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Why people care about UFO's

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Skilled Investigator
I am trying to figure out why this is still a topic, some ideas to explain this anomaly are:

1) New people, that come across the scene and are interested in hearing about the old stories which are new to them. (my vote)

2) Old scene people that just like to re-hash the same things till the end of time

3) People with short term memory loss that think each new UFO sighting, with the same behaviors and no real explanation, is really,truly something "new"

I for one, think it's an AMAZINGLY boring, repetitive topic, but am truly interesting in finding out why so many think it's worth talking about, over and over again. :confused:
I'm curious what your interest in the Paracast is, if you aren't interested in ufos? The other topics they occasionally deal with?

UFOs beats talking about sports and the weather imo.
I for one, think it's an AMAZINGLY boring, repetitive topic, but am truly interesting in finding out why so many think it's worth talking about, over and over again. :confused:

You're right. We should all switch our discussions to football and movie reviews and our rich and interesting pop culture. Why would people discuss something as trite as a massive incomprehensible mystery?
Well, I for one, am sick of hearing the same ufo cases over and over again, yet I understand they need to be re-told for people that may be hearing them for the first time....

I wish they'd release NEW stories, sightings, info!

It seems that new stories are always released YEARS later, it's frustrating!!
Makes it harder to find people, fact-find, etc, you know?

And it's 2009, we want RECENT (or even old, but previously un-released) stories, info, witnesses, etc!!
I am trying to figure out why this is still a topic, some ideas to explain this anomaly are:
I for one, think it's an AMAZINGLY boring, repetitive topic, but am truly interesting in finding out why so many think it's worth talking about, over and over again. :confused:

Maybe because there is something unexplained going on, hence the term "unidentified" flying object?

give people a mystery and at least one of them is going to try to figure it out.

So far, nobody has figured it out, and until it has been done, people will continue to work on it.

ie, Fermat's theorem. supposedly unsolvable, yet recently solved. Several centuries worth of mathematical geniuses and not-geniuses taking a crack at it, finally one dedicated fellow getting it done.
I for one, think it's an AMAZINGLY boring, repetitive topic, but am truly interesting in finding out why so many think it's worth talking about, over and over again. :confused:

Competition for boring: Seinfeld and 'Who wants to be a millionaire' reruns, replays of the last Steeler's catch in the Super Bowl, walking your dog around the same damn block AGAIN, yet another commute down the same highway to the same boring workplace doing the same repetitive task--for, like, 45 years, buying the White Album in yet another format, making the bed, buying the groceries, reading the same story to your kid for the 59th time--this week, or my favorite--

listening to some dumb ass teenager say they are bored and there's nothing to do.

Look, if you can't get with the program there are lots of cool interesting things you could do instead of post meaningless questions here. You could do drugs, set up a meth lab, visit a prostitute, become a terrorist, rob a bank, knock up your girlfriend, steal from your parents, join the Marines, pretend you know everything about a subject without having any knowledge in the field whatsoever, listen to the Paracast, buy some survivalist food, get stinking drunk and throw up, go watch Harry Potter, masturbate, masturbate the goat next door (or the Big Cow), light a fire, pretend global warming is real, buy guns and ammo before it is too late (P.S Hurry!), read all the Sue Grafton alphabet mysteries, swim the English Channel, etc. Take your pick.

Really, by all means follow your own interests. It's cool. But don't complain about others' interests. As far as I am concerned I think there are way too many people 'interested' in UFOs already and most of them should just shut the fuck up. The problem is they are unwilling to put in any time learning about the subject, are completely ignorant about the history of the field, have read maybe one book about UFOs in their entire lives, have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, couldn't tell Bentwaters from Cash-Landrum if their lives depended on it, but who are quite willing to offer up their ill-informed opinions on the subject on any forum around.

In fact, if I were God I would require a passing score on a 100 question test on UFOs before I allowed anyone to post on the subject. I would much rather carefully listen to a well-informed opinion I didn't happen to agree with than put up with the drivel that passes for commentary on these forums, though Paracast is better than any of them. Obviously, a few slip through.

