.

I have read some of the literature coming out of SRI and it is scary how little they understood what they were playing with. However, the early 70's at Stanford would have been influenced by the Human Potential Movement coming out of Esalen at Big Sur. There was a lot floating around then, not the least being the LSD and John Lilly work, Oscar Ichazo and the Arica Institute - the list is long and not yet catalogued. Not sure that social history has been credibly written yet. Many of the pioneers really did die young.

Then there’s the matter of Swann’s feedback, a small gesture on the part of the secret government agency to let him know his viewing was on the right track.

I don't for a moment believe that a "secret government agency [...] let him know his viewing was on the right track" - since there is nothing of the kind on the dark side of the moon. We have taken pictures of the dark side - LINK: Photo Shows Far Side of Moon Like Never Before| NASA & Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter | The Moon & Solar System, NASA Moon Missions

His feedback was to open a Pandora’s Box regarding UFOs and alien activity on the Moon.”

Fed a lot of fantastical ideas, I think.

Since 1970, Ingo Swann has worked with over 38 cutting-edge researchers in the fields of Parapsychology and cognitive perception, with an additional 14 projects governed by non-disclosure agreements.

Bogus right there - or red flag at the least.
I think he was extraordinarily gifted in psychic abilities, very intelligent, rigorously honest, and personally very charming. I've gathered most of my impression of him from what he's written and what those who've worked with him have written about him, and also from lectures/presentations available on the net in videos.
I trust what you say. I will look him up on YouTube. I look forward to it given what you say. But sadly, intelligence, honesty and charm do not mean his interpretations of his visions were accurate.
I've read masses of his evolving manuscript Super Powers of the BioMind on his website, which I encourage everyone to read.
I will.
He never worked as a medium to my knowledge
That's a shame actually - imo. It's in such 'close contact' situations that one learns and refines one's skill set.
(and not doing so seems consistent with his own need for privacy and respect for the privacy of others).
Laudable, except that we are always in a state of psychic connection. It's equivalent saying to a sighted person to 'not see' the mountain when their eyes are looking directly at the mountain.
He also could not work long as a psychic in service to police departments because he was unable to sustain the knowledge of the physical violence and suffering involved in many criminal cases.
He did this work? If he was genuinely successful in 'remote viewing' in this regard it would seem to be a necessary service. If he was not successful, his inability would have been at once made obvious. It's interesting how you state that "he was unable to sustain the knowledge of the physical violence and suffering involved" in the criminal cases. That could have been his rationale for not doing the work when in fact he was not successful in the work. More than most such paranormal experiences are fraught with misleading information. He would have had to have learned to filter - as he may not have done when he viewed the moon.
He was a very gentle and enlightened man, one of the rare people described by Henry James as 'one on whom nothing is missed'.
I look forward to getting to 'know' him.
I'm googling Ingo Swann and doing some quick reading - not all links are the best, I'm sure, but this one caught my eye because of the bolded text: "Penetration" by Ingo Swann. The Truth about the moon.

TEXT: "He claims he was taken underground and offered a job to assist in remote viewing some locations, not knowing it would be the moon. He was offered a thousand dollars a day. He claims he remote viewed several areas on the moon and witnessed what could only be described as extraterrestrial development. He says the government at the time, following several Apollo missions, was concerned and confused about what exactly what occurring on the moon. The government was concerned enough to enlist the help of "psychics" so to speak. Their fear was that the psychics the Russians were using would acquire important information about the extraterrestrials before the United States did. Both superpowers in the world had stopped going to the moon suddenly with no explanation. The expensive, highly premeditated, persistent plans of both nations to build complex moon bases were suddenly abandoned and instead focus was shifted to the two countries cooperating and building a international base satellite in the outer atmosphere. Why? Because they had gone to the moon and were told to leave and stay away, by extraterrestrials. Apparently all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed by Extraterrestrial craft, and numerous astronauts are noted for stating such observations."

Well, that was my question that started this thread. However, I think there is a slight conflating of the time-line. Both super powers did pull back from the moon but it's a question how close Russia ever was to getting there. The space stations were pretty separate until after the Soviet Union collapse. Cooperation between the two countries started taking place in the 90's, I think, until we decamped to the Russian station altogether.

Does anyone have any idea how this communication occurred with the 'extraterrestrials'? English? Russian? What was the mechanism? Telepathy?
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One of the comments: "If there was extraterrestrial development on the moon you couldn't prevent other countries from checking it out. There would have been intel leaks and a gold rush fever to send satellites there. Every country that could do it would have, but they didn't, so that tells me there's no ET base on the moon."

There's logic to this. That China is looking into going says to me there is nothing there but 'land' to grab and resources and the vision to go.

Still wondering why Obama is mentioning going to Mars - from which no one can return - instead of the Moon. I'd ask that question in a press conference!

