Skilled Investigator
I don't think you can take man out of science, or science out of man. Even if a computer ran the data, it is through a program developed by man.
A person could argue, that man is a construct of his environment, of nature and therefore, is innately connected to the universal truth. So what's the difference between "man-made" and "natural" I think these arguments become philosophical and semantical, depending on your "reality-tunnel."
Mathematics is another language, and just like all languages, skews the understandings of the people who speak them. It can offer insight to understanding how things work, it is a more "pure" language then say.. english. And it often does lead people to discoveries. I was speaking to someone on arrays, his wife was doing research into arrays within arrays within arrays, and I had a brilliant flash of insight into the 4th dimension, that I could only get through abstract understanding. Without having even a superficial understanding of arrays, i wouldn't have developed that insight. But mathmatics isn't a "spiritual" language, it is not a visual language, you can't get in a philosophical debate, you can't express your feelings or humanity with it.. you can't capture a "beautiful moment" mathematically. It has it's limitations.
Science is A tool for understanding the universe.. but the community is rigid, and I think because the language is so strict (and it has to be) that it tends to make scientist myopic. The best ones are the ones who can be creative.. and creativity doesn't work well when you are myopic.
Angelo..apples rock.. for now.. .
---------- Post added at 07:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 AM ----------
Science is our best tool (currently) for understanding the laws of our universe, I think people balk because so many scientist deny someone their reality. And statics OMG..
I've heard scientist say.. when wearing their science hats, really stupid things.
But when they take their hat off.. they can say.. well.. I believe xy&z, even though I have no proof but my scientific training says I have no reason for that belief. So the limitations of the lens skews the viewpoint.
And if you understand it has pretty substantial limitations, then it is like a child understanding that their parent isn't god after all.
A person could argue, that man is a construct of his environment, of nature and therefore, is innately connected to the universal truth. So what's the difference between "man-made" and "natural" I think these arguments become philosophical and semantical, depending on your "reality-tunnel."
Mathematics is another language, and just like all languages, skews the understandings of the people who speak them. It can offer insight to understanding how things work, it is a more "pure" language then say.. english. And it often does lead people to discoveries. I was speaking to someone on arrays, his wife was doing research into arrays within arrays within arrays, and I had a brilliant flash of insight into the 4th dimension, that I could only get through abstract understanding. Without having even a superficial understanding of arrays, i wouldn't have developed that insight. But mathmatics isn't a "spiritual" language, it is not a visual language, you can't get in a philosophical debate, you can't express your feelings or humanity with it.. you can't capture a "beautiful moment" mathematically. It has it's limitations.
Science is A tool for understanding the universe.. but the community is rigid, and I think because the language is so strict (and it has to be) that it tends to make scientist myopic. The best ones are the ones who can be creative.. and creativity doesn't work well when you are myopic.
Angelo..apples rock.. for now.. .
---------- Post added at 07:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:52 AM ----------
Totally agree!Science is about acquiring reliable knowledge.
Conversations tend to be fluid, but i think the point is man corrupts science. And you can't separate the two... but that is a philosophical debate I'm not sure I'm interested in.]I thought the conversation is about the superiority of science as a means for understanding the world and constructing reliable world-views not its affect on the individual human's behavior involved in it.
I'm sure there is a reason why Jewish tradition has stringent rules on food (pork & parasites). Plant medicine, meditation, yoga, chakra medicine, placebo, and shamanism was around long before "science". I think people had developed other ways of understanding that might have been dumbed down. Just wild speculation.To my limited knowledge neither religious faith, revealed knowledge, nor superstition has produced a single vaccine, power source, or life saving device.
Totally Awesome!Alternately through the application of the scientific method humanity has cured numerous diseases, saved countless lives, and relieved untold human suffering through the science of medicine and engineering,
Science is our best tool (currently) for understanding the laws of our universe, I think people balk because so many scientist deny someone their reality. And statics OMG..
I've heard scientist say.. when wearing their science hats, really stupid things.
But when they take their hat off.. they can say.. well.. I believe xy&z, even though I have no proof but my scientific training says I have no reason for that belief. So the limitations of the lens skews the viewpoint.
And if you understand it has pretty substantial limitations, then it is like a child understanding that their parent isn't god after all.