So if you're bored with UFOs, by all means leave. Don't expect us to entertain you with justifcations for being interested, because I am not interested in convincing you of anything. Who gives a shit if you find the subject boring?

Just go away. We'll all be better for it.
I am trying to figure out why this is still a topic, some ideas to explain this anomaly are:
1) New people, that come across the scene and are interested in hearing about the old stories which are new to them. (my vote)

2) Old scene people that just like to re-hash the same things till the end of time

3) People with short term memory loss that think each new UFO sighting, with the same behaviors and no real explanation, is really,truly something "new"
I for one, think it's an AMAZINGLY boring, repetitive topic, but am truly interesting in finding out why so many think it's worth talking about, over and over again. :confused:

AMAZINGLY despite the boring and REPETITIVE data collected within this field there is tantalizing data that suggest there is SOMETHING MORE. You may feel this is a subject not worthy of further investigation, others do and I feel always will do (and who knows what they may stumble upon).

However if you feel that is of no interest then consider the prevalence and persistence of the alien image within society for the last 60 years (100, 200 etc) is that not of interest?

Why despite the hegemonic ideas within society do people still report these experience despite the deviant nature of these reports?

Why do 95% of people miss perceive ambiguous lights at night as E.T. ?

Is there a connection with the people turning away from 'traditional' politics/religion and the rise/fall of UFO reports?

Is there a link between geological activity and UFO reports?

Are abduction narratives universal within human society?

Do some extremely rare plasma phenomena trigger hallucinogenic episodes within human brains?

Can hypnagogia states account for most abductions/paranormal experiences?

Can hypnosis be used as reliable tool in recovering 'real' memory?

Is there a link between media reporting of UFO's and peoples perceptions of UFO's?

etc. etc I could go on for pages.

None of these ideas / hypotheses can account for all the phenomena experienced but surely they are an area of interests without even touching on a E.T.H. / exotic explanation (I'm neither discounting theses ideas nor endorsing them merely pointing out there is more to 'UFOs' than 'nuts and bolts' / 'exotic' explanations).

Despite the regurgitation of certain stories, there are a number of approaches to the UFO phenomenon each which may help us in gathering clues to the nature of subject (physical as well as social science).

So despite the parapsychology, UFOlogical, sociological ,psychological and historical, anthropological, philosophical, cultural, astronomical, exo biological, geological and physics interest why would people look at this subject?

I think the question is why there is not more people looking at the subject ,which is as far more an intriguing question, and one that I would not like to hazard a guess at despite my interest.
Its really not difficult.

Its a mystery. Its unknown. Associated potential implications are fascinating.

And thats just the people that HAVENT seen one. For the people that have seen something truly strange and anomalous in the sky... using Davids cigar sighting as an example... I would think that anyone who saw that would be suitably obsessed for life.

I know I would.
If you've seen a UFO, it changes your life a little.

If you've seen more than one, or you've had missing time, or evidence of abduction, it changes your life a LOT.

I've had some weird experiences and I will say that these experiences have changed my perspective on a great many things.
Associated potential implications are fascinating.
Thats just it. For some reason, many of us, including myself, are intensely intrigued by the question :Are we alone??

Some deeply embedded innate part of ourselves strains to know the answer. This is evident when peering into a self-engulfing black starry night. If UFO's represent some potential way to chip away at this enduring question, then that is the draw. If they don't, then UFO's are still interesting, but in cultural, psychological, perceptual, and societal ways.

A better question might be : What is the use of talking about UFO's? We don't seem to get anywhere. UFO's appear to be on their own time and nothing we do is going to convince them to come down and land in my driveway or at the White House. (Just don't tell Greer that) Either way I have the feeling that in 20 years I will be no closer to any truth about what is happening. So is it a waste of time?? Quite possibly.

But this is a very different question than why people care. They care because UFO's may be a component of transcendental nature. And it is linked to one of the biggest questions we can ponder.