LINK: Six Reasons NASA Should Build a Research Base on the Moon

Text: "December 20, 2013: China's Jade Rabbit moon rover made history, and tracks, when it wheeled across the moon's gray surface on Sunday. The rover and its lander, the Chang'e 3, are the first spacecraft to soft-land on the lunar surface since 1976. Together they've made China the third nation ever to achieve a soft landing on the moon. (See also: "Watch HD Footage of China's Historic Moon Rover Landing.")
America largely lost interest in walking on the moon after the Apollo program ended in the 1970s. But the situation is changing, says Christopher McKay, a planetary scientist with NASA. "Things are starting to really heat up in terms of exploration of the moon."

In the December issue of New Space, McKay argues that America should set up a permanent manned research base on the moon. Here's why:

1. Maintaining U.S. influence
2. Paving the way for other applications

3. Learning more about the moon
4. Assessing the health impacts of living in space
5. Learning how to build and operate an extraterrestrial base
6. Becoming an interplanetary species

NASA's current lunar program consists of three orbiters that are searching for water ice, studying solar wind, and analyzing the moon's tenuous atmosphere. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is seeking out potential landing sites for future manned missions, but at the moment, no such mission is planned. To date, money has been the biggest obstacle to manned moon missions. McKay says that working with private companies, utilizing innovations such as 3-D printing, and taking advantage of off-the-shelf electronics could make a moon base affordable. "It's not that much harder than supplying and operating the space station," he says. Hertzfeld added, "If we're going to have human spaceflight, the moon makes the most sense for now."

BTW - IMO 3-D printing is one of the most amazing pieces of technology to come along in a long time. (I see it as being used to handle garbage like the Pacific Gyre - the possibilities are truly exciting).
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FWIW: Valle was apparently privy to and maybe part of early work at SRI. He seems an admirer of Swann and believer in the notion that he was a uniquely gifted individual. However, I think Vallee is also on record as extremely skeptical regarding Swann's rendition of a populated moon.
FWIW: Valle was apparently privy to and maybe part of early work at SRI. He seems an admirer of Swann and believer in the notion that he was a uniquely gifted individual. However, I think Vallee is also on record as extremely skeptical regarding Swann's rendition of a populated moon.

Yes, there is something that doesn't quite 'add up'.

Here is a link to comments on Swann's 'Penetration' - I have to ask was Swann's 'feedback' on his remote viewing of the Moon in the guise of the George Leonard book as this comment indicates? If so, this is a house-of-cards. Ideas implanted - cross- seeding. Bolding is mine.

LINK: Moon 1975 : Ingo Swann's Remote View on Moon's Farside and The Feedback he received., page 1

Text: "Moon 1975 : Ingo Swann's Remote View on Moon's Farside and The Feedback he received
Posted July 2013: I was reading Ingo's PENETRATION again and still got confused on its truthfullness and its absurdities.. One time it sounds legit and the other times its laughably bad.

Anyone here already connect the dots on Ingo swann's book PENETRATION regarding his secret task to remote view moon's farside (by some unknown agency) and his feedback in a form of a book by George Leonard (Someone Else On The Moon) ? and on his take of certain biological non-human that living among humans ?

Regarding the Moon Remote View feedback , looking at the George Leonard's book and the photo presented in the book, my opinion is that his conclusion are a bit too imaginative ASSUMING thats all the photographic data he scrutinized. If he arrived to his conclusion based on unpublished farside/darkside moon landscape then its another matter. If this 'axelrod' guy really send this book to Ingo as a feedback, then the content of that book is way too speculative and not the ones that Ingo RV'ed.

My opinion on Ingo Swann is that he is telling the truth (mostly) on his life + job , but due to some reason he combines fiction with reality in his 'PENETRATION' book.

Some oddities on Ingo Swann's Penetration's book :
- Ingo's remote viewing the moon, might it be clouded/influeced by other people's thinking ? I mean remote viewing can also gets diluted by public perceptions just like that remote viewer who mistakes fictional Santa Claus as a terrorist flying in the north regions. So his moon remote viewing results are all fiction ?
- For some reason this 'axelrod' guy said to Ingo to keep their meetings secret for 10 years. Why 10 years ? after all there are not a single written contract between ingo and this guy. Is this how intelligence works ?
- The Alien female incident, where the 'twins' operatives said they are shadowing. I got a feeling these 'operatives' are really the ones that shadow Ingo , and the fear reaction from Ingo is from these guys and not from the females. Once these guys are seen by Ingo they seem to pretend that they are following the female and not Ingo.
- Ingo's conversation with his friends , the 2 females that have great knowledge on goverment conspiracies. These 2 ladies also corroborate Ingo's fears that there already exist non-humans among us and they are dangerous.