And be advised I have never seen a UFO, but I can imagine the outrage at this question when you KNOW "they" exist and that, indeed, something very strange is going on.
Lately the burning question that has become more important than "are we alone?" (clearly the answer to that is no) is "what is the true history of this planet and its surrounding neighbours?" ...
I'll just throw in my ha'penny and see where it ends up :D:

(1) I've always been interested in space, astronomy, science-fiction and futurism (ie the future). To me, certainly when I was younger, the UFO phenomenon taps into all this. UFOs are futuristic, spacey ... and science-fictiony.

(2) I saw something strange when I was a kid still at Primary School. Turns out it was during the Welsh Triangle flap around 1977/78. I have still no idea what it was. I also vaguely knew people who had similar incidents happen to them.

(3) I keep coming across the odd thing or UFO event which IS new to ME. For example, I was listening to a podcast with Philip Imbrogno as guest talking about the Hudson Bay flap and his book, Night Siege. Well the interviewer asked him about a few things that didn't get into the book. One of these things was that at the local nuclear power plant, grey aliens were seen to walk through walls and test or extract something from the nuclear core in the plant. When finished they would go back through the walls and disappear.

Now that is something new to me ... is incredibly strange ... and in a way incredibly COOL!

(4) Now and again I come across a new angle on the whole mystery. Case in point being Dr Joseph P Farrell's books, and how they point towards how some of the UFOs (may) be Nazi in origin. He does this in an incredibly convincing way which is jaw dropping at occasions.

(5) The UFO thing can lead you (and has for me) into other areas of interest such as the make-up of this reality of ours, the reality of consciousness and other metaphysical and philosophical ideas. In a way, the UFO phenomenon is just the cherry on the top of a very large iceberg :D

(6) Sometimes there is an entertainment factor also. At the moment, I'm reading some stuff regarding the "Montauk Project". Wow ... totally bonkers ... and of course utterly unbelievable (ie total crap) , and frequent confusing :D. Maybe I'm a bit of a masochist at heart :eek:.

So there are a few reasons in a nutshell why I'm a bit interested in the whole UFO realm.

[Just had a thought. There is a British band called "The Fall". They're one of the greatest bands from the UK. They were the great British DJ and broadcaster, John Peel's favourite band. However, there is a John Peel quote which I think holds with the subject of UFOs as well, and that is:

"They are always different; they are always the same"]
It intrigues me. It is what I am into. It is a subject matter that I am personally deeply interested in. I don't care about who got voted off the island or what is happening on 24. (You want to make that show realistic, spend 2 hours of it in traffic.)

I don't get too caught up in sports...OK, that is a lie. I do get caught up in football, but hey its like a religion substitute for me. I guess I could spend every waking hour on facebook or myspace amassing cyberfriends or playing Wii or playstation (is that the hot one now?). But I don't. I'd rather research this topic.

But, I firmly believe that most people care about the subject because deep down we all have a built in B.S. detector and feel that the claims that there are nothing to it are wrong. Who knows, maybe this time some light will be shed.
because as Con Fus-us once said

Person who go to bed with itchy bottom.....wake up with smelly finger.......

cause and effect, its our nature to scratch an itch, especially the intelectual ones
Yeah, My life also changed regarding UFO information....starting from the age of 12 or so.....ever since, been fascinated by them and am waiting for the day REAL info and CONFIRMATION is released, ya know?
Some day I can share more info about my story, but for now I am gagged....

If you've seen a UFO, it changes your life a little.

If you've seen more than one, or you've had missing time, or evidence of abduction, it changes your life a LOT.

I've had some weird experiences and I will say that these experiences have changed my perspective on a great many things.
Yeah, My life also changed regarding UFO information....starting from the age of 12 or so.....ever since, been fascinated by them and am waiting for the day REAL info and CONFIRMATION is released, ya know?
Some day I can share more info about my story, but for now I am gagged....

Such a tease! C'mon!
Great feed back guys thanks! I do understand the passion behind this movement, I also understand the need in all of us to try and figure out a mystery.

I know I don't know everything, but I do believe I've read a good bit, starting with Charles Forts collected works, John Keel, Von Daniken, Sitchen etc. which are more main stream (not the crazy new age wackos) then moving onto what most people probably won't read, Vaile, Heiser etc. even read the Nazi works by Ferrel and his ilk.

I've looked at many of the possible angles from Insectoids, Lizard-like aliens from middle earth, Atlantis, alternate dimensions etc. etc. etc.

And ALL OF IT just seems like people trying to put meaning behind lights in the sky, or UNEXPLAINABLE phenomena.

Which is cool, the problem I have is simply this:

One explanation seems to be ALL THAT IS REPEATED OVER AND OVER, and I find that boring. Do Aliens from other planets visit this earth? ok cool theory, NEXT.

I think as a theory goes it is plausible, but doesn't fit all the data, so why is it the only one that keeps being discussed, harped on ad-nausea, where are the new theories!!!!

Why not spend hours reading and exploring the possibilities of Micheal Heiser's well researched arguments, or even the possibility and evidence of it being natural areal phenomena? Mass delusion etc.

This is never what's discussed, it's always "Hey this light in the sky was seen, and that means Alien's are doing... etc. etc."

Does anyone agree that UNIDENTIFIED doesn't mean ALIEN?
I understand exactly what you're saying.

How many times can someone hear the words "We don't know", or "It's Inconclusive", or watch anyone who discusses it scientifically be marginalized?

For every ONE legitimate case, there's a hundred Billy Meier, or Jeff Peckman types out there hocking their bullshit. How many frauds must we have to listen to, before one honest voice comes out, and says what they know?

I enjoy talking to people about what I've seen, and experienced. I enjoy hearing what others have seen, and experienced. Not because I want some validation, but for the simple fact that if you're the only one who experiences something weird, it could all be your perception of things, and not be truly real.

You can see a light in the sky, and if you know what you're looking at, can say without much doubt what it is. I've seen Venus at night. I've seen Mars at night. I've also seen a big bright light in the sky that I KNEW wasn't a planet. It made the papers.

There have been other instances where I've seen things in the sky and could not explain them away. Discussing these things is fun, but there does come a time when talking gets pretty boring, especially if NOBODY seems to know anything more than you do.

The majority of Americans, and people in general couldn't be bothered with UFO's. If you say you saw one once, people immediately think you're a kook. They think it, because they've been trained to think it. Anyone who sees something weird, is a weirdo.

Anyone who has seen a ghost, also gets the same kind of treatment.

There are so many people who would lose their power over humanity if it were to be told that we are not alone, and never have been. What we live for, would change almost overnight, if we were to be told that we are not alone.

Which would be the end to all the bullshit, all the wars, and all the lies that we've been told for the last 10,000 years.
I think as a theory goes it is plausible, but doesn't fit all the data, so why is it the only one that keeps being discussed, harped on ad-nausea, where are the new theories!!!!

This is never what's discussed, it's always "Hey this light in the sky was seen, and that means Alien's are doing... etc. etc."

Does anyone agree that UNIDENTIFIED doesn't mean ALIEN?

Huh? I think you just set up a false straw-man argument so you could knock it down. Lots of theories are discussed constantly both here and elsewhere, but especially here. One wonders what you have been reading to give you that impression. We've had many spirited discussions here about inter-dimensional theories, for example. mike has had an interesting time travel/technology thread going these last couple of weeks. there are all kinds of ideas floating around. If you listen to the Paracast, your last sentence is uttered nearly every show by David, and I think most everyone paying attention agrees that UFOs {do not equal} aliens. Believe it or not, most people here are well aware of the paradoxes, contradicions, and problems with the Alien Hypothesis and many here could discuss them quickly and easily.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that few people interested in the subject believe the 'Alien Hypothesis' exclusively. (Well, maybe Stanton Friedman, but we can safely give him a pass. He's even older than me.) I would give the edge in popularity to the Inter-dimensional Hypothesis, myself, though it isn't often articulated well. Rather than 'never discussed,' I say it is 'always discussed.' Just look at the posts on this board. The statistics here don't back up your claims.

But saying 'UFOs aren't aliens' is a far cry from saying 'this is all boring.' If you have some theories or ideas you'd like to bring up here, my guess is you will find a receptive audience anxious to discuss them. Rather than complain how boring it all is, start a thread. Let's see what you've got.