One other interesting tidbits from these, Ingo Swan said he was tasked to RV moon in 1975. He was RV-ing some kind of life form (humanoid) that can sense his 'presence'. Suddenly the operation (the whole ops) was terminated and everybody go home. When Ingo asked if these guys are dangerous, his handler said 'there's no conclusive evidence'. But its also said in the book that the agency also recruited other people to RV moon before Ingo. And as I recall the best RV-er are Ingo and Pat Price. Pat Price died suddenly (and painfully) in 1975. This Pat Price guy is the one that was very interested in UFO and their bases. I dont know if his death have any correlation to Ingo's tasking. Did Pat Price also RV moon before Ingo ?

If the one who wrote this book is Bob Lazar or Lear or Dean or Greer I will just throw it out of my mind, but since its Ingo i have a feeling there is a bit of truth in this book, just don't know which one is truth and which one is deception. W
hat do you think on Ingo Swan ?"
I've gone into Amazon and this is the negative review of 'Penetration' : "Not Believable. Short review: I personally believe in the very real possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence, moon bases, secret government groups, remote viewing etc. But there is far more credible evidence out there. I do not doubt that Ingo Swann is an achieved remote viewer, but I also heard him state once that he "always wanted to write a best seller." I think this book is his attempt. It reads completely like fiction to me, with too many unrealistic, convenient coincidences and bond-style quirks and personas to come off as credible. That's my first impression."

Comment #1: "If I had to guess, I would say this book is embellished the same way that Kerouac or Hunter Thompson writes. I know that Ingo Swann is legit, but I think he took some very real, unbelievable experiences, and spruced them up with what drips (to me) with unrealistic action scenes. My main criticism with this book it will NOT convince a skeptic, it will only reinforce someone who already has a desire to believe. If you are looking for real evidence, look elsewhere, it IS out there."

Comment #2: "Ingo Swann did write a fiction book along these lines, "Starfire." And it was explicitly fiction. He never said (as far as I know) that "Penetration" was fiction."

I'm reading enough - and watched him speak enough at this point - to have my original sense that something wasn't adding up still exist. That initial impression has not been dispelled. Many red flags - particularly the secrecy. As someone mentions, the Axelrod character sounds bogus - and I suspect from the little I know that Axelrod may be a devise Swann developed in order to have a rationale for the information in George Leonard's book to come to him.

George Leonard's "Somebody Else Is On The Moon" seems the genuine seminal work, I think. Interesting times back then.

P.S. In saying Leonard's book is seminal is not saying I endorse his hunches or see what he is seeing. I am saying only that he seems to be the beginning if this kind of thinking in a formal way 'in public'. Ingo Swann came after him.
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Besides future mining for Helium-3, which I imagine would be extremely expensive and no easy task, what's the point of having a hugely expensive base on the moon?

Assuming that mining is viable, there are other problems of a political nature. Who has the right to exploit the moon? The US? China? Private businesses? If so, where should these private businesses be taxed for harvesting a ressource that they don't own? Is it possible, that we could basically supply half of the US population with wind/solar energy with the same amount of money that mining Helium-3 (and not least, bringing it back home safely, in serious quantities) would cost? I don't know, but I'm sure those are very real issues that need be assessed properly, before spending huge amounts of money on it.

We already have moon-rocks to study, and even amateur telescopes are strong enough to observe details on the surface for geological investigations.

I just don't see the point. I honestly think the money would be better spent on more forward looking space missions, or on better public education or health care, and not least, a cleaner energy infrastructure. Building a base would certainly not be 'clean', space tech needs to a lot of rare metals.

Furthermore, it would just be refreshing sometimes, to not have to go through the alien moon base stories every single time the moon is a topic. It's as if UFO people think they NASA should be 'challenged' to confront the supposed aliens. Buy a friggin telescope and snap a picture when the spacecraft are in the scope, or give it a rest. I don't think it's reasonable to demand a massive investment, basically just to see if NASA 'dare' because a remote viewer 'saw' a base on the moon. Remote viewers see all sorts of things, to me it's not reason enough to invest billions that could be better spent caring on the people, or on clean energy that works now.
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It would be self fueling jimi, so cheap after initial outlay, and automated, well seems to me it would, mining i mean, no need for base's either, as you are already mining them, where better to live on the moon than under it..

As for ownership/rights, first come first served
It would be self fueling jimi, so cheap after initial outlay, and automated, well seems to me it would, mining i mean, no need for base's either, as you are already mining them, where better to live on the moon than under it..

As for ownership/rights, first come first served
Fair enough, fully automated, then there's not money wasted on building a base too.

If the playing field was level, I guess the wild west way of staking a claim is one possible method. But the playing field is never level, only laissez-faire economists pretend that it is. And who has the authority to make that decision? Do those who cannot afford such operations not deserve a share of common ressources?
I don't want our path into space to start with the creation of a new space oligarchy. So, if it came up for a vote, I'd vote No. And others don't have the authority to decide for me, if I wasn't heard. Natural ressources are a common interest. Which leads me to thinking that perhaps the U.N. would be the best caretaker?